Page 24 of Venomous King

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Page 24 of Venomous King

“Lick me clean, Issy. Get every single drop.” His cock slips from my mouth, and I use my tongue to lick him clean, bathing his long, thick length, sucking on the crown, and working my way down to his testicles, before licking and sucking them gently. I know that I’ve just shamelessly come, and right now, I should be reeling at my actions, but the truth is I want more. I’m recklessly enjoying this moment of depravity, even though I know it will cost me later.

“What a goodcumwhoreyou are, baby. Now, go over there and kiss him. Let him taste who you belong to.“ His hand leaves my throat, his fingers reaching my locks before tightening mercilessly, and forcing me to meet his olive-green eyes. “You belong tome, do you hear me, Issy? I’ll fucking gut him fromone end to the other, and fuck you in his blood. Don’t push me, baby.”

Fear threatens to drown out the post-orgasm sensations as I pull away from his grip, and I crawl on my hands and knees toward Kai. A groan from behind me lets me know that Diego is enjoying the view of my soaked, swollen pussy, and his hook in my ass, as I move on all fours like a well-trained dog. I might as well be his bitch at this point, I seem to be incapable of denying my fate at his side.

As much as I claim I don’t want to be kept or treated like a pet, I’m no longer sure if that’s my pride talking, because I’m still a Stratford; my lineage, and how Stella raised me, demanding I fight back against any man trying to own me. Maybe it’s the thought that I will lose myself entirely, if I allow myself to give in, down a dark, deep hole that will never see the light of day again.

I reach Kai, and his trembling hand reaches out. He caresses my cheek with a gentle, soft touch that I know I don’t deserve the kindness of. His crystal sky-blue eyes meet mine, and in their depths, I don’t see any hint of hate or judgment, only love and lust. A deep breath flees me as tears slide down my cheeks as he pulls me closer, fully aware that Diego is watching us and utterly unpredictable. “No tears, baby. You’re the most beautiful, sexy woman I know, and I’m so in love with you. Nothing will change that.”

His mouth meets mine in a heated kiss that starts as a blazing fire. He consumes me, licking and sucking my lips, his tongue tangling with mine. I know he can taste Diego’s cum inside of my mouth, and if that bothers him, he doesn’t show it. We finally break apart when we’re both out of breath. “My beautiful rose.” Kai kisses the tip of my nose, just as Diego moves forward and grabs my shoulder, to yank me back and away from him.

A pounding on the door has all of us halting in our movements and turning towards it. The gun is still clutched in Diego’s hand. He immediately turns towards the door, pointing it at whoever might come through without any hesitation, and Kai pulls me physically behind his large form.

“Jefe! Jefe, please, you have to come now. La niña grita y se pone enferma! (The little girl is screaming and making herself sick.)”The gruff voice yells as he continues to bang fiercely.

“What is going on, Diego? Is something wrong with Julia? Are we under attack?” I panic as I break free from Kai’s protective hold.

“Julia is awake and crying. He says she’s making herself sick.Fuck!“ He rips off his shirt and throws it at me. “Put that on, we have to get to our daughter. You too, fucker, get up.”

Chapter sixteen


“Love is not a feeling of happiness.Love is a willingness to sacrifice.”

Michael Novak

Iwatch as the fucking savage rips off his black long-sleeve shirt with frustration, and throws it at Isabella. He doesn’t wait to see if she complies with his demand to put on his clothing. If it were up to me, she would put back on her dress, the one she would have married me in, but right now, I don’t want to antagonize the beast further, especially if he’ll allow me to see Julia. My eyes trace over his exposed skin; various scars and wounds litter the surface, along with tattoos that paint his flesh in graphic details. I count at least three healed bullet wounds in his abdomen and back alone, not to mention Stella’s recent stab wound. If I wasn’t already convinced this psycho was dangerous, just looking at his body cements it.Fuck, how many times has someone tried to kill him?

Isabella struggles to get the shirt over her head quickly, becoming tangled in the oversized material and crying out in frustration. I move to assist her, even though my shoulder is a blazing fire of pain from the gunshot earlier. “Here,little rose, let me help.“ I grab the neckline and hold it so she can pop her head through. Once she does, her brown eyes meet mine, filled with apprehension. God, how I wish I could see the sapphire blue below their disguised depths. I’ve always hated that she had to hide her pretty eyes to prevent that monster from finding her, and it accomplished nothing. Regardless of our attempts to keep her safe, he found her in the end. “I’m so sorry, Kai. I... I don’t know what came over me...”

I reach below the shirt, and untie the belt from the hook the savage shoved into her ass, and with a blush, she reaches down and yanks it out, and it falls to the ground between her legs. My hands move on to the belt, pulling it through the buckle, releasing it from her neck, and throwing it behind me with aggravation, the red imprint of the leather left plainly on her neck, for everyone to see. “It’s okay, little rose. Don’t worry about any of that right now.”

“Move your fucking asses, or you’re staying locked in this room!Scratchthat,the cunt is staying locked in this room, but you,Princesa, will be handcuffed to me so you can’t escape again.”

I want to throw my fists, and beat him bloody, for the callous way he’s speaking to Isabella. Who the fuck does he think she is? My fury pushes me forward until I’m chest-to-chest with him, and staring him down. Self-preservation be damned right now, fuck this piece of shit. We are evenly matched in height, and he might have more muscle mass than me, but that won’t stop me from giving it all I have, to protect my family. “You don’t fucking speak to her that way. Have some fucking respect, she’s Julia’s mother.”

“Are you planning to make me,pretty boy?”Shove. “You want me to respect the woman who stole my child from me, and then let me believe she was fucking dead for almost five years?”Shove. His nostrils flare, and that dangerous, unhinged look returns to his face, and for a brief moment, real fear skates down my spine. The gun is back in its holster at his side, and the blade is resheathed. Could I get to one of them to cause him some damage before he kills me?

“STOP! Please stop. Your alpha gorilla routines will need to wait. We have to get to Julia, before she’s so worked up that we’ll need a hospital to calm her down.” Isabella pushes past both of us impatiently, and stands at the door, anxiety clearly evident on her pale face. Diego’s oversized shirt dwarfs her and hits her at mid-thigh. She looks so small and vulnerable, but also fierce, as if she will come over here and strangle both of us. The‘momma bear’has been activated in her. “Let’s go! I need to get to my daughter!”

I admire her tenacity and fearlessness as she demands to be set free from the room. With one last grunt, and immature chest bump, Diego pushes away and meets her at the door, knockingand speaking rapidly in Spanish, so it becomes unlocked from the outside. He stands back, giving Isabella space to move around him, and with a smirk, he wraps one of his thick, tattooed arms around her waist, pulling her snugly into his body. A furious growl escapes my lips as I move towards them, ready to rip his arm off.

“I wouldn’t do what you’re thinking, cunt. My men have been ordered to shoot you at the slightest provocation. You’ll be making Issy a widow before making her a bride.”

“I will end you, fucker. You won’t get away with any of this,” I snarl as I follow them from the room, and am immediately shadowed by two large, angry men with guns. Any further threats I would have uttered die in my throat, at the sheer presence of gun-carrying goons, awaiting their master’s commands. He has a whole fucking army here, ready to massacre us all if we don’t comply.Fuck.

We move as a unit down the stairs and a short corridor, the hostility in the air causing my skin to feel too tight, and beads of sweat to glide down my nape. As we round the corner, I can hear Julia’s sharp cries, and my heart thuds painfully in my chest at my little girl’s distress. My hands clench into tight fists at my sides, to restrain myself from slamming them into the fucker causing my daughter all this anguish. Isabella breaks from Diego’s hold and rushes towards the sealed door. She looks over her shoulder at Diego with a pleading, desperate look, and it breaks my heart to see her begging him for anything; the monster from all her nightmares, returned to cause her further harm.

“Please, Diego... she’s so scared.” Diego nods his head to the guard, and he unlocks the door, allowing Isabella to stride through. Before I can follow her inside, Diego’s large hand grabs onto my injured shoulder and squeezes tightly, and I have to bite down on the inside of my cheek to contain the scream thatwants to vacate me. The taste of rich copper fills my mouth, and the desire to spit my blood in his face almost causes me to do something I know will immediately cost me my life.

“I’m only allowing you in there because I don’t want Julia to get worse. You will do what you need to, to calm her down, but don’t think for one second that she guarantees that you’ll keep breathing for very long. Your death is only momentarily postponed.”

I don’t bother responding, pushing away his touch and striding to the door. The minute I enter, I glimpse Julia cradled tightly in Isabella’s arms, with a teddy bear clutched to her chest, as my beautiful rose rocks her back and forth and speaks soothing, quiet words into our daughter’s dark hair. She looks so tiny, so frail, my little girl. All of this is too much for her. Who am I fucking kidding? I’m a grown man, and this is too much for me, never mind a little, ill girl like Julia.

“Da... ddy.” Her broken sob shatters what’s left of my control, when she spies me over her mother’s delicate shoulder. I move towards them cautiously, wondering if this is when Diego will murder me in front of my family. Will he shoot me in the back like the fucking villain he is?

When no one makes any attempt to stop me, I wrap both Isabella and Julia in my arms, despite the pain it causes me. “I’m here, Lovebug. Daddy’s here, and it will all be alright. You need to calm down, Julia. Please, for Daddy, be my big girl.”

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