Page 62 of Relentless Sinner
What are the chances of being interrupted the way we were? And just when I got her where I wanted.
I didn’t go as slowly as I planned to. Striking while she was wet and wanting me proved to be a better idea. So I seized the opportunity and claimed her.
I was inside her. I was actually inside her. Not being able to finish has left my fucking cock feeling like it’s going to explode.
The shit tonight is a repercussion from thethingI had to take care of last week.
My men found a bomb at one of our warehouses. They managed to diffuse it but didn’t know who set the bomb. I dealt with that part myself and found it was the motherfuckers from the Hernandez Cartel.
People like them are crafty. They don’t try to take you down by going in big. They do it in clever little ways that you never see coming. If you live to tell the tale then you get the chance to sniff them out like the dogs they are.
This is happening because my father severed a business deal with them. He found out they’d murdered a judge who’d sentenced one of their bosses to life in prison.
My father didn’t want the worry of the feds looking into their connections and discovering dealings with us. My father and I may not see eye to eye on a majority of things but I wholeheartedly agreed with his decision. Especially because it would have more than likely come back to bite me in the ass as the new Pakhan.
Because our decision cost the cartel millions they decided to teach us a lesson. Except things didn’t work out the way they planned. Hence the reason I’m here.
Last week I took down the gang leader and a bunch of his men. The man hiding in here is his brother. The guy who planted the bomb. I didn’t know about him last week. My men found out there’s another bomb planted somewhere. This one was set by Emilio to avenge his brother.
My father wants him and anyone linked to him eliminated.
On hearing footsteps I move through the shadows and signal for my men to follow.
The flicker of a cigarette pierces the darkness, then I see him.
Emilio Gomez steps out from an archway and stands by a half-broken window, smoking like he doesn’t have a care in the world. That will be the last cigarette he ever enjoys.
With his back turned to me he’s oblivious to the danger he’s in.
I crook my finger, signaling to Andrieu and Vladmir to follow me before I move forward swiftly.
Before Emilio can take his next puff I’ve snuck up on him with my gun pointed right at his back.
He whirls around looking like a frightened wild animal and I hit him in the face with the barrel of my gun.
His cigarette falls from his lips and he staggers backward into the cracked wall. I paste on a smile as he scrambles for his gun.
“Motherfucker,” I growl, cocking the hammer on my gun. “Don’t even think about it.”
I move closer to him and press my gun against his throat. He’s lucky I’ve given him the chance to live this long. He’s only alive still because I need to question him. My men flank me on either side and Emilio looks from them to me.
“Bratva scum,” he hisses, baring his teeth.
“Really?” I shoot off his kneecaps, showing him who the fuck’s in charge.
He howls in pain, dropping to the ground and grabbing his knees.
“You asshole.”
“Shut the fuck up.” I get up in his face and grab him by his neck. “There’s only one thing I want to know from you.”
His wide eyes meet mine. Inside them I see fear but also defiance. “You killed my brother.”
“Because he tried to kill me first.” The bomb was meant for me and my father.
It was set to go off when we were supposed to check in at the warehouse. We never went in because my men found the bomb hours before we were scheduled to be there. My father wouldn’t have been there anyway because he was too sick. But I would have been.
“You’re gonna tell me where that bomb is.”