Page 35 of Outback Secrets
‘So … I was thinking,’ Henri said as they leapt about like a pair of bloody Jack-in-the-boxes, ‘we should get to know each other a bit better.’
He almost lost his balance—‘What do you mean?’—and hoped his voice didn’t sound as choked as it felt. Not only was he beginning to second-guess this lesson, but the whole damn farce.
‘Well, just in case Mrs Brady or someone tries to trip us up, we should know each other’s birthdays, favourite foods, pet hates, et cetera.’
‘Okay.’ He relaxed a little. He could do those kinds of things. ‘When’s your birthday?’
‘August third. Yours?’
‘April ninth.’
Her lips twisted upwards. ‘You’re an Aries?’
He raised an eyebrow. ‘You believe that shit?’
‘What do you reckon? But Tilley’s always been obsessed. She still reads her star sign in the paper every morning and always texts me mine as well, so I know the basics.’
He laughed. ‘And how old are you?’
They went on like this for a few minutes, exchanging more basic facts as they practised. Henri was full of surprises. In many ways she came across as a tomboy—although he didn’t think you were supposed to say that anymore—but her favourite colour was purple, she loved country music and indulged in regular spa visits on her day off.
‘Well, well, well, the rumours must be true!’
They both startled at the sound of a male voice and looked up to see Drew and Ruby a few metres away, hand in hand.
‘Hi, guys,’ Liam and Henri said as Sheila got up to go and greet them.
‘Morning,’ said Ruby, stooping to stroke the dog.
‘Eileen was mouthing off in the post office yesterday about you two being together,’ Drew said, ‘but I never know whether to believe anything that old biddy says.’
Ruby shoved her elbow into his side. ‘Drew!’
‘What? It’s true!’
Liam nodded. ‘Usually I’d take anything she says with a grain of salt but yes, this time she’s telling the truth.’ He slipped his hand into Henri’s to emphasise the fact.
‘Anyway,’ Ruby grinned back at them, ‘we better leave you lovebirds to it. Drew’s on the late shift today, so we’re off to Frankie’s for breakfast. Feel free to join us if you want.’
‘Thanks,’ Henri replied, ‘but we’ll be a while here yet.’
‘That went well, I think,’ Liam said as the couple retreated. ‘I don’t think they suspected a thing.’
Henri grinned as she withdrew her hand. ‘I think you’re right. And I also think you’re finally ready for the water.’
‘Hallelujah.’ Strapping the safety tie around his ankle, he scooped up his board and ran towards the ocean before she could change her mind.
They ran into the sea together, yelping as the cool water hit their legs. No matter that he swam here every day, the temperature of the water always surprised him. After having practised popping up onto his board so many times, Liam didn’t expect it to be too much harder on an actual wave, but the first time he attempted it, he didn’t even manage to stand properly before he tumbled ungracefully into the water.
To Henri’s credit, when he resurfaced, she was only slightly smirking. ‘Not bad. Now get back on and try again.’
After a few more false starts—and a number of instructions from Henri about how to stand and where to position his feet—Liam finally managed to stay on for longer than a few seconds and it was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. When he sank down into the water again, he watched Henri glide along a wave until it finally crumbled into nothing. He couldn’t recall ever seeing anything more beautiful.