Page 120 of Stolen Dreams
Ray’s eyes flare, the corners of his mouth tugging up the slightest bit. “Tucker and I would love to join your family for dinner, wouldn’t we, bud?”
“Mm-hmm,” he mumbles around the food in his mouth, his head bobbing.
My stomach flips and churns. “Great,” I say with zero enthusiasm.
Thunderous laughter fills the room as Ray shakes his head. “What’s the matter, Fire Eyes? You look a little pale.”
My lips flatten into a straight line. “Shush, you.” I turn my attention back to my phone and type.
We’re good. Taking it one day at a time. We’ll see everyone on Sunday.
I stare at thedeliveredstatus below my message for far too long. By the time I look up, Tucker is no longer at the table, his plate taken to the sink. Ray studies every inch of my face while he masks his own emotions.
“Why are you worried?” he finally asks.
Setting my phone down, I reach for his hand and take it when he meets me halfway. I let the rough yet gentle brush of his calloused fingers on my skin soothe me as I fumble over my thoughts.
“I’m not worried.”
His brows shoot up, his eyes wide. A silent“Really?”heavy in the air between us.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, then meet his apprehensive gaze on the exhale. Strengthening my grip on him, I lean across the table, duck my head, and kiss the back of his hand. “Promise.” I kiss his knuckles. “I’m not worried.”
The wood legs of his chair protest as he scoots closer. “Then what is it?” His knee bumps mine under the table. A second later, his other hand is on my thigh.
The answer repeats in my head and sounds childish. But my heart knows Ray will empathize. After all, his family spent more than a decade playing matchmaker for his sister with one of the Seven.
“I’ve never introduced anyone to my family,” I confess in a rush. “Let alone two people.”
The corners of his eyes soften as his mouth curves into a compassionate smile. “Me either. Well, except for you. But that wasn’t planned.”
My eyes widen in shock as I lower my voice. “Your parents didn’t meet Brianna?”
He shakes his head. “We started dating shortly before I graduated culinary school—if you call getting drunk and hanging out often dating.” He winces. “Things weren’t serious until she was pregnant. Even then, it was touch and go.”
“They never met after Tucker was born?”
Lips pursed, he shakes his head again. “When they visited, Brianna made excuses to leave. It was… uncomfortable.”
“Makes me a little less queasy about bringing you to Sunday dinner,” I say and laugh without humor.
“If it makes you uneasy, we don’t have to go.”
I’d be a fool to miss the disappointment in his voice. “No.” I squeeze his hand. “Iwantyou to meet them. It’s just…”
When I don’t continue, Ray cups my cheek. “Just what, Fire Eyes?”
I wince. “My family is much larger than yours. And they’ll probably ask… embarrassing questions.”
Ray lifts his other hand to frame my face, his thumbs slowly caressing the apples of my cheeks. “I can’t wait to answer every single one of them.”
“You’re sure?”
He closes the distance between us and presses his lips to mine. “Only if you promise you’re still mine afterward.”
The backs of my eyes sting as emotion pools in my mouth. “I promise.”