Page 43 of Outback Secrets
Chapter Twelve
Every time the multicoloured fly straps that hung above the pub door swished open that night, Liam looked up, expecting Henri.
Every time it wasn’t her, disappointment fought with relief.
No matter how hard he’d tried to distract himself with woodwork and pub work, she’d been on his mind all day. Ever since that damn kiss on the beach.
Although he’d already established he felt some attraction towards her, he had not expected to feel the kind of intensity he had when he’d pressed his mouth against hers. He’d meant it to be a quick smooch on the lips, merely long enough to distract Henri from his scar and throw some more fuel on their facade, but somehow tongues and hands had become involved and before he knew it, his body temperature had skyrocketed.
The barely audible groans she’d made into his mouth as her hands gripped his shoulders had turned him on something chronic and it was only when he felt his erection flare that reality had landed. This was all an act. Of course she’d kissed him back; she’d clearly realised that someone was nearby, and her lies depended on putting on a good show.
His damn swimming trunks had provided little cover, but he hoped he’d managed to pull back before she’d noticed just how dedicated he was to her cause.
Then again, was anyone that good an actor? Could Henri be that good an actor? Or had she felt something just as powerful as he had?
When they were leaving the beach, he’d almost suggested she come back to the pub and they do a little private rehearsal, but she’d been eager to escape and, as there was no one in sight, he’d had no excuse to kiss her again to try and suss out the situation.
But, so what if she’d felt the same sparks? That didn’t mean they should act on them.
Out of the corner of his eye now, Liam registered movement at the door again. He looked up to see a woman entering. Not Henri, but someone who looked incredibly similar to her—only a few decades older, a few pounds heavier, and with hair dyed a soft brown to masquerade her greys.
He picked up a cloth and a glass that had already been polished and started rubbing as Fiona Forward stalked towards him.
‘Good evening, Liam,’ she said, perching herself on the closest bar stool. He rarely saw her without a smile, but tonight her expression was pensive.
‘Evening, Mrs Forward. You here for the CWA dinner?’
She nodded. ‘And, please, call me Fiona. Now that we’re practically family, I don’t think we need to be so formal, do you?’
‘Family?’ He almost choked on air. No wonder Henri felt the need to make up stories.
‘Well, I know it’s only early days, but I haven’t seen Henrietta light up talking about a man for a long while, and it’s been even longer since she showed any interest in anyone in the Bay.’
‘Can I get you a drink?’ Liam asked, unsure how to reply to that. Lying in theory was one thing, but blatantly telling untruths to someone’s face didn’t sit right with him. Yet he’d promised Henri, so he couldn’t throw her under the bus.
‘I’ll have a glass of pinot grigio, please. I came a little early because I thought it would be good for us to have a chat beforehand and get to know each other better.’
‘Sounds great,’ he lied, turning to grab a cold bottle from the fridge and taking his sweet time filling a glass before handing it back to her. Part of him was surprised Fiona had taken this long to drop by.
‘So, tell me, Liam, what is it that you like about my Henrietta?’
‘Um …’ He cleared his throat. Telling her that he thought her daughter was sexy as hell was probably not the way to win over a future in-law, even if that in-law was pretend. ‘What’s not to like? She’s funny. Smart. Strong. I like that she dances to her own beat. We’re still getting to know each other and I’m loving it.’
Fiona twirled her glass around but didn’t take a sip. From her expression, he couldn’t tell whether his answer had satisfied her or not. The hair on the back of his neck prickled.
‘Not to be too intrusive,’ she said eventually, ‘but as far as I recall you haven’t really had a serious relationship since you arrived in town, so I’m curious as to your intentions?’
He blinked. ‘I’m sorry?’
‘Well, I know Henrietta’s a very pretty girl—even if she does her damn best to hide it—but is that all she is to you? A summer fling?’
Geez, country people didn’t beat around the bush.
He swallowed and glanced around for someone who needed serving, but Dylan and Lara had it covered. What would Henri want him to say?
‘Well, as you said, it’s only early days, but I really like her. I haven’t had many serious relationships in my life because I’ve … well, until Henri, no one has made me want to curb my wild bachelor ways. But in the short time we’ve been together, she’s totally got under my skin. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds.’
Lord, he deserved an Academy Award for that little spiel, but Fiona wasn’t done with her Spanish Inquisition.