Page 31 of Be My Sacrifice
I lift my face to the sunshine streaming through the windows, its warm rays bringing a smile to my lips, and I release a deep breath.Well, fuck, this has been a hell of a morning already.My mind replays the words written in blood on Peter’s wall. There was no vagueness to them; they were all a clear threat to the Order, and to my father specifically. I wonder how he will explain this to the Holy Father, never mind all the high-ranking Order members who must be terrified, because he assured them that they were safe.
It looks like he was very wrong and overestimated his control of the situation.I can’t wait to watch them panic and fear for their miserable lives. While I dream of a renewal of life, of coming back to myself, in the hope that it is Abe out there doing all of this, they will have nightmares of theUnholy Ghostcoming to get them.
One thing is for damn certain; this person, whoever they may be, is working as a group with others who hate the Brotherhood. It can’t be just one person, because they wouldn’t have been able to hit nine houses in one night if it had been. The thought that last night was just the beginning enters my mind. They are going to keep going after Order members and wiping them from the board. Their goal must be to topple the Brotherhood, the same way mine is.
My plan to extract Sammy and me from my father’s clutches just moved up in its timeline. I can’t allow my father to continue to use Sammy as a bargaining chip. That will tie my hands again and again. No, I must get us out of here now, and find out where he’s keeping Gabriel’s son. All my attempts to locate the child have failed. He’s not on any of my father’s properties, much to my growing frustration and concern.
Fuck! I’m out of time, here’s hoping that fucker Sammy doesn’t continue to fight me just to spite me. If he does, I might have to slit his fucking throat and leave him behind while I make my escape, with my father taking the blame for his death. Whoever this is who is coming for us, I’m going to guess they won’t take too kindly to him not being alive for their rescue.
Is it you, Abe? Are you out there? Are you coming for me, baby? Finally, a sense of real hope fills me that Abe is still breathing, and may have taken a page from Dinah’s book and is behind the attacks. The only thing that worries me is, will I be alive for long once he gets his hands on me, after betraying Dinah to save him and the kid?
I guess time will tell.
Chapter twenty
The Protector
“Getthefuckupnow. We have to make arrangements to get out of here tonight!” A pillow lands on my head with a thump, and I open my bleary eyes and stare at the asshole who will not fucking leave me alone, or let me die.
Why are there two of them?Fuck, like a disgusting lizard or one of those aliens my naive ancestors believed in, he has mutated, and now the world will have to be subjected to two fucking cunts. I close my eyes again, hoping that when I open them, I won’t see him or his ugly twin scowling down at me in disapproval.Fuck, I am a mess right now. I think I might still be a little drunk.
Why does this cocksucker, I chuckle at that thought, because he really is a cocksucker… fuck I’ve lost my train of thought.Where was I going with that thought?Shit, I maybe shouldn’t have drunk that whole bottle of whiskey said cocksucker brought into the room last night, or was that the night before?
Fuck, who knows?All my days are starting to blend into one mashup of despair, where the only face I get to see is that of my Nightstar’s killer, and I don’t even get to stop him from breathing.How could life be this unfair?My hand tenses in the cast with the need to smash it into his face once again. He’s probably right, not that I would ever tell him he is, it’s never going to heal fully if I keep hitting him with it. It might still be worth it if I manage to break his pretty boy face.
He is pretty, isn’t he?Again, my thoughts seem to ramble away from me. I swipe at my bleary eyes, trying to force my brain to get its shit together and stop thinking about nonsense.
I try to sit up, and my head spins as if it were on one of those old-time roller coasters that Dinah and I watched in banned movies on the dark web. The web that the Brotherhood has tried to erase all remnants of without success.Dammit,I grasp my spinning head between both of my palms to try to make the world stop moving, and my stomach with it, as the cocksucker rips the sheets off of me and exposes my bare body to the cool air of the room.
“Well, damn, Sammy. Are you happy to see me despite your complaints to the contrary?” I roll my aching, sore eyes in the direction the blurry version of him is standing, and wrap my fist around my hard cock, giving it a stroke before trying to yank the covers back over me to hide my nakedness.
“You wish, cocksucker,” I mumble, my mouth dry and tasting like ass. It’s just morning wood, not because I am in any way attracted to the cunt. No matter how fucking sexy his emerald eyes are, and how lithe and strong that body is, not to mention all the tattoos.Nope, just male biology, it’s fucking science.
Shit, my brain needs to stop the fuck now. He’s a fucker, a murderer, a betrayer. There is nothing attractive about him.Sure, buddy, whatever you say,the snarky bitch in my head replies.
“I wouldn’t have to wish, if you would move your hand and stop being such a prickly son of a bitch. I’m always willing to assist you with your… em… massive, hard problem.”
My cock jumps against my abs at his provocative words, and my balls tighten, almost managing to force a groan to escape my lips, but I ignore them and his attempt to tempt me. There is no way I am allowing this fucker’s mouth, or any other body part, to give me a release, no matter how much my body tries to convince me I need one. I’ll just wank one off in the shower like any normal man who doesn’t have a hole to pound into. Ah, fuck, now my tip is leaking precum at the thought of pounding into a hole.Shit.
An image of a dark-haired beauty staring at me over her tattooed shoulder, her gray-blue eyes filled with naughty mischief, and a knowing smirk lifting the corners of her naturally red lips, has me returning to my reality and killing off any ardor I might have felt.She’s gone. She’s never coming back to me.
My mind knows the truth; he is the reason that Dinah is gone. He took her from me, and to allow him to give me any pleasure, to stop fighting him, would be to spit on her memory. On the memory of all the years I spent by her side, protecting and loving her. All for this cunt to take her away from me in an attempt to save his own lover.Fuck him and his pouty lips.
“Why have you come in here all fucking excited like a starving hyena at dinner time?” I mumble, finally managing to sit up on the bed and pressing my back to the wooden headboard. Once I get a good look at him and I’m no longer seeing double, I notice how tense he is, despite his teasing words.
Fuck, something has happened.Did they finally find where the rebels are keeping Abe? Is that it? Does he get his lover back while mine has crossed over to the afterlife where she is utterly inaccessible to me, or has he finally found his other lover’s child?
Pain and jealousy lash at my heart, causing my chest to tighten painfully with the thought that he will get to move on, to still have a possible life with the person he loves the most, while I will remain trapped in darkness, with every living breath pining for my beloved Nightstar.
“First of all, I am not a fucking hyena. Those fuckers are ugly as fuck. If I were anything, I would be a wolf, dick. They’re majestic and true predators.” He moves around the room, grabbing my pants and shirt from where I haphazardly threw them last night, throwing them at me, and managing to hit me in the face in the process.
“You wish…” I mumble, as I try pulling the tangled shirt over my head only to get it stuck around my neck, and to have him come over and assist me with a deep sigh, as if I was some wayward, helpless child he had to tend to. Okay, so right this moment, while I strangle myself with my own shirt, might not be the best time to demand my independence.
“I’m going to really have to insist that you stay off the booze now.” He raises his palms close to my face, and I want to immediately break his fingers at the placating action. “I know, I know being sober is hard with everything… that has happened… but you’re going to need to, if we have a chance to get out of here.”
“Yeah, sure, fucker. Getting out of here, whatever you say.” I try to throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand up, but the world immediately tilts sideways and knocks me right back on the mattress with a lurch of my stomach.Ah fuck, I’m about to embarrass myself in front of this cunt, who will for sure never let me live it down. That is, if we stay alive, which I have my doubts about, and the way my head is starting to pound, it doesn’t sound like the greatest idea anyway.