Page 39 of Venomous King
Two thick arms wrap around me from behind, and yank until I’m forced to back up a couple of steps, and Diego is out of my immediate reach. “FUCK!” I shout as I shake out my throbbing hand. My glare meets Diego’s furious eyes; he’s ready and willing to retaliate. Maybe I should have attempted to kill this fucker after all. Perhaps I would have died in the attempt, but fuck knows, I would have taken him with me to the underworld, and then my girls would be free of him, and all the danger that surrounds him.
“You try that shit again, and I’ll put a fucking bullet between your eyes, no matter how much myPrincesaloves you.“ Hishand rises, and he pulls the gun from his chest holster and points it straight out at me. “I should kill you now, so that when I regain my girls, I have one less enemy to deal with.”
“Do it, fucker!” I step forward, ready to take him on again. I’m fucking sick of this asshole always pointing weapons and threatening me with death. “Get it over with, I’m right here, Diego!” I spread my arms wide in front of him, taunting him. “It’s what you’ve always wanted, right? You want me out of the picture, regardless of whether it will break Isabella and Julia’s hearts? Go ahead then, pull the fucking trigger and end this shit, once and for all.”
I see the indecision in his eyes, and the tightening of his jaw. He wants to murder me, but some part of him that still thinks rationally must realize that to do so would mean he would lose Isabella. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” He fires the gun into our wood floor, and the sound explodes in the air around us. “One day, I will murder you,pretty boy, but right now, I need to find our girls.”
“Jefe (Boss), we don’t have enough men, not even with the reinforcements that your father sent, and it will take too long to bring in more from Colombia. We need an army if we are going to go after the Sanchezes.”
We both turn to look at his man, and he takes a hasty step backward, sensing our aggression. The adrenaline is still running through our veins, as the scent of danger and malice still permeates the air around us. In our need to pummel and kill each other, I had forgotten his presence in the room, until he pried me away from Diego. Fuck, this toxic asshole is tainting me a little more every day, and turning me into the same violent monster he is. I use the palms of my hands to press against my eyes, in an attempt to stem the vicious headache that has exploded in my skull, causing my head to feel like it will split open.
“An army?” Diego repeats the word, as if his brain is trying desperately to make sense of it.
A thought appears in my mind, and I grimace, already knowing how he will react. If it’s the only way to save my girls, I’ll crawl over broken fucking glass to beg her for assistance. I know she hates Diego and me, but she loves Isabella and Julia with all her heart. She will move heaven and earth to save them. She might also have the two of us murdered in the process, but that is a risk, and consequence, that I am more than willing to face, if it means my girls are safe.
“Diego, we need Stella. She has an army, and she will do whatever is necessary to save the girls.”
“Fuck, anyone but her,” he groans and rubs at his jaw, the spot already red and swelling from my attack. Indecision wars on his menacing features, but after a few seconds, the look of unwanted acceptance at my words can be observed, and I’m finally able to take a deep breath.
“Is your pride more important than Isabella and Julia’s safety?” I fold my arms across my chest to prevent myself from reaching out, and thrashing him, if he doesn’t answer my question correctly.
“Fuck my pride, do you really believeANYTHINGcould be more important than getting them back?“ His dark eyebrow rises, and his face becomes a mask of pure rage. The scar on the side of his face draws up grotesquely, giving him an even more sinister appearance. The days of this fucker intimidating me are over. I’m no longer afraid of him; I only care about Julia and Isabella.
“Then let’s get her on the phone, Diego. We need to save our girls.”
Chapter twenty-six
“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)
Icompel my exhausted eyes to open and attempt to blink the room into focus. There’s still a ringing in one of my ears, from the last punch I took to the side of the head before blacking out. How long ago was that?Minutes, hours, days?Time feels like it is moving at a snail’s pace. How long have I been trapped in this hell?
I stretch my aching arms and am immediately shocked that they are not strapped down. Cautiously, I peer around the small room that has become my prison, before moving the rest of my limbs, and forcing my aching body to attempt to sit up. The pain in my ribs is excruciating, and robs me of breath, as I stifle down the scream that tries to leave me. Fuck, they have to be broken, thanks to that lunatic who’s using me as a punching bag. My head spins, and a wave of dizziness renders me motionless, as my stomach protests and threatens to spew its empty contents. The skin on my back stretches as I round my shoulders, and silent tears instantly slide down my face from the various lashes covering my skin.Fuck!
Be strong, don’t fucking cry, don’t give in, we have to get out of here.We have to find Julia and escape this nightmare. My poor little baby, she must be so terrified. Where are Diego and Kai? Do they not realize that we are missing yet? How can that possibly be? It has to have been more than a day since we were abducted from the park. How long can I and my little girl survive in this hell, at the hands of these monsters that wish to hurt Diego?
Think, Issy, what would Mia do? How would Stella get out of this mess?I shift uncomfortably on the hard surface I was previously strapped to, my mind finally registering what I am lying on. A dirty and blood-streaked wooden table; this motherfucker had me strapped to a table like an animal that he planned to carve up. My core tightens painfully, a throbbing andburning sensation reminding me of the horrors I endured, just a few hours ago.
“That’s it, whore, look at how your pussy takes all of me. I’m going to break you, and you will scream for me.” His hand wraps around my throat, stopping all the air from entering my lungs. I try desperately to loosen my limbs, so I can fight back against his assault, but it’s useless; he has me face down and strapped too tightly. I can’t even buck my body away from his.
I haven’t been able to stop any of the horrors he’s putting me through. The smell of his sweat in my nostrils, the way his sticky skin feels, pressed up against mine, and the oppressive heat in the room, cause me to gag. My mouth fills with saliva that slips down the corner of my lips, until I can feel it coating my cheeks and chin. His short nails dig into my flesh, as his fingers squeeze tighter and tighter. The coarse hair on his chest is scratchy and itchy against the middle of my back, and his weight stretched across my limbs feels jarring and unendurable. My body and heart want to die, piece by piece, until there is nothing left of me, but my will and mind refuse to give up, keeping me chained by my soul to this body, experiencing the unimaginable.
“I bet I fuck you better than that weak piece of shit, Cabano. My cock is bigger than his, isn’t it, dirty cunt?” He thrusts harshly into my pussy from behind, causing my pelvis to crash over and over again against the hard surface he has me on.
“I must say both your ass and pussy are nice and tight. I thought for sure, since you were a whore allowing herself to be used by two men, that you would be loose and stretched out. I’m very pleased that I was wrong, slut. Don’t worry, though; I’ll be sure to stretch you out,” he grunts.
He releases his grip on my throat, only to fist my short hair, and yank my head back towards his evil face, his rank breath penetrating the blood that’s caking my nostrils. “Scream forme, whore. I want to hear the pretty sounds you make as my cock tears you apart.” I clench my jaw, refusing to give him what he wants. The only small mercy that fucking bitch fate has seen to grant me in this horror, is this pathetic psychotic fool is the size of a cocktail wiener, instead of how large he dreams he is.
This is the third or fourth time he has raped me in a few hours, and my body is spent, my throat is raw from all my screams. My mind is becoming too numb, and small fissures are beginning to show themselves, as I try desperately to cope with what is happening to me. I allow myself to drift, my thoughts escaping what my body is enduring, and going to a place when I was once happy. A place far from all this turmoil and pain, where I was once free.
I picture the first time I took Julia to the beach, and how excited she was to feel her toes in the sand. She gurgled and cooed at the seagulls along the shore, and she shrieked with happiness as the waves lapped at us, as we sat in the cool, white sand. Her round baby cheeks were rosy, and her bright green eyes lit with joy, as she watched Kai fly a rainbow kite before us. Her chubby, little fingers tightened with strength as they clutched onto mine, and she tried to scoot her little bottom across the sand towards Kai. Content. Happy. Loved.
I will not allow this villain to take that away from me. Joaquín can destroy my body, but my mind will always be my own. A sharp tug on my hair yanks me back, and away from my memories of the shore, just as he bites down on my shoulder from behind, and I can no longer swallow my screams. “That’s it, dirty whore; I won’t allow you to escape me, not even into your own mind. Scream for me, bitch.”
I force myself away from the nightmare, my breathing ramping up until I feel like I will hyperventilate, just from the thoughts of him inside of me. I will see him fucking dead, hisheart ripped out, and his ashes scattered to the four corners of the earth, for what he has done to me. I am a fucking Stratford, and he laid his filthy hands on me. Death is what he will get for that.