Page 46 of Stolen Dreams
“This knife is very sharp. You have to pay attention to what you’re doing when it’s in your hand. If you don’t, someone could get hurt, including you.”
Lips in a flat line and expression serious, he meets my gaze. “I promise to be extra careful.”
“Always keep your eyes on the knife and your hands.”
“I will.” He nods.
Erring on the side of caution, at least until he gets used to the knife, I give him a cut-resistant glove to wear. “Put this on the hand not holding the knife.” The last thing we need right now is to visit the emergency room.
Once he’s gloved up, I demonstrate how to cut the broccoli florets. Rapt, he focuses on every move. I tell him not to rush—that’s how accidents happen. After I’ve chopped a few floretsinto bite-size pieces, Tucker takes over. While he cuts broccoli, I dice cucumber, avocado, apple, and grape tomatoes. I rough-chop walnuts and set them aside to be sprinkled on at the end.
Tucker adds all the ingredients into a large wooden bowl as the doorbell chimes through the house.
Wood scrapes tile as he hops off his stool. “She’s here! She’s here! She’s here!” Ripping the glove from his hand, he bolts for the front door.
“Hold up, bud.” I jog after him. “Let’s not scare her before she’s in the house.” I chuckle.
Too excited to contain himself, Tucker whips open the front door with a bright, toothy smile on his face. Before either of them says hello, Tucker rushes Kaya and wraps his arms around her waist.
I grumble under my breath, “Tucker…” My eyes dart up and find Kaya’s surprised but happy expression, and I mouth, “Sorry.”
Kaya shakes her head, mouthing, “It’s fine.” Her hand skates up and down his back, gentle and comforting. “Hi, Tucker.”
Inching back, he unravels himself from her waist. “Hi, Miss Kaya.” He beams up at her. “We’re making dinner for you.” Her hand in his, he yanks her inside. “Come on. I’ll show you.”
“T-Man,” I say a bit louder to catch his attention. He pauses and looks over his shoulder. “Let’s give Kaya a moment to set her stuff down.”
His brow crinkles in momentary confusion. Then he nods, and his expression smooths out. “Yeah. Okay. Sorry.”
Kaya sets her bag down on the chair in the foyer. “You don’t need to apologize, Tucker. It’s okay to be excited.” She toes off her shoes and scoots them under the chair. Then she leans a little closer to him and lowers her voice. “Can I tell you a secret?”
His eyes widen as he slowly closes the distance.
“I’m excited too.”
Warmth cocoons me as I witness their exchange. An unfamiliar flutter erupts in my chest. Breathless, speechless, I watch them in complete awe. Utterly enthralled.
It’s one thing for me to be physically and intellectually attracted to Kaya. But seeing her easy relationship with Tucker and his thrill at having her here opens a hidden door deep inside me, a place with countless possibilities.
Falling in love is the easy part. Falling for someone who accepts you after you’ve been emotionally wrecked is tricky.
Not that I’m ready for love. Too much emotional baggage still left unpacked.
But seeing these little moments with Kaya and Tucker… damn, it’d be easy to fall for this woman. Hard.
Shifting his weight from one leg to the other, a faint huff under his breath, Tucker glances up. “Can I take her to the kitchen now?”
Ruffling his hair, I chuckle. “Sure, bud.”
I follow in their wake, eyes locked on their joined hands. Bewildered. Rapt.
Adulation blooms in my chest and molds itself around my heart. Makes me dizzy, unsteady. I reach for the wall as the ground wobbles beneath my feet. Inhale a steadying breath then continue forward.
They disappear around the corner, and something twists inside me. I brace against the wall again. Close my eyes as anxiety swirls beneath my diaphragm and inches up my throat. Pinch my eyes tighter and take another deep breath. Press the heel of my hand to the center of my chest and ease my eyes open.
Fuck, am I screwed.
Sucking in a sharp breath, I push off the wall, straighten my spine, and put one foot in front of the other.