Page 144 of Fracture
I blink at the paper, then unfold Stella’s.
Previous Legal Name: Stella Marie Langford
New Legal Name: Stella Marie Kovac
My mind whirs, trying to absorb it all.
“You-you changed your names?” I look at them both, then back down at the papers. “You both changed your names? To my name?”
“We agreed that we wouldn’t get married, because, well, obviously.” Stella shrugs, and reaches out to take my hand. “But we want to belong together, to each other. And this way, well…”
“We’re yours, pretty boy.” Levi’s mouth twitches into a grin. “Yours, forever.”
I blink back down at the papers. “Mine. You’re… mine. My family.”
“Yes, we are.” Stella shuffles next to me, snuggling under my arm and stroking my jaw with her fingertips. “For always,papi.”
“Why me?” I ask incredulously. “Why my name?”
Levi leans in to press a kiss to my shoulder. “Because he was a good father, and he loved you. He wanted you to be happy.”
“So, this is like our birthday present to him.” Stella smiles up at me. “The family he always wanted his son to have.”
I press a hand to my eyes as they start to sting. “God fucking dammit, you two.”
“We’re not even sorry.” Levi moves beside me and lets my head fall against his shoulder, brushing his fingers over my head. “This is how it was meant to be. Always.”
I lean into him, trying not to cry but feeling so fucking happy I could burst. Stella’s arms wrap around my waist and she sighs contentedly. I let them wrap me up and hold me, and yes, this is how it was meant to be, always.
I found them, Dad. Just like you always told me to. I found them, and I’ll always be happy. Just like you said.