Page 18 of Never Forget You
“I meant every word that I wrote in my letter,” she assures me. “And I intended to keep in touch with you, but my father took my phone. He took it from me before we even got on the plane home and would never let me have it back.” I can see tears starting to collect in her eyes. This is hurting her a lot too. “And then he wouldn’t even let me go back to my school. He sent me to a boarding school in Switzerland which was super strict, and I couldn’t have my phone or use the Internet… not that I could have contacted you anyway. I didn’t have your number or surname.”
“We were dumb, weren’t we?” All of a sudden, I realize that she wasn’t blowing me off. Her controlling father just got in the way. “How did we think that sharing a phone number by letter was going to be enough?”
“I know.” She chuckles through the tears. “We were crazy, weren’t we? We should have known better.” She sucks in a deep breath. “But I just want you to know that Iwasgoing to come back for you once I got back from Switzerland, but I got picked on because of my ‘imaginary boyfriend’. Girls talked about me behind my back. They called me deluded, and I guess at some point, I started to believe them. I got it in my head that you weren’t going to be bothered about me anyway, so to keep pining after you was stupid. I thought… well, IknewI wasn’t good enough.”
“You?” I gasp in shock. “You think you weren’t good enough for me? Oh, my God, I thought you gave me a fake number because you agreed with your father that I wasn’t good enough for you.”
“I’veneveragreed with my father.” Her eyes dart downward. “Which makes it even harder that I got mixed up in a marriage which was basically forced upon me to help my dad’s business deals. I should have stood up for myself sooner.”
I’m holding my breath. I’m too scared to let it out because I’m terrified of what she might say next. This might be the time where she tells me that she’s happy now, glad to be married.
“But anyway, that’s all in the past now. I’m divorced before the age of thirty, single mother to fortunately, the best child in the world, and trying to start again. Trying to get a career and struggling to get off the ground. Which is hard when you have all the education but no work experience.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ve always been controlled and hated it, and now I’m trying to find a way to control my own life and I’m struggling to get myself off the ground. Pathetic, isn’t it?”
“Wow… no, not at all.” I find myself in awe of her. I might only know a little bit of her life, scratching the surface, but I’m impressed. “That’s great. You’re doing really well. To make all those life changes and be as strong as you are… it’s impressive. You should be proud of yourself. The rest will come, you don’t need to worry. I mean, I haven’t made any life changes at all. I’m still here, where I’ve always been, living my lonely life…”
“So, no girlfriend, then?” she asks me outright. “That surprises me. I thought you would have one.”
“Yeah?” I cock my head curiously to one side. “I guess fate hasn’t ever brought me anyone else.”
She laughs, getting my joke easily. “Well, maybe if you were on social media, then people would be able to know more about you and there wouldn’t be that awkward phase of not knowing.”
She’s been looking me up online, oh, my God! “I don’t have social media because I don’t like it. Also, I think it’s more professional to keep off it because of my job. But if I had known that you were looking for me…”
Something is about to happen between us, I can feel it. There’s a shift in the atmosphere and it’s bringing us closer together, dragging her nearer to me by the minute. Destiny really is here right now, forcing our hands, making us see what we have been trying not to see. We can’t keep apart because we are meant to be.
That’s why any minute now, I am going to kiss her. I have to. I can’t resist for another second longer.
Any minute now.
Oh, my God.His lips are electric against mine. I’m on fire. Every part of my body becomes covered in the most incredible flames ever. Harry has his arms hooked around my waist and he’s pulling me closer to him, and I’m sliding along willingly, wanting every part of him. There is so much passion in our kisses now, more than when we were kids, and it’s because it can go somewhere now if we want it to. We’re both adults. It could be amazing.
Harry’s lips are plump and gorgeous tasting, his tongue snaking into my mouth. I can really feel him, and it’s phenomenal. My fingers dig into his shoulders, letting him know that this isn’t enough for me, that I want more.
“Wow.” Eventually, Harry pulls apart from me, just a little, letting the rest of the world rush back in. That’s when I remember that we are in a public place, making out like horny kids with a little moment alone. “That was…”
“Shall we get out of here?” I gush, the desire pumping through my veins. I know this might be a bit rash and I shouldn’t act on impulse so readily… but I’ve never wanted anyone as bad asthis and it isn’t like I get a lot of chances, is it? And is it fast, anyway? We’ve known one another for a decade… oh, screw it. Who cares? I’m going to do what I want to. After all, this is the first time that I’ve actually been in charge of my own life.
“You want to?” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Because I definitely want to if you do.”
I don’t think of it anymore. I just take his hand. I can do it so easily now, which is funny, really, considering it used to be such a big deal. I practically drag Harry from the bar because I’m sick of being around people. I’m sure that everyone trying to enjoy a quiet drink in this bar is sick of us too. They’ll be glad for us to go.
“I live within walking distance.” I don’t even turn around to look at Harry. “Is your car okay here?”
“It sure is. I can come and pick it up in the morning. No trouble at all.” He yanks me backward and presses me up against a lamppost to kiss me some more, and my God, it’s wonderful. There is just so much passion between us, it’s intense, almost overwhelming, but in the best way possible. I can’t get enough of him. “Hmm, you taste good.”
His words spur me on. I take him straight to my apartment without pausing again. It doesn’t seem worth the effort of stopping when we both know what we want. I don’t know if he notices my fingers trembling as I drag out my keys to unlock the door, but if he does, I hope he knows that it has nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with wanting him so badly that I can feel it in every cell of my body. This need is incredible.
“Nice place,” he mutters before I pull him against me once more. His body presses against mine as we kiss, and we staggerthrough my apartment arm in arm, wrapped up together. I no longer know where I end and he begins. I don’t need small talk. I don’t want him to take a look at my place. I just want to get him into the bedroom where I can strip him down andfinallysee what’s going on underneath his clothing. I’ve always wanted to know what lies under the material, and now it seems like I’m finally going to find out. Thank God. I need this so badly.
“Yeah, this is my house.” I laugh as we bash against the bed. “Not what you expected, huh?”
“I don’t know what to expect of you anymore, Georgia… Fredericks, is it? You changed your name back?”
“After the divorce? Oh, right away. Not that Fredericks has better memories for me.”