Page 51 of Outback Secrets
Henri shook her head. ‘He could have that epiphany at any time of the year.’
‘I disagree—such epiphanies are always at Christmas. But there’s also tonnes of references the whole way through, not to mention the soundtrack. And what about McClane walking on broken glass at the end? If that isn’t a Christ-like sacrifice, I don’t know what is.’
Henri snorted. ‘Now you’re really clutching at straws.’
‘I’m not! Christmas is the reason for pretty much everything that happens and all of the character growth.’
‘Bull. Shit. There’s no sign of Santa Claus or reindeer so it can’t be a Christmas movie.’
‘Maybe we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one.’
Although he had to admit, as usual, he was enjoying bantering with her. Probably more than he should. It felt way too much like foreplay. He hadn’t had a woman in his apartment for any other reason in the whole time he’d lived here. Well, except Janet once a week when she came to do the cleaning, but she definitely didn’t set him on edge the way Henri did.
‘Or we can agree that I’m right and you’re wrong,’ she said, smiling as she disentangled herself from Sheila and pushed to her feet. ‘I’m going to make a Milo. Do you want one?’
‘Sure, that’d be good.’
As she headed into the kitchen, Liam picked up the remote and flopped back into the chair. There had to be something else on the TV besides this. As he flicked through the options, he heard the fridge open and Henri whistling as she pottered about the kitchen. Over the past few nights, he’d got used to waking up to her in his space—to the sight of her toothbrush in his bathroom and her shoes by the door—but she was usually in bed by the time he came upstairs. Being here alone together at night was a whole other kettle of fish.
Just remember who she is. Who her family is! She’s only here to deceive them.
When she returned, carrying two steaming mugs and a packet of Tim Tams hanging between her teeth, he noticed a bandaid on her finger.
‘Thanks,’ he said as he took one of the mugs. ‘What did you do to yourself?’
She blinked. ‘What?’
‘Your finger.’
‘Oh. I got a splinter from the bloody tables at the hall today. It’s nothing really, but I might have got a little aggressive with the tweezers when I was trying to make sure I got it all out.’
She sat back down next to Sheila, who roused for a moment, but when she realised there was only human snacks and she was not going to be given any, immediately returned to the Land of Nod.
‘You got a splinter from a table?’
‘Have you seen those tables?’
He shook his head. ‘I don’t do many craft sessions at the hall.’
‘Lucky you. Well, they’re probably older than Dolce and in dire need of replacement, or at least some serious TLC, but apparently new trestles are low on the shire priority list. Lucky it was me who got it and not one of the kids.’
‘Maybe if a kid hurt themselves someone would do something about it,’ Liam said as he opened the packet of Tim Tams, offered her one and then took one for himself. It was good to have something to keep his hands and mouth busy.
‘Oh, no, no, no, no, no,’ she said as he took a bite.
‘What is it?’ He looked around. Was there a mammoth spider on his shoulder or something?
She thrust her finger at him. ‘That is not how you eat Tim Tams. How long have you been in Australia? You’re doing it all wrong!’
Henri plucked one from the packet. ‘This is the only way to have Milo and Tim Tams. Or coffee and Tim Tams. Anything and Tim Tams really.’
He watched in slight awe, slight horror, as she bit the top off one end, then flipped it and did the same at the other end, before dipping the Tim Tam into her Milo and using it as a straw. He laughed at the undignified sound she made slurping up the liquid, then sucked in a breath as chocolate dripped onto her fingers. As she popped all that was left into her mouth all he could think about was how delicious she’d taste right this moment.
Who was he kidding? She tasted delicious regardless. Thanks to their fake public display of affection, he had firsthand knowledge of the fact.
‘Now your turn,’ she said, nodding towards the packet and smiling. Did she have any idea what she did to him?