Page 29 of Outback Secrets
As it was Monday night, the pub wasn’t anywhere as busy as it had been on Saturday. Music played softly overhead; Mr Brady, Mr Porter, and another older man whose name she couldn’t remember, were playing cards at a table; two blokes in hi-vis uniforms were shooting pool; Sexy Rexy was the lone patron sitting at the bar, and Liam appeared to be the only one on duty.
He looked up and what was maybe surprise flashed across his face, before he smiled and lifted a hand to wave. Tonight, he wore his uniform of faded jeans and a cream T-shirt with the Toohey’s gold moose (or was it a stag?) on its crest. And he wore it well. A tiny butterfly somersaulted in her stomach as she remembered the broad chest, wide shoulders and delicious six-pack, only slightly obscured by the T-shirt. The kind of musculature you got from lifting kegs, cartons of bottles and heavy bits of wood, not from long hours pumping iron in a gym. Real muscles.
Henri swallowed and hitched her overnight bag over her shoulder. As she approached the bar, Liam stepped out from behind it and came up to greet her.
‘Well, this is a nice surprise,’ he said as he leaned forward to give her an awkward hug. ‘You’re looking lovely this evening.’
Pulling back, her whole body still flushed from the heat of him, she attempted her best love-sick smile—not that any of the patrons tonight would likely pay attention, but it couldn’t hurt to get some practice in for when they had a proper audience. ‘You don’t look so bad yourself.’
A shadow of a smile crossed his lips and then his eyes drifted to her bag.
‘I’m meeting Frankie for dinner. She should be here soon,’ she said, then lowered her voice. ‘When I told Mum I was coming here, she just assumed I’d be staying the night. Again.’
‘Ah, I see. That makes sense.’ But he looked like she’d just suggested he turn the pub into a shelter for feral cats.
‘It’s okay,’ she rushed to reassure him. ‘I’ve just brought the bag inside for appearances’ sake, but I’ll sneak out once everyone’s gone and sleep in Cecil.’
Liam pursed his lips a few long moments, then shook his head. ‘That won’t work.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘This is Bunyip Bay. Someone’s sure to notice either tonight or tomorrow morning. Janet arrives early and she might …’ His voice drifted off, but Henri didn’t need to hear any more.
Janet’s tongue was almost as loose as Eileen Brady’s.
‘I could give you one of the guest rooms—there’s a couple available at the moment—but she’d definitely notice that too.’
‘You’re right.’ Henri sighed. Already there were a zillion holes appearing in this plan, but, remembering her mother’s excitement this evening, she couldn’t bring herself to give up on it just yet. ‘I’m so sorry, but maybe I could sleep on your couch? I’m an excellent house guest. You’ll barely notice I’m there.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. You can have my bed. It’ll only be a few nights, right?’
‘Yes … but no way. I won’t hear of it; you’re already doing me a massive favour. A sheet and a pillow will do me just fine.’
‘It’s non-negotiable,’ he said, folding his arms across his chest. ‘You have the bed or the whole deal’s off.’
Henri gave him a death stare; she didn’t like being told what to do. She should have told him fine, thanks for playing, it was a stupid idea anyway. But instead she found herself saying, ‘Fine. I’ll take your damn bed.’
‘Good.’ He grinned smugly, and then reached out to take her bag.
‘I can carry this,’ she said, tightening her grip. She wasn’t used to people doing things for her—especially not handsome men with ridiculously sexy smiles.
‘I’m sure you can,’ he whispered, looking intently into her eyes, ‘but if you were my real girlfriend, I wouldn’t let you lift a finger, so …’
She sighed and handed him the bag, which he carried over and dumped behind the bar, only a few feet from Sheila.
‘Can I get you a drink?’ Liam asked as she dropped to her knees to greet the dog.
‘Um … just a lemon, lime and bitters, please. I’ll have a wine when Frankie arrives, but I’m knackered after a big day on the farm, so I need to pace myself or I’m liable to fall asleep on the bar.’
‘Wouldn’t be the first time.’
She poked her tongue out at him, ignoring the buzz that zapped through her at his teasing and trying not to think about sleeping in his bed. She gave Sheila a final pat before taking a seat at the bar next to Sexy Rexy. Like Dolce, he hadn’t changed one bit since she was a kid.
‘Hey there,’ she said.
He made a grunting sound, slid off the stool and hurried towards the restrooms.
‘What did I say?’ Henri asked as Liam pushed her drink across the bar.