Page 83 of Stolen Dreams
Our picnic spread on the table, I fill glasses with water, hand out plates and cutlery, and take the seat next to Kaya, Tucker on the other side of her. We fill our plates with cheeses, meats, pasta salad, and bread and dine like royalty as fireworks light up the sky. Tucker oohs and awes with each explosion, saving his applause for the grand finale.
“Home for dessert?” I propose, then drop my voice as I lean closer to Kaya. “And a sleepover?”
In a heartbeat, she swivels her head and pins me with her fiery irises. Deep lines mar her brow as she silently questions my sanity, especially after her last visit. Discreetly, she tips her head toward Tucker. “You’re sure it’s a good idea?” A sliver of hurt edges her tone.
“Yes.” I nod. “Last time, he wasn’t awake for me to explain.”
She swallows. “And you want to now?” Her voice softer, shaky.
Eyes locked on hers, I rest a hand on her thigh and give a reassuring squeeze. “Absolutely.”
Countless emotions flit across her face as she digests this and mulls over what happens next.
A serpent coils around my heart and constricts while I wait for her next move, for her to say something. Anything. I fight the urge to beg, to insist. Saying yes is her choice, and I deserve her indecision.
She nibbles her bottom lip and inches closer. “Tucker won’t freak out?”
I shrug, lean forward, and peek around Kaya. “T-Man?”
Tucker pops a grape in his mouth. “Yeah.”
“Would it be weird if we had a sleepover with Kaya?”
Tucker’s eyes go wide as he swallows. “For real?”
I school my expression and nod.
“That’s dope.” His hazel eyes shift to Kaya. “We can stay up super late and watch another movie.”
Bless his enthusiasm and innocent mind. “Sounds fun. What do you think?”
Kaya purses her lips. “I think you just put me on the spot and used your son to manipulate me into saying yes.”
A smirk curves my lips. She isn’t wrong. “Did it work?”
She narrows her eyes. “Maybe.” Her knee bumps my thigh as she twists to face me. “Do you really want me to stay over? Or is this because of a certain doctor?”
An audible growl vibrates my chest. “Yes, I want you to stay.” Dropping my gaze, I take her hand and trace the lines on her soft skin. “I wanted you to stay before.” My eyes sting and I swallow past the sudden emotion clogging my throat. I lift my glassy gaze to hers. “Navigating this won’t be easy, but I want to try. For you. If you’ll let me.”
She brings a hand to my cheek, her thumb stroking my stubble. “I want to say yes.”
“Then say it.”
Brows pinched, she blinks a few times. “You hurt me.”
Her admission stings as much as the first time.
“I understand this”—she gestures between us—“is new and different. But if we’re going to do this, I need you to promise what happened before won’t happen again.” She rests her forehead on mine. “You don’t need to hide. Not from me. When you have doubts, talk to me. Tell me where your head is at. But please, don’t run away.”
My stomach flips. I suck in a sharp breath and nod woodenly. “I promise.” And I mean it with every shred of my soul. “I’ll probably do a shitty job, say the wrong thing, come off too harsh when I’m unsure, but I promise not to hide.” I toy with the length of her hair. “Never from you. Not anymore.”
A subtle smile graces her lips. “Then, yes”—she closes the distance between us and kisses me chastely—“I’ll stay.”
Ray haulsme against his chest and hugs the air from my lungs. “Thank you, Fire Eyes,” he whispers in my ear. He gives a slight squeeze, loosens his hold, but he doesn’t let go. Not yet.