Page 35 of Be My Sacrifice
Chapter twenty-two
The Liar
It’sbeenthreedayssince we murdered my father, and left him pinned against his wall with a message written in blood for Noah Rothesay, and the Brotherhood. Three days of bloodshed, and Dinah going on a murdering rampage against the Order. She has now personally killed another three men, and doesn’t show any signs of stopping. The Brotherhood is in upheaval, with so many deaths being met by prominent members in a short period of time. They are scrambling like cockroaches, who are not only desperate to avoid the light but also the exterminator, who is determined to eradicate them.
I’m watching her now as she paces back and forth before her latest victim, drenched in his blood after losing her composure and gutting him from throat to navel, pulling out all of his guts from his distended abdomen, and letting them pour on the floor at his feet. All while his terrified sons watched in horror and fear that they would be next, and I have no doubt that they will be. My Atasi doesn’t leave survivors.
I should be disgusted and appalled. Fuck, I should be terrified of her ability to inflict the amount of violence that she does, but the truth is I’ve been painfully hard every single day since we murdered the asshole who spawned me. Even now, my cock is leaking precum like a fucking faucet, as I watch her covered in blood. The need to fuck her, drenched in the red blood of her enemies, is visceral.I know, I know, I am just as fucked up as she is.We are a match made in hell. Both of us are serial killers in the making, with a penchant for destruction, who enjoy their work.
I palm my throbbing cock over my pants, picturing bending her over his dead lap and taking her from behind, hard and fast. Making a damn mess of her as I cum on her pretty face, while she screams my name in ecstasy as I claim her while everyone else watches, knowing that she belongs to me. I catch one of the rebels with us watching my movement, and a lascivious smile crosses my face as I wink at him, only to have him raise his shoulders towards his ears, his face reddening as he promptly turns away. A chuckle leaves my lips at his disgust. He doesn’t understand what he’s missing.
In her defense, of which she needs none because she’s my psychotic queen, that dead fucker shouldn’t have called her names, and told her she was going to die a whore’s death, pushing her over the edge to lose that precarious control she has on her sanity. A control that has been slipping as we are no closer to finding the child, or getting Noah Rothesay to leave his compound so we can attack, and retrieve Sammy and Zeke.
Sammy and Zeke.Even the mere mention of their names in my mind brings me nothing but sorrow and rage. My fury towards Zeke is still brewing inside of me, like a cyclone ready to destroy everything in its path, regardless of why he betrayed her, and betrayed us. When I close my eyes, I can still see him forcing that blade into her, see him murdering the woman I love, all to save me. I see her lying in that bed, fighting for her life while trapped in a coma. He did that, and I can’t forget or forgive. I am not sure I ever will be able to.
I can only imagine the pain that Sammy is enduring as he believes her to be dead. The rancor that must flow through his veins, as the last image of her is permanently engraved in his mind, filled with suffering. I wish that I could take his pain away, let him see that she is here, still breathing, still determined to find him, and make the Brotherhood pay for all that they have done.We will find them, we have to.
“Please, please, I beg of you, let us go. We are nothing like him,” one of the two restrained sons cries, as tears slide down his red face.Weak motherfucker, literally.Some of us have more heinous sins than others, but this fucker enjoys raping his own Sacred mother.Disgusting.
I know him well. He’s the same age as Zeke and me, an heir to his founding father’s title and name, just like we were. I’ve personally watched him defile unwilling women, and abuse them at the Order’s orgies, all while his father defended his actions, and mine laughed.
He is no better than his prick of a father. He’s just hoping my Atasi doesn’t know any better. He’s shit out of luck, though, because she and Sammy did plenty of reconnaissance before we came to realize she was theUnholy Ghost. She knows all about his activities, and mercy no longer exists inside of her, having been stripped away by the Brotherhood.
I watch her approach him, her head held high and stride slow and seductive, a blood-drenched goddess,Enyo, waging war against those who would displease her. The bloody blade moves back and forth through her slim fingers with false restraint. Her gray-blue eyes shine with an unhinged light from her blood-splattered pale face.Madness. That is what has taken hold of her, and even though watching her like this makes my cock hard, it also has a shiver of apprehension racing down my spine.
What if she can’t stop? What if she keeps killing and loses her mind for good? What if we can never call her back from the edge of madness?
I would still love her. I would still proudly stand by her side, even as she murdered everyone around her. She will forever be my Atasi, my pretty blue flower, and I will forever be her lover, who delivers her from evil and keeps her safe, even if it’s from herself.
“Oh? So it wasn’t you who likes to assault his poor, defenseless mother?” She bends down in front of his form, which is confined to a metal chair, and runs the tip of the sharp knife along his pant leg, splitting the material until his skin is exposed. “It must not have been you who raped that maid and then tied a noose around her throat, and forced her to jump out of a fourth-story window to her death, so you could jerk off to her body swinging. I must be mistaken.” She slices along his skin, opening it up like a ripe peach as his screams fill the room.
The rebels with us look away, preparing themselves for more bloodshed. I wonder if they now believe they have made a mistake thinking she was their leader. Believing her to be theirDeborah, a female warrior of God, ready to lead them into the new world without the Brotherhood. Even still, they follow her without complaint, but uneasily. I wonder if they have already communicated with their leaders about the danger she poses.
“Please, I beg of you, it was a mistake! I will repent, give up everything I have, and ask for God’s mercy!”
A cackle leaves Dinah’s lips, and my body tenses, knowing this asshole just fucked up. Instead of a quick death, she will provide him no quarter or mercy, and I don’t have long to wait to see that I’m right. She slices both his Achilles tendons and wrists in rapid succession, and then the thick rope that holds him to the chair. She rises and kicks the chair out from under him, and he falls to his knees, unable to brace himself on the marble floor.
“Crawl then, ask for my mercy, and God’s, and see if he answers you.” Her head tilts to the side on her pale neck as she watches him attempt to crawl towards the exit, red, thick blood trailing behind him. She strikes forward, embedding the blade into his shoulder and then yanking it out.
“I don’t hear you repenting, Jabin. I don’t hear you screaming for mercy.”
“PLEASE, OH LORD, SAVE ME! I REPENT MY SINS!” Jabin screams, his body crawling like a worm across the tile, even as his frightened brown eyes beg for my assistance. I have no mercy to give him or forgiveness for his sins, not even for my own.
Once again, she raises the blade, this time coming down on his lower back until he falters, unable to move again. His lips still move, whether in a silent scream or in prayer, as he’s about to meet the devil, I am not sure. Dinah climbs onto his back, straddling him like he’s a horse, and yanks back his neck, slitting his throat from one ear to the other. “There will be no forgiveness for your sins. You are an abomination to the Lord, and only the fires of hell can save you.”
She stands up again, her eyes moving over the last male member of the Perth household, who is still breathing. His shocked eyes meet hers, and in their depths, I see understanding. He knows that he is never getting out of here. His death is imminent, as was his father’s and brother’s.
“I ask for a quick death, I have not committed the sins of my father and brother, but I never attempted to stop them. I was weak and cowardly, and for that, I am ready to die. I offer you something in exchange for your mercy.”
Well, look at this guy; he has infinitely more courage than his relatives. A bead of respect grows inside of me at Jael’s words, and his acceptance of his fate. Dinah stills before him; the look on her face is still neutral, a mask that she wears well, but I know her. I knew the girl that she was, and am beginning to understand the woman she has become. She’s intrigued not only by his claim to have something to offer her in exchange for his merciful death, but also by his ready acceptance of his fate.
“What could Brotherhood scum have to offer me?”
“Information. I know what and whom you seek.” His confident words skyrocket my heart rate, the blood rushing through my veins, pushing all the other sounds to disappear. Is it possible? Could he have information about what we seek, or is this some ploy?
At the menacing look she gives him, he swallows painfully, sweat trickling down his battered, pale face to combine with the tears he has already shed. “You seek Ezekiel Rothesay, and the guard he holds hostage. You are his wife, are you not? The one they say he murdered in cold blood, to get his hands on your family’s fortune and power.”