Page 83 of Outback Secrets
‘Well, if her casseroles are as good as her quiche, then that’s something to look forward to. But won’t that defeat the purpose?’
‘What do you mean?’ she asked as they bumped along the gravel drive.
‘I know you wanted her off your back while you’re home for Christmas, but won’t this just make her more frustrated and angry at you?’
‘Hopefully, she’ll finally realise I’m a lost cause and be over the disappointment by the next time I visit.’
Liam nodded. ‘And when will that be?’
‘Probably not till October for Frankie and Logan’s wedding. I’ve got a month between contracts and I’m heading back to Canada for their summer, but I’m hoping to pick up something else to keep me busy in between.’
Henri glanced at him, but his face was trained on the road, so she couldn’t see whether his expression was one of disappointment or relief. What would happen when she next visited Bunyip Bay? Would he want to pick things up where they left them? Or would one saucy weekend be more than enough?
Speaking of …
‘Can’t you drive any faster?’
He reached out and squeezed her knee. ‘Hey, easy, tiger. I want to get us both back to the pub in one piece. Didn’t I just tell your mother I was going to take care of you?’
‘Yes, but we both know that was a ruse,’ she said, licking her lips as she gazed down at his hand and recalled the liberties it had been taking at the table.
Although Liam didn’t say anything, she saw the speed dial shifting upwards.
Teasing them both, she slowly spread her legs and smiled as she saw his gaze drift from the road down to her thighs. His hand inched ever so slightly upwards, skating the skin mere inches from her knickers.
Yes, please. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the passenger seat, but instead of doing what she was hoping, he lifted his hand off altogether.
What the?Her eyes blinked open as Liam changed gears.
Damn manual cars. And damn country towns. If they weren’t in dire risk of someone seeing them, she’d order him to pull over the car and finish what they’d started right now.
Instead, Henri forced deep breaths through her lungs and tried to ignore the burning desire building inside of her as Liam got them back to The Palace as quickly and safely as possible. When they finally turned into the car park, she’d never been more relieved to see the old cream-brick building.
‘Stay there,’ Liam ordered, then rushed around to help her.
‘Thanks,’ she muttered as he handed her the crutches from the tray of the ute.
She slipped them under her arms and began to hobble, silently cursing because it was impossible to go at any great speed with these damn things. She’d had them less than twenty-four hours and they already felt like a thorn in her side.
As if sensing her frustration, he said, ‘You know what. Forget those; I’ll come back for them later.’ Then, before she realised what he was doing, the crutches were back on the ute and Liam had scooped her up into his arms.
Her hands closed around his neck, her face mere inches from his as she once again inhaled the intoxicating scent of him.
‘Hello,’ she whispered.
‘Hi,’ he whispered back as he strode towards the front door. Although she was smaller than most people and it probably wasn’t that much of a hardship for someone as large, fit and strong as Liam to carry her, it still made her feel more feminine—more desirable—than she ever had in her life. And she liked it.
Maybe her sprained ankle was a blessing in disguise.
‘You okay there?’ he asked as he skilfully unlocked the door and manoeuvred them inside, kicking it shut behind them.
Henri nodded, glad the pub hadn’t opened yet, so they didn’t run into anyone as he carried her through, upstairs and all the way to his apartment.
‘Hey, gorgeous girl,’ he cooed at Sheila when she greeted them at the door and followed them into the bedroom where Liam lay Henri gently down on the bed.
‘Comfy?’ he asked as he straightened again. He wasn’t even panting!
She grinned up at him. ‘Couldn’t be comfier. I’m exactly where I want to be.’