Page 39 of Devil's Vengeance
“No! Alright? We don’t hurt women. Not unless they screw with our crew. But that doesn’t fucking matter. I’m trying to protect you and–”
“And I never asked you to! I feel like I’ve been patient with you, especially after what you told me about Hannah, but I’m not going to let you push me around. You or Trick.”
He jerked his head back like I slapped him. “You’re lumping me in with him? What the fuck?”
It took serious work not to lose it completely. He wasn’t listening. He was too defensive. Too locked into the mindset that he needed to protectme and every other woman around. I didn’t need his help, though. I appreciated it when Trick duped me, but that was one time. I knew better now. And I wasn’t going to let it happen again.
“Considering neither of you cares to listen to me, sure. Let’s go with that.” I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder, glaring at him when I noticed he was standing in front of the door. “Can you move? I’m tired and I just want to go home and sleep.”
He looked pained, conflicted, and I wasn’t sure why. If it was some bullshit about protecting me, he could shove it up his ass. Trick didn’t know where my parents lived, and once my dad was home, he wouldn’t come close. My dad wasn’t a dangerous biker, but he knew how to defend himself and he’d go to hell and back to take care of his family.
“Mariah, just wait a damn second. I’m fucking beat and it's hard to think straight. Just let me explain.”
Since I had no choice with him standing in front of the door, I crossed my arms and glared at him. If he started the same bullshit and wouldn’t move, I’d kick him in the nuts. I wasn’t standing around here all night.
He gritted his teeth, scrubbing his face roughly for a second before dropping his hands again. “It’s not just about protecting you. This is my fault. I brought you into this. If something happened to you because of me and my bullshit, I’d never forgive myself. I know I’m an asshole, and I don’t deserve a second shot, but I want to fix this. I couldn’t do shit about Hannah, but I can do something about you. Let me fix this.”
I hated myself for understanding where he was coming from. He was right that I wouldn’t be involved with any of this if it weren’t for him. But it wasn’t like he was responsible for it. We weren’t dating or doing anything that would make Trick think we were together and he could use me against Chase. I caught his attention, he made an assumption.
Still, I understood his premise. And I could see how much he cared. He just had a really crappy way of showing it.
“How? Because if it's being treated like shit for weeks on end, I’m not interested. I’ve been cooperative up until now, but I’m not going to keep putting up with this. I’m not a doormat.”
He grimaced and nodded. “I know. You’re right.”
He sighed heavily, and I could see the exhaustion on his face. I felt ittoo. It was well past midnight, and I had to be at the library by nine. Setting down my bag, I gave in just a little. I didn't want him to think he won, or that we were through with the conversation, but we would probably both handle it better with some sleep.
“Let's get some rest. We’ll discuss a different plan in the morning.”
That made him frown, and I gave him a flat look. “I don’t care what you do about Trick, but we’re coming up with a new way for you to act around me. He already knows you know me. Treating me like shit doesn’t help either of us. It just makes me want to hurt you. So shut up, and go to bed.”
His lips pressed together tightly, and it looked like he was fighting hard not to laugh. The look broke up my bad mood a little and I had to twist my mouth to stop myself from smiling. He was not charming himself out of this one. Not until I knew asshole Chase wasn’t waiting around the corner.
I woke up to my alarm, but not in the position I fell asleep in. Chase always slept facing away from me, putting as much distance between us as he could. So when I woke up to him spooning me, his face buried in my hair, I was taken off guard. He was hugging me so tightly, I had to stretch to reach my phone to turn off the alarm.
Slowly, I turned around to look at him. He was different when he was asleep. No asshole Chase in sight. No tension in his face, no narrow eyed glare as he scanned the room for threats. He looked relaxed for once, not waiting for the worst to happen. At least for a few minutes, he did. Then his expression changed, a frown pulled at his lips, and his brows drew together slowly. Dreaming?
His head jerked a little, and his arms tightened around me. Whatever he was dreaming of, it obviously scared him. He jerked again, his face twisted up as he fought off the demons in his head. Feeling bad for him, I tried to shake him awake to help.
“Chase. Chase! Wake up.”
He sucked in a sharp breath and moved, shoving me against the wall with his back to me in a protective stance. Protecting me even in his sleep.Did he have to be so damn thoughtful? It made it really hard to stay mad at him.
Putting my hand on the middle of his back, I murmured, “It’s fine. You were just dreaming.”
Slowly, he relaxed, the tension leaking out of his shoulders. When he finally sat up, he gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry. I’ve been on edge lately. Are you alright?”
I almost said yeah, no shit, but decided against it. He was obviously going through something, and not all of it had to do with me. The more he talked about it, the more I considered he was reliving some past trauma and struggling to cope with it. It's not like I could suggest therapy. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that suggestion would go poorly. All I could do was be supportive while he worked through it. Without compromising my boundaries at the same time.
“I’m fine. But maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself about me being jumpy when someone wakes me up abruptly. You’re not any better.”
He smirked at me, raising an eyebrow. “Except I didn’t point a weapon at anyone. It’s not the same thing.”
“Semantics. I have to get ready. Are you going to be okay or did you want to stay here and get more rest?” I doubted Trick would come after me in broad daylight in a public space like the library. The police department wasn’t far from us.
Chase scoffed. “I’m not letting you out of my sight until that asshole gets what he deserves. Come on. I need coffee.”