Page 91 of Outback Secrets
Chapter Twenty-seven
Mid Sunday afternoon, Henri was lying in Liam’s bed trying to read, but she kept having to re-read whole pages. It wasn’t the book’s fault; she wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on anything. She couldn’t wipe the crazed smile off her face. It had been there ever since she’d woken up for the second morning in a row to find Liam sleeping naked beside her, the sun sneaking in through the gap in the curtains and casting light across his beautiful face. His lovely square jaw. His sexy stubble. Not to mention his glorious body, barely covered by the sheet. His torso had been completely exposed. His powerful shoulders, broad chest and lean stomach were an utter work of art and her fingers itched to reach out and trail all over him.
She knew she couldn’t stay here forever and would have to go back to the farm eventually, but right now she simply wanted to enjoy this bubble of bliss.
He’d woken to find her staring and she hadn’t been even the slightest bit embarrassed to have been caught perving. They had less than another week left together, and she didn’t want to waste one second of that time.
They’d stayed in bed until he’d had to head downstairs to open the pub for Sunday lunch.
Since then, she’d napped, flicked the channels on the TV, which Liam had moved into the bedroom for her yesterday, and sent him naughty text messages. He’d brought her sustenance—a massive plate of Macca’s renowned roast beef with all the trimmings—and chatted to her while she ate, before reluctantly heading back downstairs.
Not even an unannounced visit from her mother just after lunch had been able to dim her high, although she had to admit that interruption had been slightly awkward.
‘Hey, lover! Missing me already?’ she’d called when she heard the apartment door open about five minutes after he’d reluctantly trekked downstairs.
Seconds later he appeared in the doorway, but he wasn’t alone.
Heat rushed to Henri’s cheeks. Standing next to him was her mother, clearly having come from church as she was wearing her Sunday best and the pearls she kept for special occasions.
After Liam had made his excuses, her mum sat down on the edge of the bed where an hour earlier he’d been giving it to Henri good. If her wearing one of his T-shirts and the ruffled sheets weren’t a dead giveaway of what they’d been up to, the bird’s nest that was her hair would have sealed the deal.
But if her mum did suspect anything, she didn’t say a word. She was on her best behaviour in fact, talking excitedly about the annual Christmas Tree event due to take place on the beach later that afternoon, and also the menu for Christmas Day.
‘Does Liam have any allergies?’
That was probably something you should know about the person you were intimately involved with, but she had no effing clue. Henri thought back over the past week and the things they’d eaten together—Milo (so he couldn’t be allergic to dairy), Tim Tams (so not sugar—could you be allergic to sugar?), burgers, chips, a roast, scrambled eggs—and there were lots of food groups covered. The only things they hadn’t eaten were nuts and seafood. Both of which could be hugely dangerous.
‘Pretty sure Liam eats everything,’ she’d told her mother, while making a mental note to check with him later.
Henri was thinking about this conversation when she heard the apartment door open again. This time she didn’t call out for fear Liam might be bringing her another visitor—possibly Tilley. As she’d been in too much pain to go downstairs on Friday night, their dinner had to be postponed, so her sister was probably still chomping at the bit for gossip about her whirlwind romance.
‘Well, hello there,’ she said as Liam appeared alone. Actually, she purred—seriously, what was this man doing to her? ‘To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?’
Like a man on a mission, he crossed over to the bed and whipped off the sheet. She felt her grin explode on her face in anticipation.
‘It’s time to get dressed. We’re going out.’
‘Out?’ Disappointment warred with confusion, but then something else got in on the action. ‘You mean like a date?’ Although Henri’s tone was light and almost mocking, her heart did a tiny jig at the thought that perhaps he was whisking her off to Geraldton for a romantic dinner at one of the restaurants there.
Liam cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. ‘I’m not sure going down to the beach with the whole town is my idea of a great date, but …’ He shrugged. ‘Each to their own.’
She tried to ignore the stupid disappointment that flooded her—since when did she want romantic dinners anyway? Eating burgers naked in bed was more than enough for her. ‘We’re going to the Christmas Tree? But what about the pub?’
‘It’ll be dead until later tonight anyway because everyone will be on the beach. Macca, Lara and Dylan said they’ll take care of things so that I can take you. They practically ordered me to. Fiona mentioned it when she was leaving, and the others thought you might want to see all your nieces and nephews getting gifts?’
Henri nodded. Although she’d told her mum she wasn’t going because the thought of having to hobble about on her crutches didn’t appeal, the annual Christmas Tree was always fun and a good opportunity to catch up with old friends.
‘Besides,’ Liam added, ‘being seen together at an event will perfectly consolidate our mission.’
That was true. Even though the Christmas Tree was for the kids, it wasn’t only young families who migrated to the beach for the late afternoon excitement; it was a whole community celebration. But Henri felt a weird discomfort inside her at the mention of their relationship being fake.
She swallowed. ‘Maybe, but I’m not sure I’m really up for it. I’m still struggling to walk, and I don’t think sand and crutches mix well.’
‘That’s where I come in,’ he said, taking her hand and not only assisting her to stand, but also taking her weight as he helped her get dressed.
Then, before she could object, he’d scooped her into his arms and carried her down the stairs. Like Liam said, the pub was deserted, except for Dylan and Lara who were talking to Sexy Rexy at the bar and a couple of old guys playing cards at one of the tables.
‘Have a fun time,’ Lara called as Liam strode past them towards the door. ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’