Page 84 of Mated By Twilight
The look she gave him was absolutely beautiful. Panting through lips puffy from biting them to keep from moaning out loud. Her eyes were glassy and unable to focus as her body shivered, hands tightening on her bunched up skirt.
“Pretty female,” Sollit praised, slipping the treat past her lips. She closed them, humming as he slowly pulled the spoon free. Using the moment of a sweet treat gracing her tongue to release one of her repressed moans.
Sollit had to let her go, lest he yank her off her chair and onto his lap right there. It would be great, he was certain. Performing for the crowd. Showing off the way they could make her sing for them as they marveled at how beautiful she was lost in her pleasure.
But Corvidair would be so angry if they disrupted the performances that way. And he didn’t know if Leah would be tolerant of such a thing right now.
Well, later, perhaps.
For now, it was more than stimulating watching her shake as she was pushed towards an orgasm right under the crowd’s noses. No one knew what they were doing, but…
“Naughty female,” Sollit whispered in her ear as Tillos increased the speed of his fingers. Sollit could hear how wet she was, even above the general din of the room. “Are you going to come against his hand right now? In front of all these people?”
She whimpered. He grunted. She had released her skirt with one hand and grabbed his thigh instead, squeezing it just as desperately as she had the fabric, unconcerned about any potential pain she might cause him.
But he loved the pressure. The desperation. He covered her hand with his and moved it, covering his painfully hard cock. Using her hand to stroke himself under his pants.
“And now you’re going to molest me?” He asked, growling as she whimpered, head lowering a bit, trying to hide her expression. “What a very bad female you are. Will you make me come right here as well? Is that your goal? To make me as naughty as you? Look at all those people. Who knows what they’re thinking of you right now?”
They weren’t looking their way. Most of them were focused on the cast member who was doing one of his comedy routines. Laughing, eating, having a great time. The lighting in the room also meant their table was a bit shadowed, keeping attention on the stage. No one was watching. But Leah didn’t know that.
And seeing her whimpering and trembling, holding onto them, was making him mad with yearning for her. He couldn’t do anything now, but the things he would do to her once they got her alone would more than make up for the strain of holding back now.
Sollit, generally, didn’t appreciate delayed gratification himself. He was more inclined to inflict it on other people. But it was worth it to see the way she fell apart under Tillos’ touch.
When she came, it was with a choked cry, biting her fist. He barely moved her hand from his cock in time, before she was strangling his hand in her pleasure.
“Such a pretty female,” he cooed as Tillos slid his fingers free. Leah watched as he licked them clean, smirking at her.
“You two…” She panted, shaking her head.
Sollit chuckled, kissing her head. “You’re so pretty when you come for us. I could watch you doing that all day.”
“No way,” she shook her head quickly. “You can’t do it again. Not ever again. It was… It was…”
“That good?” Tillos asked smugly.
She bit her lips but didn’t respond. Sollit had a feeling she liked it, but she didn’t want to admit as much.
Sollit smiled at her sweetly, changing the subject for the sake of her poor, overstimulated heart. “Have you decided on what play you want?”
“Really?” She sent him a look that made him laugh – incredulous, bordering on annoyed. “That’syour first question right now?”
Chapter 39
Was this what happiness felt like?
That thought came to her randomly, softly, as she sat in the audience of the stage room, watching as the stage was being calibrated. The mechanics were working on the anti-grav machine today, so there was no rehearsal. Corvidair was overseeing the navigation plans of the Twilight Star to their next station. The guys were talking to their parents, coordinating meeting up with the Star when it got there so they could meet her properly. Skara had her own call back home, the cleaning crew was working hard, but she didn’t have to be with them since she was now a member of the cast. They insisted she stop helping, saying she already had a job and shouldn’t keep doing more.
That left Leah, for the first time since she’d been here, alone. The guys had promised to be back soon, and she knew, if she wanted, she could have company. But she had taken the chance to sit in the empty auditorium, eating one of the snacks the guys kept stocked in their room – yes, they were bugs, but dang it they were tasty, and she had been craving them.
The moment of peace and silence, watching the mechanics work and call out to each other, thinking about nothing in particular, had brought forth the question.
Initially, the first time she had the thought, it had been soft and unfocused, the kind of thought that would normally just breeze through her head, barely be recognized, then move on to be forgotten by the time the day ended.
But then she realized what she’d just thought, and it came back, slamming into her like an anvil dropped out of the sky. And she felt just as stupid and stunned as those old cartoons sitting there, sugar crystallized bug halfway to her mouth that was hanging open, staring at nothing as the question ran rampant through her head again and again.