Page 67 of Fallen Stars
He guides the car around the last of the trees.
“And then I’ll tell them about us.”
“You have it all worked out, don’t you?”
His sunglasses-covered gaze warms my profile. I turn to take in the sight of him and melt when his lips turn up at the corners.
Fuck, I love it when he smiles.
“Not everything, but enough to let them know the truth about me and us.”
Earlier, I would have thought it’d be impossible to love Levi more. But he continues to prove otherwise.
“What the hell?”
At his bewilderment, I glance toward the house and see an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. “Who is that?”
Levi whips around the vehicle and parks in front of it. He cuts the engine, rests his head against the seat, and sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Calhoun,” he says after a moment.
My eyes widen as I peer over my shoulder at the vehicle. “As in Abigail or her parents?”
“It’s not Abi’s car.” He brings my hand to his lips. “But I assume whoever’s here… they’re talking about her and me and the breakup.” He audibly exhales. “Fuck.”
“Maybe we should wait.”
“No.” He releases my hand to cup my cheek. “I don’t care why they’re here.” Levi leans into me and presses a tender kiss to my lips. “I’m telling them.” He drops his forehead to mine and steals my breath with his penetrating gaze. “You and me”—his thumb strokes my cheek—“that’sallI care about.”
Silence drags on for timeless minutes. If we could stay in our bliss bubble forever, I’d die happy.
Unfortunately, our bliss bubble will have to wait.
Levi inches back and exits the car. When he meets me on the passenger side, he takes my hand, gives it a gentle, reassuring squeeze, then leads us to the door.
Each step forward thrills and terrifies me in equal measure. The fantasy I’ve harbored for years has become a reality. I onlyhope his family accepts this newly revealed side of him with open arms.
Pushing open the front door, Levi leads us into the grand foyer. I take in the entrance of the main West house with fresh eyes. The last time I walked through these doors was in high school. Not much has changed since then, yet it feels much different. Less of a home and more of a display.
Light chatter meets my ears a moment before Levi’s mom enters the room and greets us with a bright smile.
“There you are, darling. I started to worry.” She lifts her hands to clasp his shoulders before pulling him into a tight hug. “Such wonderful news,” she mutters, then takes a step back. Her eyes meet mine briefly. “What a good friend you are, Oliver. Here to support Levi.”
My brows knit together in confusion.What is she talking about?
I glance at Levi and see he is equally perplexed by her comment.
Before either of us can ask what she means, she spins on her heel and returns to whatever room she came from. With hesitant steps, we cross the foyer and enter the sitting room.
On a couch with their backs to us, the Calhouns sit poised as they chat with Levi’s father opposite them. A boisterous energy floats through the room. Something about it sets my teeth on edge.
“Here he is,” Mrs. West announces as we enter the space. “Our handsome Levi.”
Levi’s mom has always been nice—at least in the presence of others—but her excitement seems a bit much considering the circumstances. Breakups aren’t joyous occasions, especially in this household.
Abigail peers over her shoulder with a brilliant smile on her face. It falters when she sees me, but not for long.
“Mom, what’s going on?”