Page 86 of Fallen Stars
Snapping the lid on, Mama puts the container in a bag, adds a napkin and utensils then ties the cloth handles once. “I don’t expect you to eat it all”—she hands me the bag—“but I wanted you to have options.”
I take the bag, step into her, wrap her in my arms, inhale her familiar and comforting scent, and press a kiss to her cheek as I release her. “Thank you, Mama. Volim te.”I love you.
“Volim te više, dušo.”
Crossing the room, I hug Papa goodbye and promise to check in when I reach TWSIS—something new we have implemented since Levi’s abduction. If checking in gives us a glimmer of peace, it’s worth the simple text message.
Wind ruffles my hair as I drive through town. The summer sun beats down on me through the windshield and warms my skin. Townsfolk stroll leisurely down the sidewalk, some with children enjoying summer vacation. Smiles and laughter surround me as I pause at a stop sign and wait for pedestrians to cross the street.
I don’t return a single smile. Nor do I wave or say hello. Their joy is incomprehensible.
All I feel is numb. Alone. Crestfallen.
Until Levi is back in my arms, happiness is an illusion.
Parking in the small lot at TWSIS, I exit the car, grab the food bag, and follow the same path I have for weeks. As I wind my way through the office, employees glance up, pause, then give me the same woeful smile they have every single day. I do my best to not look at their pitiful gazes.
“Anything new?” I ask as I enter Levi’s office and close the door.
Tymber pushes back in the chair and rolls away from Levi’s desk. He runs his hand through his hair and exhales an audible sigh. “These fuckers are cryptic as hell.”
I set the bag on an empty chair. “Probably how they’ve stayed hidden for so long.”
“Some conversations can be read at face value.” He reaches for one of several lidded cups on the desk and takes a long pull of caffeine. “But other chats, they talk in fucking riddles.” He slams the cup down. “And because Levi’s too brilliant for his own good, he deciphered the riddles. Just wish he would’ve jotted his findings somewhere.” Resting his elbows on his knees, he drops his head in his hands. “Or told me more of what he figured out.”
Moving to the table covered in files and photos, I stare down at the sea of faces and pray we find not only Levi but all of them too. Some of these kids have been missing more than six months. Their loved ones must be thoroughly devastated at the lack of news or progress. Well, there was momentum while Levi worked the case. But like Tymber said, Levi didn’t leave detailed notes on all his discoveries.
That one thing frustrates me daily as we work tirelessly to learn what he found out. But my exasperation fizzles out before it has the chance to stick.
Tymber returns to his task on Levi’s computer. We work in amiable silence as we continue our search for answers.
As I press a new pin into the map and note on the list who it relates to, an idea sparks.
“We need a fresh perspective.” I turn to face Tymber and he pauses his task. “Someone who will look at this without bias or former knowledge of the situation. Someone who thinks differently than me, you or Travis.”
Tymber spins in the chair and crosses his arms over his chest. “Sounds like you have someone in mind.”
I nod.
“Are they trustworthy?”
“Phoebe Graves.”
“The Gazette reporter?” A muscle in his jaw tics. “You sure about her?”
“A year ago, I would’ve said absolutely not.”
The recent murders in Stone Bay and Phoebe’s ruthless determination to find answers flicker to life in my memory. At any time during the case, she could’ve written headlining stories for the paper and turned the town upside down. As she and Delilah looked for clues to bring the killer to justice, Travis asked for discretion. Phoebe held up her end of the bargain and waited until after the trial to publish an article that was tamer than many of us expected.
Does Phoebe enjoy keeping a tight lid on stories? Absolutely not. Will she be circumspect and maintain confidentiality while we work? Without a doubt, yes.
“But I’d trust her with my life now.”
A low hum fills the room as Tymber mulls over my response. Tipping his head back, he closes his eyes and drags his hands over his face. When he levels me with his gaze, resolution fills his eyes.