Page 1 of Be My Sacrifice
Chapter one
The Sinner
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,
except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
so close that your eyes close with my dreams.”
One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII
Lightflashedbrightlyandintensely behind my eyes in that brief moment. While the pain soared through my body, unbearable and threatening to shatter me forever. To rip me apart, limb from limb with poisonous claws, and unmake everything that I ever was, and longed to be.
When the sound of my mother and brother’s sorrowful voices called to me, begging me to return to them, the sound haunting and painful, filled with longing and devastation. Promising me an eternity of peace and love. Love that I craved with every fiber of my being. Love that I had been denied, and which had been cruelly stolen from me by thieves with blood on their hands. Love that I wished to be reunited with more than anything else. To be embraced tightly in its warmth and know that I was finally home, safe, and where I belonged.
It was in that moment that I heard his voice the loudest and clearest. The tone shattering pieces of me with his sorrow. The overwhelming need in that smooth whiskey-soaked tone, shredding what was left of me, until almost nothing remained.
His pleading demanded that I not leave him here on this plane of existence while I went where he could not travel. He called to me,my lover, my soulmate, my knight,and implored that I stay with him in the darkness forever.
Always by his side, my soul forever intertwined with his, with unbreakable threads, the fragmented pieces of his heart filling all the sharp cracks in mine. We were always meant to be one, forever, until the world stops turning on its axis, and the sun in her majesty stops rising; we will always be one.
As much as I wanted to return to my family’s side and end my suffering, I could not refuse him. I could not leave him, so I lay waiting in this malignant darkness to return to him—to be reunited with my love once more—my Sammy, my lover, my soulmate.Mine.
Chapter two
The Liar
30 minutes before.
I stare back at Zeke over my shoulder; for once, the fucker actually looks decently happy. The worry lines that constantly plague his handsome face have smoothed out, and his deep, forest-green eyes sparkle with a light I haven’t seen since our teens.
“You good?” I question, and the corner of his lip lifts, making his face brighten further. I reach out and run my rough fingers along his sharp jawline, the temptation to wrap them around his pretty tattooed neck filling me with need.
I give in to the sensation, knowing that if I don’t, the longing will eventually overwhelm me, and I’ll end up fucking him against a wall. I lean forward, brushing my lips gently against his, even though nothing of what I crave to do to him is gentle in any way. My body is still yearning for violence and release, both of which he is well-equipped to assist me with, but something holds me back, a visceral longing that races through my bloodstream like high-octane gasoline. A pair of grayish-blue eyes invade my mind, and just like that, I know nothing but all of us together will satisfy this raging hunger within me.
“Why wouldn’t I be? We are the fucking kings of this decrepit world, and together we own the most beautiful, vicious woman on the planet.”
“Own her?” A chuckle escapes me. “You think you own Dinah Camrose? I think you have that shit backward,fucker. Atasi has all three of our balls held tightly in her delicate and ruthless hands.”
A sharp laugh escapes him, and he nods. “You might be right about that, but what beautiful fucking hands they are, especially when they’re drenched inblood.”
I nod my agreement, Atasi covered in the blood of her enemies, with that fire that resides inside of her on display, and all of her rage present, is something truly miraculous and holy to behold. I was brought to my knees with the sight, needing to worship at her feet; a place of reverence that I have reserved for only one other living person, the fucker now walking as slow as fuck behind me.
“Speaking of, hurry the fuck up, prick. I want to see if I can still catch her in the shower. Atasi soaking fucking wet is a fantasy of mine.” I don’t wait for him to keep up as I make my way to Atasi’s room, unlocking the door with my master key and slipping inside. I quickly look around and don’t see her or Sammy. My mouth waters, and a thrill races across my skin as I hear the sounds of the water running in the shower, and the distinct sound of Atasi’s moans through the partially opened door that leads to the ensuite bath.Fuck, yes! That’s what I’m talking about.
“She seems like she’s already being properly occupied,” Zeke grunts, and I observe as he uses his palm to adjust himself. The sounds of wet skin slapping harshly against each other are a symphony to my ears.