Page 197 of Naughty November
Rude and psychic.
My huff had his chest jerking in silent laughter, but I kissed his cheek before I went back to hiding. Everyone cute knew cheek kisses fixed nearly everything, so I wasn’t surprised when he sighed and patted my bottom again. “Good boy.”
That was probably cheating too, but I liked it when I was his good boy. I was never really good, but he had a very liberal definition that put me in that category on a regular basis.
He was really sweet.
But he was a lot of other things too because he set me and the stuff down on the bed without giving me time to panic. That was just so rude. I needed time to get worked up instead of him just starting in on the scene.
And I couldn’t even tell him to slow down so I could be dramatic.
And then my shirt came off…there was nothing I could do about it anymore.
Oh well.
Micha didn’t even look apologetic at all. “Do you know how much I love seeing you helpless? This is going to be so much fun. This is going to be better than the cuffs and the leg spreader put together.”
He was not allowed to be this happy when I was trying to be a pain in the butt.
Kissing my nose, he leaned me back on the bed, still wearing a big smile. “I love it when you laugh and this is going to combine all of my favorite things into one scene.”
Now he was trying to be cute.
I just couldn’t handle how rude he was being, so I closed my eyes. If I couldn’t see him being cute, it couldn’t affect me.
“Your laughter was one of the first things I noticed about you that day in the ice cream place.” Micha started working on my pants as he talked, not acknowledging my pout at all. “Of course, how sexy you were when you licked the spoon was technically thefirstthing I noticed but your laughter wasn’t far behind.”
Bringing up how cute I was back then was somehow even ruder…and I was going to tell him that later too.
“Your eyes sparkle when you’re happy and you take my breath away.” His cheating was getting even worse because I was naked and not nearly frustrated enough. “And then you told me how much you like being tickled.”
The level of happiness in his voice made me squirm and I hid my face behind my hands so he wouldn’t see me blush. I couldn’t help but appreciate how it took away the temptation to peek at the stuff he’d gotten. I wasn’t smart all the time but I was curious.
But I’d saved myself.
“You completely let go and you were so sexy. I should’ve realized it was more than that, though.” He kissed the back of my hands but I was smart and stayed hidden. Yep, I was brilliant because he started opening the package.
I’d have seen it.
Nope. I had to stay hidden.
“You’d squeal and wiggle.” There were so many crinkly sounds I didn’t know what he was doing until my underwear came off. “You’d laugh until you couldn’t breathe, but that was when I made my error. I thought that was when I was supposed to stop.”
I ignored the way he lifted my bottom up and simply focused on his words because they were the most important thing. How soft stuff was or how snuggly it felt weren’t important at all. “I thought when you got to the losing control kind of laughter, that meant the game stopped so that accidents didn’t happen. I should’ve asked more questions.”
Well, questions were important parts of relationships.
“I’m not sure that would’ve helped, though.” Micha huffed as he fiddled with thethingmore. “You are not always very forthcoming when you’re embarrassed.”
That was rude to mention too…he just kept adding to the list.
“But I love you even when you’re a pain in the butt and I’m going to remember this situation going forward.” He just kept digging the hole deeper and deeper. “I think I might be too patient when it comes to your inability to communicate, but don’t worry, I learn my lessons very thoroughly.”