Page 62 of Stolen Dreams
I blindly guide us to another counter and set her down. Sweep my fingers around her waist, up her sides, her neck, until they comb through her hair. An unabashed moan spills from my mouth to hers as I deepen the kiss.
Fingers fisted in the cotton of my shirt; she hauls me closer. Digs her heels into my lower back. Angles her head more as her greedy fingers dance over my chest and dip for the hemline of my shirt. Her soft, delicate fingers graze my abdomen near my waistband, and I hiss.
My cock strains my underwear, begging for relief.
Lips on her jaw, I pepper kisses to her ear, down the column of her throat. “You make me wild, Fire?—”
I step back immediately and help Kaya off the counter. “Yeah, bud?” We all but run back to our spots at the island.
Footsteps thump down the stairs. “What’s for dessert?” Tucker rounds the corner.
Kaya bites back a smile as she tries to tame her hair.
“Berries and cream tarts. Why?”
Tucker fetches his apron from the hook and tugs it over his head. “Can I help make dessert while you cook dinner?”
“Absolutely, T-Man.” I glance at Kaya and wink. “Maybe ask Kaya to cut the berries.”
Crimson colors her cheeks, and I want to know what exact moment just flashed through her mind. What delicious memory set her blood on fire and stained those beautiful cheeks.
Because I sure as fuck can’t get the thought of her fingers on my skin out of my head.
“We made the best dessert,Miss Kaya.” Tucker pats his belly then sags in his chair.
This kid is too cute for words. “You get more credit than me.” I load the last bite of tart onto my fork and lift it to my lips. “You did all the hard work.” I pop the berries and cream in my mouth and resist the urge to moan as it hits my tongue.
I don’t miss Ray’s shameless staring or the fire in his eyes as the fork slides from my lips. His eyes have been on me the entire meal. Fixated on my eyes, my mouth, my throat when I swallow.
Since hiscooking lessonearlier, a low hum has glimmered in the air between us. Subtle yet tangible. An ever-expanding bubble of anticipation. And each time I glance up to see his eyes on me, memories of him, of us, flit through my mind. The hard lines of his body pressed flush to my softer curves as he stepped into me. His breath warm on my skin, lips ghosting the sensitive flesh beneath my ear. His hands on mine, guiding me, controlling me during thelesson. The shiver that rolled down my spine to the tips of my limbs when he praised me with a breathygood girl.
“Yeah, I did,” Tucker says, snapping me out of my reverie. “But you’re the best helper, Miss Kaya.”
I set my fork down, wipe my mouth, and smile at Tucker. “Thank you. We make a good team.”
Across the table, Ray freezes.
Worry swirls in my belly as I study his blank expression. As I mentally repeat my exchange with Tucker, wondering what triggered his reaction. But I don’t ruminate long.
His shoulders visibly relax as tenderness softens the corners of his eyes, his vacant expression replaced with something more affectionate. Longing. Reverence. Unrivaled tenderness. A gentle smile tugs at his lips then vanishes just as quickly.
Ray scoots his chair back and rises. “T-Man. Why don’t you and Kaya go pick tonight’s movie while I clear the table.”
Tucker shoves his chair away from the table and fist-pumps the air. “Yes!” He scurries to my side, grabs my hand, and puts all his strength into yanking me from my seat. “Come on, Miss Kaya. Let’s pick a movie.”
Snickering, I move to stand. Tucker’s exuberance for the simple things in life melts my heart. “Go turn the TV on,” I suggest. “I’ll be there in a second.”
Tucker bolts for the living room.
“Let me help.” I pick up my plate and glass but don’t get far.
Ray rounds the table and blocks my next step, his hand cupping my elbow as he shakes his head. “I got it.” He inches impossibly closer, leaning in, his breath tickling my ear.