Page 49 of Outback Secrets
Secrets were practically illegal in small towns, therefore everyone wanted to know the details. Not only how they’d got together, but also things that they’d always been curious about him.
‘Has he told you much about his family?’
‘I get the impression they’re dead.’
‘Either that or he’s estranged.’
‘No, I’m sure he mentioned once that his parents had died in a car accident.’
‘And what about what he did before buying the pub?’
‘I heard he travelled.’
‘Surely he must have done something besides that?’
Most of the women clearly adored Liam, but there were a few snobs who didn’t really rate him because of his profession. Whatever their stance, the questions and statements came one after the other and were directed at Henri as if she might have all the answers about the slightly mysterious publican.
But she had just as many questions of her own. Although she’d spent a lot of time with Liam over the last week, she still felt like she’d only touched the surface. Every time she asked him about himself, he told her something minor and deflected the conversation back to her. She couldn’t work out whether he was being cagey on purpose, or the listening skills he’d acquired at the pub meant he’d forgotten how to talk about himself. She didn’t even really know what he’d done before he came to Australia.
‘Um … to be honest,’ she said now, ‘we haven’t spent a lot of time talking. When we’re alone, well …’
Thankfully, she didn’t have to spell it out. Her cheeks burned as she imagined exactly what it would be like to sleep with Liam. She knew he was a good kisser, and ever since she’d seen his hands smoothing down Dolce’s rocking chair, she’d had visions of exactly what they’d feel like skating over her naked skin. Despite the fans spinning madly (and loudly) overhead, the hall suddenly felt like an oven. She could feel sweat in every crevice and her bra was soaking. It was surprising the flowers weren’t wilting. Perhaps a good air conditioner in the hall was even more pressing than new tables.
‘I’m just going to the bathroom,’ she said, pushing back against the table to stand. ‘Ouch!’
She winced as she saw a large splinter of wood poking out of her thumb. Dammit, she knew these tables were dangerous, but maybe this was her punishment for lying to everyone.
‘You okay?’ asked Stella.
‘Just a splinter. I’ll be fine,’ she replied, then headed into the bathroom to try and get it out.
To Henri’s relief, the women didn’t push her for any further information about Liam when she returned, but that didn’t mean she stopped thinking about him.