Page 41 of Fallen Stars
“Or never,” I mutter, stepping away from him.
The group sparks up generic conversation about things that don’t hold my interest. As my father gloats about himself and what he’s done to improve Stone Bay, an uneasy sensation sparks to life in my chest. Seeing as my attention isn’t focused onthe group chatter, it isn’t anything they’ve said that has me ill at ease. No, this feeling is… different. As though I’m being watched.
I scan the group and find no one looking my way. So I widen my search. Visually roam the bustling crowd. Flit from one person to the next and search for anyone with eyes on us. One face after another, I come up empty.
A hand on my forearm startles me and I catch the last of Angel’s words. “…leave these two be and let them have the day together.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Abigail kisses Angel on the cheek, then her dad, Ray Jr. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
The families disperse and we are left alone. Abigail inches closer to me, but I skirt away from her and maintain a comfortable distance.
“Sorry,” she mutters. “Just trying to keep up appearances.”
“Whatever.” The word comes out a little cold. I take a deep breath and try to dial down my inner asshole. “This was my idea, I know. But I’m not comfortable with touching. At all.”
She pulls her phone out of her pocket and drops her attention to the screen. “They think we’re a couple, Levi. Couples touch each other.”
Although she has a point, my counterpoint is better. “True. People thatwantto be in a relationship do touch each other.”
A soft hum dances over my skin and I scan the crowd once more, looking for Oliver.
“But we were forced into this,” I continue. “Fake dating was a solution to shut our families up. This, our fake relationship, is all for show. Remember?” I glance at her out of the corner of my eye. “You have a boyfriend. And I have… my own life.”
“Yes.” A smile brightens her expression. “I know this is fake. I know I have a boyfriend.” She scans the crowd. “But shouldn’t we be a little more convincing around our families?”
“No.” I widen and cut that invisible line separating us deeper. “Not all couples do PDA. Considering neither of us wanted this for years, it wouldn’t be weird for us not to touch.”
“Fine,” she huffs out as a man in khaki shorts and a navy button-down approaches. In a blink, her entire mood shifts. At the sight of him, Abigail comes to life.
“Hey, baby.” He steps into her, wraps his arms around her waist, and hoists her off the ground. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”
Abigail giggles as he peppers her neck with kisses. “Put me down.” She playfully slaps his shoulder but has a look that begs him to never let go.
When her feet finally hit the ground, he hooks an arm around her shoulders and tugs her into his side. “Hey, man.” He extends his free hand. “You must be Levi. I’m Desmond.”
Strange as this is, I take his hand. “Nice to put a face to the name.”
“Same.” He presses his lips to her hair, kissing her often. As if he will never have his fill. “Thanks for doing this for her.” He waves a hand around. “The fake boyfriend thing.”
“It’s not weird to you?”
He glances down at Abigail at the same time she looks up at him. “At first, yeah.” His gaze returns to mine. “But after hours of explaining it, I get it. Quid pro quo.” He shrugs. “Abi’s still mine and her parents aren’t on her ass every day to marry some rich guy she barely knows.”
Guess that’s a good way to look at it.
Desmond changes the direction of the conversation and asks questions to get to know me. I do the same in return. And the more we chat, the more I like him. A nurse at the retirement home, he’s quite passionate about caring for others, especially the elderly. Overall, he’s a pretty chill guy. Likable. Kind.
The hum from earlier is back and stronger than before. I scan the crowd and, after a moment, spot Oliver. Our eyes meet andthe low hum morphs into this endless rush. I can’t help but smile as I wave him over.
Oliver sidles up to me, a bright, toothy smile on his handsome face. “Been looking for you. You just get here?”
“Half hour or so ago.” My hand twitches at my side, desperate to touch him. So I shove it in my pocket. “Ollie, this is Abi and her boyfriend, Desmond.”
They exchange hugs and handshakes. Desmond studies Oliver a moment, his brows pinching together. My stomach knots the longer he looks, as if he’s trying to puzzle him out. Maybe who Oliver is to me.
“You the drummer in Hailey’s Fire?”