Page 4 of Be My Sacrifice
Oneminute,wearein the thralls of pleasure, the best fucking sex I’ve ever had, and the next, it’s pure chaos when the door bursts open with a loud crashing bang, and a bunch of Order guards come pouring inside the small confines of the bathroom. They come in armed to the teeth and pointing weapons at the four of us. Shock races through my body before being replaced with rage.What the fuck is going on here?
Sammy and I pull ourselves away from Dinah’s warm body, and use our large frames to shield her and get into a fighting stance, while Abe grabs her and secures her behind him despite the reckless little psycho trying to fight him off.
Before I can make a move, my psychotic father strolls in, looking as if he’s taking a Sunday walk in the park, with a devious and pleased grin gracing his face. My heart plummets into my stomach as a cold sweat breaks out across my body. I hear Abe from behind me mutter the word, “fuck,“ matching my own sentiments exactly. What the fuck is he doing here, never mind standing? That fucker snorted the equivalent of an eight-ball of coke earlier in the night, and he should be face down at the moment.
I step forward, keeping my back straight and head high, despite the fear churning in my guts.This is bad, really fucking bad.“What in the fuck is this?” I yell angrily, letting them hear the wrath in my voice. “How dare you intrude here! GET THE HELL OUT, IMMEDIATELY!”
“Oh, son,” my dad replies with a condescending sneer, as his eyes try to catch a glimpse of Dinah behind Abe’s naked body. “I’d advise you to temper that rage for a moment. Your demands are as worthless as your self-entitlement. It’s clear to me now that you’ve always been destined for failure, Ezekiel.”
His gaze travels over the length of my body with unrestrained disdain. “You’ve become a letdown to both your mother and me, despite our best efforts to mold you into something more than this pitiable creature you’ve become.”
A snort leaves my lips at my father’s words. He’s one to talk about self-entitlement, being worthless, and letting people down. He’s the biggest piece of shit human I know, so I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree by his assessment. His words are meant to hurt me, and they would hurt meifI desired his approval, and cared about what he thought of me, but I never have, and certainly have no plans to start now.
He must see something in my face that gives my thoughts away plainly because, in the next instant, he’s nodding to one of the guards who opens fire on the shower glass, causing it to shatter and rain pieces of glass down on its naked inhabitants. Abe uses his large body to protect Dinah, who releases a shriek with the impact, and Sammy and I each reach for a guard and use the only weapons we have at our disposal, our fists, to rain blows down on them.
I watch with horror out of the corner of my eye as three armed guards enter the shower area towards Dinah and Abe, one of them already firing a taser in Abe’s direction. They administer the electric current, and his body contorts painfully as a shout rips from his mouth. They tase him over and over until his body bows, and he’s thrown down to the glass-littered floor, while Dinah tries to help him by fighting off one of the other guards.
“STOP! You’re killing him!” Dinah screams as she’s grabbed from behind, the guard fisting her hair painfully and wrapping his large, meaty forearm around her neck to subdue her, and stop her from fighting them off. Even with the way he’s holding her, and reducing her ability to breathe, she keeps fighting back, trying to release herself to help Abe.I’m going to rip that fucker’s arms right off his body for touching what is mine.
I keep counterattacking, striking out as they keep coming at me and trying desperately to make my way over to her. My heart is pounding so loudly in my ears, and my breathing is becoming labored, but nothing short of death will stop me from getting to Dinah and Abe. Sammy is doing the same, and the loud sounds of fists striking flesh surround us. One of the guards manages to kick him in the stomach, and he goes flying back until his body slams into the bathroom wall, but mere seconds later, he’s back on his feet again and giving it his all.
“Tsk, tsk, Dinah. You really are a violent psychopath, aren’t you, my dear? Not obedient like your mother at all, but it seems you take cock well like her. Good to know that some things were passed on,” my dad chuckles as two of his personal guards force Dinah to her knees before him, and place a blade at her throat.
A red haze descends over my vision at the sight of that blade pressed against her delicate neck. A neck that fucking belongs tome. Fury fills me and gives me a boost of energy that has my fists flying out at the guard facing me, cracking his nose, and pushing him away from us. I’ll kill them all for touching her; each and every one of them will die painfully at my hands, starting with my father.
Dinah, my vicious little Snow, hawks up a glob of spit and aims it at my father’s face. It slides down his chin as I continue my attempt to make my way to her, my heart lodged in my throat with fear. I can see Abe regaining his feet, even though they are trying their best to take him down again. Sammy is almost free from the guards who had attacked and tried to overwhelm him, and most of them are now lying injured at his feet. Fear ricochets through me as even more pour into the room to take their place.Fuck! There are too many!We will never be able to get out of here.
My father’s green eyes flash, and his face contorts with rage as he swipes at his cheek and jaw. “Break her arm, the disrespectful cunt,” he orders.
One of the guards grabs her arm, yanking it back at a painful angle, and snaps her wrist against his knee, pulling forcefully on her arm until he’s dislocated her shoulder, while the one holding the blade to her neck cuts her, and blood begins to trickle down immediately from the wound. She stops fighting, her face going pale and etched in visible pain, and I can’t bear the gasp of distress that leaves her lips. My heart screams out to me to help her, to stop them from hurting her further.
“STOP! DON’T FUCKING HURT HER!” My voice rings out in desperation, the sound foreign to my ears as another guard tries to tackle me to the ground.
“Remove my son out into the hallway. I want to have a word with him without these sinners present,” my father orders, and three guards seize and shove me until I’m forced violently from the room, the door slamming behind my father ominously.Fuck, there are too many of them. How the fuck are we going to get out of here? I can’t let them hurt her or Abe.
I fight off the restraining hold of two of the guards, slamming one against the wall, while using my head to bash the other one in the face. Before I can do more damage, one of them punches me in the temple, and I crumple down, darkness partially invading my sight.Fuck!My vision swims, and bile races up my throat, as my stomach lurches as if it wants to expel its contents.
“Stay down, little prince, or you’re going to get really hurt,” one of my father’s guards says, breathing his hot, putrid breath in my face.
“Fuck you,” I spit as my vision starts to clear, and my mouth fills with the taste of blood.
“Ezekiel, Ezkiel, Ezekiel. Son, what am I to do with you? At every turn, you offer me nothing but disappointment and dissatisfaction.” My father moves closer; his despicable face is stern and locked in contemplation. “I gave you an easy task, one I’ll remind you that you demanded from me. You wanted the whore for yourself, and you wanted her to be your wife.”
He crouches down closer to me, but not close enough for me to reach out and do some damage. His dark green eyes are lit with madness, a sight that has me fearing not only for my safety, but also for the safety of everyone I care for in the room a wall away.
“Did you really think that you could manipulate me, son? That you were smarter thanme? Did you think I wasn’t aware ofeverystep you take?“ I don’t give him the satisfaction of answering him. I just stare darkly into the eyes of the man who has had a hand in destroying this world, and his only offspring’s life. The eyes of a demon straight out of hell.
There’s a twitch in his eye, and I know he is growing weary of waiting for me to react. He waits for another minute before a creepy, disgusting grin slowly appears on his face. “I know that she’s theUnholy Ghost, Ezekiel. I know that traitorous fucking guard has been helping her kill our brethren, and I know that you and that unhinged psychopath, Abe, have been protecting her.”
His lips rest in a hard line as his face tightens with rage. “Did you really think you could pull one over on me, son? That I didn’t automatically recognize your pathetic tricks? That I would be so careless as to leave myself vulnerable in your presence so you could commit patricide?”
My eyebrow rises before I can school my face, so as not to give away any of my thoughts, even though inside, panic is way past settling in. How can this be possible? How can he be here? Fuck, does he know about Abe and me being together? How does he know about Dinah being theUnholy Ghost? I’m getting ready to jump right out of my skin with all the thoughts racing through me.
This man has no love or loyalty for me, and would do anything to get what he wants. Right now, that is the power that the Camrose’s wield—the power that Dinah still has. “Were the drugs fake, or did you pretend to take a hit?”
A rough chuckle escapes his lips. “They were very much real, so much so that Peter is shitfaced and face down on your mother’s cunt right now, passed out, but I wasn’t stupid enough to actually partake, and allow my traitorous son the opportunity to slit my throat while I was incapacitated.”