Page 90 of Naughty November
I shrug and huff a little.
Jools laughs, steps back, holds my hand, and swings my arm. “You were going to tie me up and write on my skin.”
I squeeze his hand. “Is that what you still want?”
He inhales, releases his breath, and nods. “Yes. I trust you.”
“Make yourself at home. I’ll get the bedroom set up.”
“Can I help?”
“No. Relax. I promise I’ll take care of you, Jools.”
“I know you will. It’s why I’m more excited than nervous.”
“Nerves are natural.”
He smiles. “I know that, too.”
I pull him close and kiss his forehead. “Relax. I’ll be ready soon.”
I go to my bedroom, change the bed sheets for fresh ones, and loop my softest cuffs around the mattress. I put the pens and toothpicks on the bedside table, along with lube, condoms, and lotion to rub into his wrists and ankles when we’re done. I close the curtains and turn the bedside lamp on. It exudes soft, warm light. I turn the heating up, so that Jools won’t be cold while we play, and fetch a blanket to cover him in when we’re done. Finally, I prepare a sweet drink and biscuits. I have no idea how high he’ll soar or how fast and hard he’ll drop.
Jools is on the sofa, flicking through channels on the TV. He’s jogging his knee up and down. I lean over the back of the sofa and kiss the crook of his neck.
“Nerves are natural, but if we’re moving too fast, let me know. We can do something else today. Revisit this when you’re feeling more ready.”
He runs his fingers through my hair. “I am ready.” His firm statement is good enough for me.
I lead him to the bedroom, watching his reaction as he takes in the bed and everything on and near it. He sucks in a breath.
“Remember your safe words. It’s never too late to ask to slow down or stop.”
“I’m okay. It’s just new and exciting. The kink and doing it with you. I’m okay. Green.”
I turn him to face me and hold him, silently thanking him for dipping his knees so I can kiss him tenderly. I peel his clothes off, replacing them with kisses. I pause when he’s wearing nothing but his underwear and run my finger around the waistband without attempting to remove them. He said he wanted to play and make love. Is that still what he wants?
“I want to be naked for you,” he whispers.
I slide his underwear down his legs and then step back to admire him. He has marked tan lines where a T-shirt and knee-length shorts would be.
“You never sunbathe naked, then.”
He barks out a laugh. “Uh, no.” He tilts his head. “What now?”
“Lie down.”
He obeys, making himself comfortable on the bed, his clear blue stare fixed on me.
I sit beside him, pick up one of the cuffs, and brush the inside of it over his wrist. “Are you still happy for me to restrain you?”
I fasten the cuff around his wrist and check it’s not too tight with my finger. I rest his arm on the pillow above his head and then lean over him to bind his other wrist. I lay his hand over the first and then kiss his lips softly. I move to the bottom of the bed, position his left leg where I want it, bind it, and repeat the process with the right. He’s stunning, splayed out for me. I watch his breathing for any signs of distress and focus on the expression on his face. His eyes are bright. His lips curled into a sweet smile. His body is a little tense, but he doesn’t seem worried, scared, or stressed.
“Is there anywhere you don’t want me to touch? Any part of your body you don’t want me to write on?”
He chuckles. “I need to be able to go to work tomorrow.”