Page 88 of Stolen Dreams
Sitting taller, I reach for and take the condom. Swallow past the sudden lump in my throat as I lock onto his intoxicating umber eyes. “I’m on birth control.”
A flurry of emotions flickers across his face. Lust. Yearning. Thrill. Fear. It’s the last one that gives me pause.
“Hey.” I drop the condom on the bed, scoot closer to him, and take his hand. “Just wanted you to know.” Bringing his hand to my lips, I kiss each of his fingertips. “But if you feel better using a condom, I am on your side.”
Deep lines form between his brows then smooth out. “It’s just that…”
Not using a condom is probably how Tucker came to be, and he doesn’t want to risk it. He put his trust in someone else’s hands, and it flipped his world upside down.
“I know.” Eyes on his, I pluck the condom from the bed, tear it open, toss the wrapper, and lift the latex to his weeping cock. “May I?”
His dick twitches inches from my face as his lips part. Desire replaces the fear in his eyes. Cupping my jaw, he presses the pad of his thumb to my bottom lip, adds a little pressure, and sweeps across it. “Never have to ask, Fire Eyes.”
Leaning forward, gaze firmly locked on his, I stick out my tongue and slowly lick the head of his cock. Moan as the salty precum dances over my taste buds. Bask in the way his eyes roll back and hips rock forward.
Inching back, I pinch the end of the condom and roll it down his length. Cup his balls and roll them in my palm once, twice, then stroke his length root to tip.
“Mine.” The single syllable a bold declaration.
Soft grip on the underside of my jaw, he tips my head back and bends at the hips until his breath paints my lips. “Yours,” he growls. Then he claims my mouth.
We’re a frenzy of urgent touches, fevered skin, and hungry mouths. Easing onto the bed, he leans back against the headboard and holds out his hands. I crawl closer, take his hands, and straddle his thighs.
Hands on my hips, he bruises my flesh. “Ride me, Fire Eyes.” He palms my ass and hauls me forward until I hit the base of his cock. “I want to watch you take me. Need to see that fire burn in those gorgeous eyes.”
Gripping his shoulders, I lift and inch forward. Press my mouth to his in a searing kiss as I ease down and his tip nudges my entrance. Thread my fingers through his hair and deepen the kiss a breath before I sink and take his entire length at once.
We gasp in unison, breaking the kiss. My eyes roll back as I revel in how full I feel in this position. Yet it’s still not enough.
More. I always need more of him.
Dropping my forehead to rest on his, I rock my hips back, then glide forward until I can’t take him any deeper. He shudders beneath me and fists my hips. I repeat the move again and again, each stroke faster than the previous. Sweat pebbles our skin. Our moans blend with the slap, slap, slap of our bodies.
His grip on my hips turns ruthless as he guides our thrusts. Drives them harder, faster. A loudthwackechoes through the room, my ass cheek hot and tingling.
I lean back and drop a hand on the bed. Grab his arm with my other hand. Ride him like a rodeo champion. Cry out when his lips wrap around my nipple and suck. Moan unabashedly whenhe adds teeth. Miss the feel of his mouth when he releases the tight bud with apop.
“Look at you,” he croons, pistoning my hips faster up and down his length. “Taking my cock like a good fucking girl.”
He licks from my cleavage to my chin, slides his hands up my sides, and brings me closer to him. An arm bands around my lower back as the other hand snakes up my spine and pauses at the nape of my neck. He nips my bottom lip then kisses it. “You’re close.”
Clinging to him, I tip my head back, close my eyes, and roll my hips. “So close.”
His hand on my lower back shifts, his finger slinking between my ass cheeks, lower and lower. He slicks the digit with my arousal then shifts back. “I want you dripping down my cock,” he purrs. “My balls.” His finger grazes the hole between my cheeks. “Come for me, Fire Eyes.” His finger slips inside a place no one else has been, and it’s like a match to a fuse. “Mine.”
Stars dance across my vision as I gasp. Wave after perpetual wave, the orgasm rolls through me with the promise to never stop.
One, two, three more quick thrusts, Ray shatters beneath me, his fingers bruising my ass as my name spills from his lips. Body shuddering, he wraps me in his arms and secures me to his chest until our breathing levels out.
Silence echoes around us, but it’s comfortable. Perfect in the moment.
He eases me off his lap, goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom, and returns with a warm washcloth. Every touch is gentle, unhurried. Pressing a kiss to my forehead, he takes the cloth to the bathroom, goes to the dresser, and comes back with pajamas for us both.
Everything about tonight feels natural. Routine. Sublime.
We slip under the covers, Ray turns off the light, and we adjust to the new sleeping arrangement. His front to my back, an arm around my waist and his lips pressed to my hair, he takes a deep breath and sighs. Content. Happy.
Eyes heavy, body sated, the weight of sleep lulls me under. Just before it does, he whispers into the dark.