Page 54 of Be My Sacrifice
“Don’t fucking remind me, cunt. You sulked like a three-year-old brat who had lost his favorite toy to another child. And for your information, yeah, the minute we are out of here, I’m going to break your nose again.” Zeke releases an exasperated breath, looking away from Abe, who has a stupid grin on his face.
I roll my eyes at both their theatrics. These two are too much to handle on the best of days, but right now, I need to be focused and figure out the purpose of all the cloak-and-dagger shit this guy is pulling. I don’t have long to wait before he stands before me, tipping his head to Zeke, and giving Abe a polite smile that showcases his perfect white teeth.
If I wasn’t pissed at all the secrecy and hoops this fucker was making me climb through to meet him, I could admit, at least to myself, that he’s handsome. No, not just handsome, the word that comes to mind isregal. This man before me has the bearing of a king. The question is, where does he think his kingdom lies, and what purpose do I serve in his plans?
“Dinah, how lovely to see you well. You really did give us all a fright.”
My eyes maneuver over him, taking in his bronze complexion, expensive clothes, and the thick gold watch on his wrist. The diamond ring sparkling on his finger, which denotes him as a high-ranking Order official, and the raven hair that is styled to perfection. This man has never starved a day in his life. He is from the upper echelons of privilege, so why is he here?
His dark, chocolate-brown eyes meet mine and hold my stare unflinchingly, even as a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. “Let’s cut the bullshit, shall we? How long have you known I was theUnholy Ghost, and more importantly, where is Samuel Wendover being held?”
A loud laugh bursts from him, the sound melodious as his eyes crinkle with the effort to contain his amusement. It catches the attention of those around us, and they turn to watch him as I clench my fists tightly, to prevent myself from punching this fucker right in his entitled nose.
Don’t hit him. Show fucking restraint and just don’t react, because that’s what he wants. He’s testing us to see how far he can push us. He may be able to get us a lead on Sammy or the boy, and if not, he can meet the end of our blade,my whispers in warning as I force my hands to unclench.
“I like you, Dinah. You have spirit and a ton of rage.” He leans forward, his face moving closer to mine, and Zeke growls at him deep in his throat, the sound making the hair at the back of my neck stand on end with its ferocity. “I see you got two of your devil hounds back. I was betting on you murdering that one.” He nods towards Zeke, and the man in question steps forward, ready to commit violence.
I give Zeke my eyes, showing him with my coldness that I don’t need, nor do I want, his assistance fighting my battles. He can save his prince charming act and savior complex for someone else who might be swayed by that bullshit, but it won’t be me.
“I am not your enemy, Dinah. In fact, you and I have a common goal.” His soft words slither down my skin, trying their hardest to project unity. If he thinks I’m buying his sincerity, he’s in for a rude awakening. I don’t trust him, and I certainly don’t trust his motives.
“And that is?” I question with a raised eyebrow and genuine curiosity.
“The destruction of the Brotherhood, and the liberation of our world as we know it.” He reaches out and grazes my jaw with the touch of his fingers, and in the next moment, all hell breaks loose when Abe grabs his hand and snaps those same fingers.
Ah, hell! Here we go!
Chapter thirty-five
The Liar
Thisfuckerissuave,I’ll give him that. Brave, too, coming up to Dinah and us like he has. As if he doesn’t care how dangerous we are. He’s either brave or stupid, one or the other, and I have a feeling that I’m about to find out which one shortly. I watch him lean forward, putting himself closer to my Atasi as he speaks to her, invading her personal space, like he has the right to. “I like you, Dinah. You have spirit and a ton of rage.”
Stupid, it is.Zeke’s anger is almost palpable as a vicious, animalistic growl leaves his lips, the sound going straight to my cock and giving me a chub. This fucker is not brave. He simply has a death wish. Zeke is mere moments away from tearing him apart, and I won’t stop him. In fact, I’ll join in with ripping his limbs off for disrespecting us. I don’t trust him. I don’t trust any of these rebels in this room, and my intuition is blaring like the siren of that movie from the old world that Zeke loved to watch,The Purge.
Something is happening here that we can’t see. I need to protect Dinah, and even that fucker Zeke, at all costs. This is a trap being laid. I can feel it. I know that Dinah can feel it too; she’s not naive, we are in danger.
“I see you got two of your devil hounds back. I was betting on you murdering that one.” He nods towards Zeke, and he immediately steps forward, pulling on the leash of restraint that Dinah has metaphorically placed on us.
Fuck, we need to play this smart, but this guy is just begging for a beating. I crack my knuckles, just waiting for him to fuck up, and then it’s on, regardless of how many rebels are in this room. My eyes quickly scan the room for numbers. Well, twenty to two aren’t odds I would typically take, but Dinah is with us, and that gives us an unfair advantage over them. She’s certifiably insane, and bloodlust practically vibrates off of her.My sexy little killer.
Dinah gives Zeke a cold look that has him halting in his movements, as she turns back to the mystery asshole with a fierce expression that has brought men to their knees, yet this prick doesn’t even flinch.Who the fuck is this guy?
“I am not your enemy, Dinah. In fact, you and I have a common goal.” A snort escapes my lips at his words.This guy is all kinds of cheesy.Did he really imagine those words would work on someone like my Atasi? Not a fucking chance, she’s too intelligent and cunning to be manipulated by the likes of him.Got to step up your game, bitch, if you’re going to play in the big leagues with the real monsters.
“And that is?” She questions with a raised eyebrow, and her lips tense, the mask she wears to disguise her emotions and thoughts firmly in place. I can feel the anger radiating off of her frame; it’s there in every line of her sexy body, just waiting to be unleashed. I want her to unleash it. My body, mind, and soul all crave her destruction, crave bloodlust, and to see her unrestrained. Does that make me as much of a monster as she is?Yes, that’s why we are perfect together. There are no sins I wouldn’t commit for her.She is my everything.
“The destruction of the Brotherhood, and the liberation of our world as we know it.” I watch as if trapped in slow motion, as his hand moves forward and his long, tanned fingers softly caress my Atasi’s jaw. In the next moment, my restraint is entirely gone, and I’m grabbing his hand tightly in mine and bending those same fingers backward until an audible snap is heard, and a muffled cry leaves his lips. Dinah’s head tilts in feigned amusement, but I can see the fear and anger in the tiny lines around her eyes.
“Don’t fucking touch her, asshole.” The rage that is always simmering just below the surface of my skin rises within me, demanding that I murder him for touching what is mine. No one gets to have her, no one but us.
My girl, my love, my Atasi.
Zeke moves forward aggressively, his body caging him from behind and vibrating with malice. I can sense that we have gained further attention from those around us, as movements can be heard. As I prepare myself to have to fight our way out of here, and protect Dinah from the rebels, a brazen laugh leaves the man whose fingers I just broke, and my eyebrows hit my hairline.
What. The. Fuck.