Page 56 of Venomous King
"Julia, answer me, I asked you a question." I watch as Kai gets more and more frustrated with our daughter. His attractive face is flushed, his crystal blue eyes narrowed on Julia, and his nostrils flaring. He's still so handsome, even after all these years, he still reminds me of a fallen angel. I watch with amusement as he drags his fingers through his short blonde locks, that are now sprinkled with gray, and yanks on the strands. Fuck, I miss his longer hair, and the way I loved running my fingers through the silky strands.
"Daddy, you're overreacting." Julia glances at me, with a look that implies I should help her. "He's no one important, just a random," she mumbles, and I shake my head at her. It seems my daughter never learns, and has a need to constantly create anarchy. Geez, I wonder which parent she gets that from?
"Random? Overreacting?Jesus, Julia,Papiis currently shooting at him. Do you know what will happen to him if he catches him? Have you forgotten your father is the head of one of the most brutal cartels in the world?"
She shrugs her slim shoulder, and a mischievous smile graces her pink lips. "IfPapi (Daddy)manages to catch him, then he deserves what happens to him. He should have run faster."
Kai throws his arms in the air in exasperation. "Isabella, talk some sense into your daughter,please. Diego is going to go on a killing spree if she keeps sneaking boys into this house." I roll my eyes at his request, because he knows damn well there is no talking to her. I count down in my head how many more weeks of summer are left, before she has to return to college.Three? Four? Fuck, too many.
"Little niece, think smarter. Don't bring them here, go to a hotel, or pretend to stay with friends," Mia says none tooquietly, further encouraging Julia's behavior. I'm doomed with all of them, and live in a perpetual state of chaos in this house. How I miss the days when she was little and still respected all of us. Now, she's rebellious and, well, I guess, a Stratford.Uncontrollable, and sure of her destiny.
Kai points his finger at Mia menacingly. "You stay out of this. Your boys are worse. If I'm not mistaken, and I know I'm not, ‘cause it was on the fucking news, those two psychos set fire to their school gym not even two weeks ago, and got away with it when Stella donated a whole new stadium to the college." Mia shrugs, but a Cheshire Cat smile graces her lips. "What can I say? They take after their fathers."
Speaking of fathers, I hear them all coming into the room, the sound of their boisterous conversation preceding them. Theo's the first through the door, and his eyes immediately track where Mia is in the space before relaxing. The second one through the door is Finn, followed by Mateo, and then Carter, who's got a furious look across his features. "Kai, we didn't manage to catch the other one. He made it down the street, and Theo, the fucker, wouldn't let me shoot at him."
"Two of them? Julia, lord, what were you thinking?" I move away from the window and approach my daughter, with my hands planted firmly on my hips. "She was thinking she's her mother's daughter," Finn mutters sarcastically, and gets a scathing glare from both Mia and me.
"You can't go around shooting teenagers, Carter! What the hell is the matter with you? You're the reason Alexander and Caesar think they can get away with everything they do," Theo argues, but Carter gives him the finger. "Pretty sure Stella's the reason they're invincible," Mateo coughs into his hand.
"Let's get back on track here. This is about my kid, not your demented fiends of sons," Kai asserts. "Julia, do you wantPapi(Daddy)and me to put you on lockdown, in the compound in Colombia? ‘Cause we will, young lady, if you don't stop this shit!"
The little brat looks her father straight in the eyes and smirks; a look that is a mirror image of Diego when he's being an asshole, and I know whatever is going to come out of her mouth next will be terrifying. "Go ahead and try. I'll either get Gammy to come get me, or I'll spend all my time seducing and sleeping with the guards. You'll have accomplished nothing, Daddy."
"What was that about seducing guards,Cherub?"Oh shit, here we go.Diego storms through the door, his salt and pepper hair disheveled, his forehead dotted with sweat, and his olive green eyes glaring at his daughter.Fuck, he looks sexy as fuck when he's furious, my dark villain.Poor Rachel saunters in after him, looking equally messy, but with a large, happy smile on her features. I guess she managed to save whoever was running. She's the equivalent of Mother Teresa, if the saint walked around with a Japanese fighting sword, and threatened my husbands with bodily harm on a regular basis.
"Leave my goddaughter alone,Hades, or I'll break your kneecaps." Rachel pushes past him and hugs Julia, while whispering in her ear, and Julia releases a giggle. I really wish she wouldn't encourage her, she's just as bad as Mia.
"Lovebug, why don't you repeat what you were just saying for yourPapi (Daddy)? You know the part about if we locked you in the compound in Columbia, Gammy would either get you out, or you'd corrupt, and sleep with, the guards."Ugh, Kai, why do you have to stir up the snake's nest?I shake my head at his antics. He knows full well what he's doing with provoking Diego to lose his thin control of his temper. Someone, or multiple someones, always end up dead when that happens.
Diego gets right up into Julia's face and stares down at her, his jaw clenched, and his hands fisted at his sides.Dammit, his temper is riding him hard, and that's only going to push Julia'sbuttons more. She gets a kick out of riling him up and watching him explode,little psycho. "I'll murder every single one of them with my bare hands,Cherub. You'll have every one of their deaths on your conscience."
I quickly slip my body between them in an attempt to defuse the situation, not that it will help. These two are unpredictable, and destructive forces of nature. Julia once set fire to Diego's Mercedes, when he grounded her for sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night without the guards. I am pretty sure she's also behind Kai's office being set ablaze, when he told her she couldn't go to spring break senior year, although I can't prove it. The little devil covered her tracks. I'm living the fucking dream here, with my family that is trying to slowly make me insane. It's no wonder I've started drinking in the middle of the day.Assholes, the lot of them.
"Yup, that's our cue to go," Theo announces, grabbing onto Mia's hand and pulling her from the room, as the rest of them follow with nervous glances backward. I almost want to beg them to take me with them, so I can get some peace and quiet, but their house is no better with their demon-spawn twins, and their angelic tween daughter, Cleo. "Bye, beautiful warrior princess, make sure you give your daddies hell!" Mia yells from the hallway, and then she's dragged away. Carter stops at the door, his thick arms folded across his chest as he meets my eyes, and then Diego's. "I'm around to help, just holler, I wanted to try my new rocket launcher anyway." Then he's gone. Jesus fucking Christ, all of them are too much! I'm surrounded by unhinged psychos with too much money, power, and time on their hands.
Julia, the little minx, squares her delicate little shoulders, and stares at Diego from below her lashes. She gets up on her toes, leans forward, and plants a kiss on his stubbled cheek. "I don't have a conscience,Papi (Daddy). I'm your daughter, remember, but nice try." She taps her fingers against her father's chestbefore turning around, kissing Kai on the cheek, and heading for the doorway. "Where are you going, Julia? We are not done discussing this behavior. You're almost twenty years old, you can't just do whatever the hell you want anymore," Kai shouts.
"You forget yourself, Daddy. I'm a Stratford, so I can always do whatever I want." She walks out the door without a glance backward, and I swear I feel my knees trembling, and about to give out. She's going to burn this world to the ground, I can feel it. The world thought Stella Stratford was ruthless and dangerous, but it hasn't seen anything yet. Her great-granddaughter is built in her image, but so much worse. Diego reaches out and grabs me, hauling me into his arms.
"She gets that from Stella. I should have killed the old dragon before she could corrupt her," he sighs, kissing my hair as his hand slides up my abdomen towards my breast. "Hmm, yes, Stella was the only one responsible for making her that way. You and Kai had nothing to do with it," I moan.
"Hi, yeah, I'm still here." Rachel waves. "I'm going to head out now. I would rather not be present for your kinky shit, and I already see this heading in that direction. See ya." She doesn't even give me a chance to dispute her words, or say goodbye, before she rushes from the room.
"If I knew that was all it took to make her leave, I would have fucked you in front of her years ago," Diego cackles against my neck, his lips trailing down its length and causing goosebumps to rise. I smack his chest, but end up moaning when he bites down on my collarbone, and then laves the spot with his tongue.
“Seriously, you two, we need to take this shit seriously! Julia is getting more daring and disrespectful by the day. I'm worried about her. One of these days, she's going to put herself in a position that none of us, not even the mighty Stella, can get her out of." Kai throws himself into the dark, umber velvet wing chair by the fireplace with a huff.
"Look, asshole. My daughter...our daughteris perfect. Yeah, she's a little willful, but she's just testing boundaries right now, because she knows that we will always have her back." Diego pulls me to the companion chair and sits down, before yanking me onto his lap. "She's healthy and happy. I refuse to dampen or cage her spirit. She still wakes up with nightmares from that shit with the Sanchezes. If she wants to act out, fuck, we let her, but I draw the line at those fuckers sneaking into our house for a booty call."
"Pretty sure it's Julia setting up the booty call," I murmur as his large tattooed hands start exploring my thighs, and dragging up my flimsy sundress. "Did you manage to shoot that guy?" Kai questions as his hand reaches across the chair, and dips inside the bodice of my dress to palm my breast.
"Just grazed the fucker in the shoulder, thanks to Rachel. He'll live until the next time I catch him." Diego's fingers slip to the top of my thighs until they meet my pussy, and he groans. "No panties, Issy? You've been walking around all day with nothing underneath?" A moan slips from my lips as his thumb starts making circles on my clit, applying pressure that causes me to spread my legs wider, so he can touch me further. Kai's fingers yank down my bralette, until my breast is exposed to the room, as he plucks my nipple, pulling and twisting it between his two thick fingers. "Do you think they are all gone?" I whimper as Diego's finger slips between my slick pussy lips to my tight hole, and thrusts inside.
"Do you really care who sees us, other than Julia?" Kai questions and moves from his seat, until he's on his knees between mine and Diego's spread legs. He leans forward and licks at my pussy lips, as Diego pushes another finger inside of my cunt. "Such a pretty pussy, baby. How about you letpretty boyand I fill it up?" Diego moans against my neck as he thrusts his hard dick against my asscheeks. Kai uses both hands tospread me open, before leaning down and licking me from clit to puckered hole, then leaning up and taking my mouth. I groan as I taste myself on his lips.
"Mmm, I would rather you each fill one of my holes," I moan into Kai's mouth, and Diego pulls me away until I kiss him, and he gets to taste both Kai and me on my lips.
"Boy Scout, go lock the door so we can make our wife's request come true." Kai rises, and his cock tents his gray pants as he moves to the door, closes and locks it. He's already stripping out of his clothes as he returns to us, and Diego is ripping my dress over my head. Kai grabs my forearm and pulls me up, using his strong arms to force my legs to wrap around his waist and my soaked pussy to rub against his cock. I slide myself up and down, using my grip on his strong, wide shoulders to help. Each time my throbbing clit bumps against his stiff crown, I see stars. "That's it, little rose, make yourself cum, baby." I can hear Diego stripping behind us, his all-black clothing hitting the ground in my peripheral vision.