Page 30 of Outback Reunion
They talked for a few more minutes and when he disconnected, Mark decided now was as good a time as any to go get some chooks. He shot off a text message to Adam:
Stella said you had some chooks you wouldn’t mind getting shot of. Is now a good time to come grab some?
Yeah. Now’s great. See you soon.
That sorted, he chased Rookie around the garden and then lured her into her crate with a treat. ‘Sorry, girl, you can’t come. Don’t wanna scare the new girls before they settle into their fancy new home.’
Adam and Stella were sitting out on their front verandah and Heidi was splashing about in a blue plastic paddling pool when Mark arrived. Trying to shake the sadness he felt at the sight of their happy little family, he parked under the shade of an old gum tree.
‘I was about to crack open a cold one,’ Adam said as he came down the stairs to greet him. They shook hands and patted each other on the back. ‘Want one?’
‘Kill for one,’ Mark replied. Drinking with Adam and Stella had to be better for his mental health than drinking alone.
‘Hello!’ Heidi waved from the pool as they stepped onto the verandah.
He waved back then nodded at Stella. ‘Hey.’
‘That was fast,’ she said with a smile.
‘What do you mean?’
She chuckled. ‘Last night you said you were thinking of building a chicken coop, and today... here you are, ready to fill it.’
Before he could reply the baby started crying from inside the house.
‘I’ll get her,’ Adam offered, but Stella shook her head. ‘You get the drinks. I’ll get Lily; she’s due for a feed anyway.’
Adam nodded then looked to Mark. ‘Take a seat, mate, I’ll be back in a sec.’
As he and Stella disappeared inside, Heidi assessed Mark from the paddling pool. ‘Do you want to swim with me?’
He laughed as he dropped into one of the outdoor chairs on the verandah. ‘There’ll be no room for you if I get in there as well.’
‘No, silly.’ She giggled. ‘The big pool round the back.’
‘Oh right. Didn’t bring my boardies, sorry.’
‘Daddy can lend you some.’
Hell, the kid had an answer for everything. ‘Um...’
Thankfully, Adam returned with the beers, saving him. ‘Leave Mark alone, Heids. He’s come to get some chickens, not swim, but I’ll take you in the big pool before dinner, okay?’
In reply, Heidi kicked her legs in the shallow water and pinned her gaze on Mark as Adam handed him a bottle of Coopers Pale Ale. ‘What are you going to name your chickens?’
He scratched the back of his head. ‘I hadn’t given it much thought to be honest. What would you suggest?’
Adam took a sip of his beer, stretching his legs out in front of him. ‘You might regret asking that.’
‘What about Squishy or Furby?’
‘But chickens have feathers, not fur.’
Heidi shrugged and continued, ‘Cake? Fairy? Rainbow?’ She was still rattling off names when her mum re-emerged.
Stella passed the baby to Adam, then went over to sit with her oldest daughter by the wannabee pool.
‘Think that’s enough ideas for now, Heids,’ Adam said.