Page 57 of Naughty November
We were still standing in Ev’s doorway, and while I still wanted to help out with whatever it was he’d come over for, I suddenly didn’t want to let him get him away for reasons that had nothing at all to do with that, either.
I tugged him over the threshold and shut the door behind him. “Please tell me if I can help you with whatever you came over for. I honestly don’t care how embarrassing it is. You’ve been my brother’s best friend long enough that I’m pretty sure I get to claim big brother privileges with you, too. You’re… family.”
My dick twitched as if to point out that even if I’d felt a bit protective toward him when I saw how upset he was, I definitely wouldn’t classify that feeling as “brotherly.”
I cleared my throat. “Practicallyfamily,” I corrected myself. “And I know you and I haven’t kept in touch, but you know I’ve always cared about you, right?”
He stared up at me for a minute, his blush deepening with every passing second. Then, finally, he gave me a single, tremulous smile.
“Okay. I really don’t know who else to ask since Everett isn’t around, so, um, thank you,” he whispered, his hands shaking as he reached for the waistband of his pants, unsnapped them, and started to lower the zipper. “It will be easier if I just show you.”
My brain short-circuited for a moment, all that protective, big-brother, let-me-help shit I’d just been feeling fried to ashes by the heat that raced through me. Because a pretty twink wanting to show me what was in his pants? Ohhellyeah.
But then I remembered that this wasn’t actually a pretty little twink. It was Holden Sinclair. Shaken up, embarrassed, and completely straight.
I had no idea what was happening right now, but I hadn’t been lying about caring about him. IlikedHolden. Always had, and always would. And the best way to prove that right now would be to keep my dick in check, my mouth shut, and find out what he needed from me.
And then move heaven and earth to give it to him.
Despite Fletcher’s super sweet attempt to put me at ease, I had never been more embarrassed in my life. I honestly wasn’t even sure if it was because of my… myproblem, or because I was about to expose the emasculating truth of what Cindy had done to me, or just because…
Well, because it was Fletcher Greene.
It had been hard enough to finally convince myself to come to Everett for help, but Ev had been my best friend ever since preschool. He’d already seen me at my worst, more times than I could count. I trusted him with absolutely everything.
His big brother was a different story.
Not that I had any reasonnotto trust Fletcher. He’d always been great.
Maybe a little too great, though.
He was Ev’s big brother, not mine, but somehow I was the one who’d ended up with a massive case of hero worship for the guy. Not that Everett didn’t love his brother, because he absolutely did. But their brotherly love was more the type where they tended to tease eachother mercilessly and argue all the time, the way I guessed it was normal for siblings to do.
I wouldn’t know. I was an only child.
And ever since I’d been a small one, I had desperately,desperatelywanted Fletcher’s praise, approval, and attention.
Ugh, talk about embarrassing.
And yet, somehow, still not as embarrassing as this.
My hands trembled, and Fletcher gave me a soft, encouraging smile that made me feel squirmy inside in a way that confused the heck out of me, but that I definitely didn’t hate.
Still, I froze as soon as I got my zipper down.
“Hey now, button, don’t worry, okay?” he said, giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Whatever it is, I’ll help.”
I took a deep breath. I really didn’t have any other choice, did I? Well, maybe a locksmith…
No. That would be far, far worse.
“Okay,” I said, mostly talking to myself. “It’s, um, this.”
I dropped my pants.