Page 67 of Naughty November
I hadn’t been sure how I felt about it when Cindy had used that word while convincing me to let her cage my dick, but a part of me yearned for it now, like one of those flowers that turned their faces up to the sun.
And maybe, with Fletcher, I could. Maybe he could be my sun.
He stepped away, snipping off the price tags still attached to thelingerie he’d found. The lacy, pretty things I’d told him I’d wear for him.
“These are new?” he murmured.
“She liked to shop,” I answered, squeezing my eyes closed as something like panic started to rise in my chest now that he wasn’t touching me anymore.
I wasn’t sure if it was really okay to call another man pretty, or how I felt about Fletcher wanting me to wear these silky girl things, but I did know that I’d do just about anything to keep him touching me.
Actually, that wasn’t true. Well, the last part was, but not knowing how I felt about it?
I felt… weird about it.
I wasn’t curvy, or soft, or particularly feminine. I was on the smaller side of average, sure, and maybe I didn’t ooze muscles and masculinity like Fletcher did, but I was still a guy. Ilikedbeing a guy. And there was most definitely a voice in my head that said that being a guy meant it probablywasn’tall that okay to be called pretty; that Ishouldn’twant to wear those things for Fletch.
I felt like, if I’d still been dating Cindy, or really any woman at all, any or all of what he’d said to me would have been some kind of insult or something.
But I also felt a little thrill inside, because it definitely wasn’t an insult. Not coming from Fletcher.
“Okay?” he murmured.
I nodded, even if I wasn’t sure it was true. But I did like pretty things. I liked how they looked, I liked how they felt… and I really liked what they seemed to be doing tohim.
Because he was hard. He hadn’t touched himself or said anything about it, but his dick was… well, clearly a heck of a lot bigger than mine, for one thing, but also, it was also most definitely erect now. His jeans weren’t super tight, but they were tight enough to clearly see the long, thick shaft trapped inside them.
And when he’d been rubbing Cindy’s new camisole over my thighs? That had felt so good that I knew for sure I’d have popped wood, too, if my dick hadn’t still been all locked up like this.
A delicious shiver went through me. If I was beingreallyhonestwith myself, that squirmy feeling of uncertainty inside me, the one that said what he was asking me to do was a little bit wrong… kind of made it evenmorethrilling to tell him yes and go along with it.
Which didn’t mean there wasn’t still some little part of my brain that kept sparking in fear as I watched him hold up the decadent, feminine things.
Fear that someone would see me like this. That someone wouldknowI was… submissive.
And that all of that somehow made me something lesser.
I squeezed my eyes shut again trying to calm my frantic breathing and focus on Fletcher.
His voice was in my head, too, calling me “perfect.” And even if my feelings about wearing pretty things were still a bit of a jumble, my feelings aboutthatwere crystal clear.
I’d do anything to be perfect for Fletcher.
“Ready?” he murmured.
I nodded, but kept my eyes closed—then drew in a ragged breath as he lifted my arms over my head and put the pretty top on me, the cool silk sliding down my body like a kiss and sending another delicious shiver through me that made my skin feel electric with anticipation.
“Open your eyes, button.”
I did, looking down at myself and then blushing hard as that voice of wrongness inside me got louder again, insisting that anyone who saw me like this would be mean about it. That I wasn’t supposed to be wearing these kinds of clothes. That while it was fine for others—I was totally supportive of people dressing however they wanted to, or changing their gender, or whatever felt right for them—it was different when it wasme.
ThatFletcherwould look at me differently.
My breath started to come a little faster, the fear closing in again. But for some reason, that fear made my cock surge against the bars that were squeezing it so tightly, the ones that kept it from getting hard even as the fear was confused my body, making my asshole, still tingling and aware in a way it never had been before after Fletcher had put hismouthon it, clench andtighten as my dick desperately tried to thicken and swell to its full length.
But it couldn’t. It was trapped. Forced to stay small and cute and insignificant… forFletcher.
I whined, looking up at him as my conflicted feelings crashed together inside me, leaving me reeling.