Page 42 of Relentless Sinner
Since Cora left I’ve been thinking about my escape plan and where I could escape from. The idea that came to me was the hospital.
Prior to this disaster, I was still volunteering on the brain injury unit. They think I’m in L.A. now starting my journey to become a doctor. I left the position open so I could do a few hours when I came home on vacation.
If I could convince Jaxon to allow me to return to that it would give me a chance to plan better with Cora.
I’m sure that when Jaxon allows me to leave the property I’ll have guards with me and around meallthe time. Being at a big place like the hospital will make it easier for me to give them the slip.
At least I hope so. Everything I’ve thought of so far is all theory based.My theory, which is based on what I hope will happen.
The truth is I’m scared. Scared that nothing will work. And that this is really it for me. If it is I’ll have to marry Jaxon. Then I don’t know what my life will be like.
I shake my head, disturbing the flow of water.
I need to stay positive. Believe the plan will work and itwill.
Lifting my head, I run my hands through my hair then grab the shampoo and give my hair a quick wash.
Five minutes later I turn off the shower, get out, and dry myself off.
I’m going to spend the rest of the night reading some online medical journals that I’m still subscribed to, then watch TV. That should help me go to sleep.
I’ve been stalling with my studies because it’s heartbreaking that I’m not at med school. However I realized that avoiding what I love will only hurt me.
Doing what I can now to get ahead of the game means my workload will be easier whenever I start—fingers and toes crossed for next year.
If nothing else, having the break in my studies gives me a chance to think about my career a lot more. At first I wanted to stay in New York and go to NYU. It has a wonderful research program for neurological diseases and conditions.
L.A. became the plan when Dad got more abusive. If I don’t have to worry about him I could go anywhere.
I wrap a big white towel around me, run some leave-in conditioner through my hair and walk out to the bedroom where I almost trip over myself when I see Jaxon standing by the window.
His back is turned to me and his shoulders have that massive look, defined against his gray shirt.
Shit.What is he doing here? I thought he’d be long gone by now.
God, please don’t tell me he’s not going.
“Relax,Krasota, I’m still heading to San Francisco.” His voice is a low, deep rumble that stirs panic inside me.
He turns slowly to face me and I hug the towel closer to my chest, suddenly aware that I’m naked underneath. The thought of being around him like this makes my pulse skitter like stones skipping across a lake.
“Hi,” I say, because I can’t think of anything else.
The hint of a smile flickers across his face, tightening the goosebumps already racing across my skin.
Jaxon’s gaze drops to my body and lingers there for far too long before climbing back up to meet my eyes. “I didn’t want to head out without saying goodbye first.”
“I’m sure it would have been fine.”
“Eager to get rid of me?”
I don’t answer. What am I supposed to say? Ayeswould get me in trouble.Nowould be a lie and he’d know.
He chuckles on seeing my reaction. “No answer,Krasota?”
“It’s best if I don’t.”
“I thought I was in your good books? Or that we’d at least called a truce.”