Page 38 of Kiss of Embers
Instinct whispered. The Zara against the wall wasmyZara. The certainty pounded in my chest, its beats as swift and sure as my heart.
I didn’t think. Just took shadow form and streaked toward the imposter. She swung her head toward me. Her brown eyes widened. I reformed and hit the ground running, a bellow in my throat.
The doppelganger disappeared. My momentum carried me forward—directly toward Zara. Just before I crashed into her, I twisted into shadow form and shot upward. The corridor spun as I looped around and dropped to the ground on two feet. Zara sagged against the wall.
“I’ve got you,” I said, catching her against me and lowering us both to the ground. I leaned my back against the wall and cradled her in my arms. She clutched at her throat, but she was breathing. She was alive.
“What happened?” I asked, anger and fear coursing through me. The anger won out, tightening my arms around Zara.Mine, instinct growled in my head. Someone had tried to hurt her. My beast thrashed in my chest, eager to hunt and eliminate the one who dared to lay hands on my female.
Zara coughed, then spoke in a hoarse, halting voice. “I d-don’t…know. She wasn’t…like…the others. She…touched…” Zara swallowed, her color improving rapidly. She dragged in a breath, and now her voice was steadier. “Bolveg said our fears weren’t allowed to touch us.”
And yet, one clearly had. My anger soared so high I couldn’t speak. Zara shrank from me, and the emotion disintegrated. I loosened my hold as regret lodged in my chest.
“You mustn’t fear me,” I rasped, my heart threatening to crack open. “I would die before I harmed you. Do you believe me?”
Zara searched my gaze. Her eyes were the color of melted chocolate. So soft and pretty. They were the kind of eyes a man could get lost in. And I wanted to—gods, how I wanted to. The need was an ache in my bones, and onlythiswoman could soothe it.
“I believe you,” she whispered. Surprise flitted over her delicate features, as if she’d startled herself by admitting it.
Pleasure wound through me like a warm river. Helpless to stop myself, I brushed a thumb over her plump bottom lip. Gods, her pussy was probably just as soft and pink. My voice went ragged. “That’s a good lass.”
She stared at me, uncertainty and desire swimming in her eyes. Slowly, she ran her gaze down my chest. A faint blush stained her cheeks. “You’re not wearing any clothes.”
I put a finger under her chin and guided her gaze to mine. “I’m a dragon,” I said, letting a smile touch my lips.
Finn skidded around the corner, his face the color of parchment. He raked his gaze over Zara and me, then channeled to my side. “What the fuck happened?” He dropped to his knees and stroked Zara’s hair back from her forehead. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” she said.
“She’s fine,” I said at the same time. “Just a wee scrape with an illusion gone rogue.”
Finn gave me a sharp look. “What does that mean?”
His guess was as good as mine. But the catacombs weren’t the place to discuss it. Other competitors were about, and there was no telling who—or what—might be listening.
“We’ll talk later,” I said, giving Finn a meaningful look.
Understanding lit his eyes. “Aye. That’s no problem.”
Footsteps rang out, and then Brader Ashcroft rounded the corner. “I heard a scream—” He snapped his mouth shut as he took in Zara, Finn, and me on the ground. His lips thinned, and his voice turned cool. “I didn’t think we were allowed to work in teams.”
Zara pushed against my chest until I released her. Scrambling to her feet, she addressed Brader in a tone that matched his. “We’re not.”
Finn and I rose and stood behind her.
Ashcroft gave me a dismissive look. “Whatever you’re doing, it appears clothing is optional.” He offered Zara a tight, humorless smile. “Must be a new kind of teamwork.”
The air shifted, and then Finn popped into existence in front of Ashcroft. In a blur of speed, he forced Ashcroft to the wall and pressed a blade to the werewolf’s jugular.
Ashcroft let out a strangled cry, his pretty boy features contorted in shock. “What the fuck!”
“Apologize,” Finn said, “or I’ll bleed you like a stuck pig.”
Ashcroft’s eyes lightened to wolf-blue. “It won’t kill me,” he spat.
Finn’s smile sent a shiver down my spine. “I know.” He leaned into Ashcroft until their lips almost touched. “You’re a big, strong lad. You’ll revive just in time to watch me remove your scrotum. That won’t kill you, either, but it’ll hurt very,verybadly.”
Ashcroft whimpered. “You’re sick.”