Page 78 of Mated By Twilight
He groaned his agreement, making Leah twitch and shudder over him.
“Precisely,” Sollit nodded. “So, you can give her our first girl. And while you’re breeding her, I’ll be taking her in this hole righthere.”
Leah’s eyes shot open, and she cried out, lurching forward. Nowhere to go but right against Tillos’ tongue, as Sollit’s finger breached the tight ring of her ass. His brother moaned, kissing and sucking along her neck as he began moving his finger in and out of her and Tillos redoubled his efforts. Trying to distract her from the discomfort of the new penetration.
“Then, after our first girl,” Sollit continued, his voice rough and hungry now as he humped against her ass while his finger thrust within her, “we’ll have our boys. I think, by then,aevea, should be stretched enough to take both of us in that drippy little cunt, don’t you?”
Leah gasped as Tillos thrust two fingers up into the hole in question. Still so tight. They hadn’t entered her since their first time. Though the mediring had healed her completely, they were giving her mind time to heal as well – bad memories weren’t something a mediring could heal. And while he wouldn’t say their first time was bad, it had certainly been overwhelming for her.
Having her riding his tongue so eagerly though made him think she might be ready for them again.
“Yes,” Sollit purred. “We’ll both take you in that hole together and breed our boys on you. And after they’re born, I can give you another girl while Tillos takes you here. I think that sounds like a fair plan, wouldn’t you agree?”
Tillos chuckled. The sound only deepening when Leah couldn’t make a single comprehensible sound in response to either of them. Only needy whimpers and desperate moans as her peak drew closer.
“You want that too, don’t you,aevea?” Sollit asked, pressing harder against her belly. “Tell me that’s what you want. For us to breed our young on you. For us to feed you our cum. For us to purr for you all day long and keep you stupefied and lazy so we can take our pleasure with your body as often as you can stand. Doesn’t that sound fun? Hm?Aevea?”
The purred pet name shattered her. She screamed. Back arching. Eyes widening. Cunt spasming. Her climax ripping through her almost violently as Tillos drank down the sweet offering of her womb, dripping hungrily for them.
He couldn’t wait anymore.
Tillos and Sollit grabbed her at the same time, lifting her up and putting her on the bed, her legs hanging off the side as they came up on their knees on either side of her. They grabbed their cocks at the same time and pumped them desperately.
It didn’t take much. Seeing their mate so lost in her pleasure, taking both of their fingers in her tight holes, unbound and unashamed, and so completely beautiful, had driven them to the edge of their own peak.
Sollit came first, ropes of glittering seed lashing across her face. Her breasts. Tillos grabbed her by the head, lifting her up so that the next ropes landed right in her open mouth. The way her tongue eagerly licked at it, at her lips, made him groan as his sac tightened, pulling up tight. Sollit’s orgasm was rocking through him, and he fought against his own. Trying to ride it out.Entranced by her face. By the pleading look in her eyes as she gazed at him. Waiting. Wanting-
He roared his own climax, watching through narrowed eyes as he painted his female’s face in glittering white ropes of cum that she eagerly licked up. Tasting them. Feeding on them. Exactly as a female should.
Tillos and Sollit watched, entranced, as she used her fingers to wipe up the white strands and bring them to her mouth. Licking them clean as she looked at them as if for permission, for confirmation that she was doing the right thing.
“Perfect,” Tillos purred, caressing her scalp.
She smiled, sleepy and satisfied. Sollit grabbed her under the arms and pulled her further up the bed, getting her into a more comfortable position. Tillos laid down first, allowing his brother to rest her against his chest. Sollit grabbed the blankets and covered them as he laid down too, resting his head on her back, purring his contentment.
Tillos joined him, and it didn’t take at all long for their combined purrs to send her falling into a deep sleep, a smile on her lips.
Chapter 35
Leah was changing. He didn’t think she’d noticed yet, but it was definite and undeniable. At least, it was to him and Tillos who were watching her so closely. And he didn’t just mean in the way she was learning from Shorvi to style her hair and face.
It wasn’t just the change to her confidence either. Though that was certainly part of it. She was really doing her best to perform her part of little sister in the play to her absolute best ability. It was an easy role for an experienced actress, but she definitely wasn’t one. She was a phenomenal singer – when shecouldsing – but she had no experience acting. But Skara did, and she was a great mentor for their mate. As she did better and better, her confidence grew.
And with her growing confidence, she carried herself differently.
She had begun incorporating avanava style clothing into her wardrobe. She wasn’t to the point yet where she would let Sollit and Tillos dress her – though they dearly wanted to. She insisted she could handle it, like it was a chore she didn’t want them to have to perform. Sollit suspected that she didn’t understand how they thought of it, but they didn’t press the matter.
For now.
The clothes she was choosing weren’t quite as modest as the ones she brought with her from Earth, nor were they the more lovely, creative options they’d chosen for her.
The designer they preferred was an old friend of theirs from primary school. Her clothes were made more for fun and beauty than just casual wear. They weren’t uncomfortable, but they were a bit more elaborate than ‘normal’ clothes.
But Leah was an actress and performer – she couldn’t be seen in plain clothes. And, selfishly, they liked seeing her dressed up.
She still preferred the blue pants from Earth called jeans – which were somehow different from other types of pants just because of the fabric according to her. But she combined them with the tops from Yeluka Akuley in a way that surprisingly worked.