Page 57 of Mated By Twilight
“You think?”
“Follow along.”
“What are you two whispering about?”
They both straightened, smiling at Leah as her gaze darted between them.
“Just making plans,” Sollit told her, looping her arm through his.
Tillos did the same on the other side. Her head whipped back and forth, confused but not unwilling, as Sollit let out a loud call, right as Biella stepped in front of them-
“Excuse me, everyone!”
“We have an announcement!” Tillos continued.
Tillos lifted Leah’s hand. On the other side, following along so closely, only those watching carefully would notice he wasn’t acting in time with him, Sollit did the same.
“It is our pride to present to you,” Tillos called over the staring crowd, “the newest member of the Twilight Troupe!”
“A beauty as dazzling as the stars,” Sollit continued, easily picking up on his intentions. “Come to us from a far world to grace us with her loveliness and talent.”
“With a voice like a choir of farasie!”
“And the beauty of an akilii female at her prime!”
“The fantastic-”
“-incomparablestarof the Twilight Troupe!”
“Leah!” They finished together, bringing all the attention onto their pretty female – who was once again bright red, but smiling as everyone cheered for her.
And Biella, who was trying to approach, had no choice but to be swallowed by the crowd as everyone focused on Leah. As herpresenters, Tillos and Sollit stayed right by her side, escorting her through the audience on the pretense of showing her off, but in reality, just getting her away from Biella.
Their female hadn’t liked how close Biella was to them – even when they tried to maintain boundaries with her. So, therefore, Biella wouldn’t be allowed to be so close to them again. At least, not if they could avoid it.
Which they definitely could do now. This wasn’t a formal meet and greet. There was no reason to see everyone here. A fact they took advantage of as they walked Leah around, showing her off to everyone like the absolute gem she was. Giving everyone a chance to admire her before taking her back to the stairs and up.
And most importantly, as they left, Leah was beaming brightly. Happy. Excited about everything that had just happened.
Like she had been born for this life.
Chapter 24
Leah couldn’t remember the last time she’d had such a good time.
The play and the meeting with the audience afterwards was great on their own. But then Sollit and Tillos did that impromptu introduction, like she was some kind of big star that had done more than lay there for a few hours. She felt important and beloved.
But then, afterwards, she changed out of her dress and into comfortable sweatpants and a loose shirt, and the entire cast and crew had a party. She thought it was to celebrate opening night of the new play, but it turned out they were celebrating her.
Corvidair insisted that newcomers were properly congratulated after their first performance. And even though all Leah had done was resist falling asleep in case she roll over, this was still her first performance with the troupe, and she was owed her due.
There was good food and sweet drinks and all her new friends gathering around asking how she liked being on stage.