Page 32 of Outback Reunion
The moment Gabi cartwheeled into the ring and saw Mark in the audience for the second night in a row, her heart slammed into her rib cage. This time he was right near the front, which is why she saw him so easily, and when their eyes locked, shivers shot through her body.
Good or bad ones she couldn’t quite decide.
Part of her felt joy and relief that she might now have the chance to apologise for last night, but perhaps she should be creeped out by his presence.
For allheknew, she’d changed her mind about meeting him; a gentleman would respect that decision and stay away.
Yet when he smiled at her, all her fears and defences crumbled.
During intermission, she spotted Mark lingering not too far away from the teacup ride, sipping on a can of Coke. Even though she was focused on the kids, she could feel his gaze boring into her. The queue was never-ending, and she had to return backstage for the second act before they had the chance to talk.
She didn’t allow herself to even glance his way while she was performing, but whenever she wasn’t in the ring, she watched him from a tiny gap in the curtain. He laughed along with the rest of the crowd as Luna skipped out in her full-body leotard and pink tutu, performing dogs obediently following her and then forming a line across the ring. Gabi’s heart swelled with pride as she waved at the audience, then introduced her team.
‘First up, we have my darling, Basset. She’s fourteen years old and suffering a bit from arthritis,’ Luna explained as the old basset hound waddled towards her. ‘But she still does her best.’
She twirled her hand in a circle and the dog spun around before tripping on his paws and flopping to the ground.
Everyone laughed.
‘Next up is—’ The dalmatian started forward, but Luna held up her hand. ‘No, not you, Cruella, wait your turn.’ She turned back to the audience. ‘Cruella likes to be the centre of attention. Russell, let’s dance.’
Taylor Swift’s ‘Bad blood’ blasted from overhead as the Jack Russell darted forward and lifted his paws up for Luna to take hold of them.
After their hilarious dancing—if you could call it that—came tiny but fluffy Princess, a Maltese-cross-chihuahua, who Luna picked up and placed on her shoulders, before walking around the ring with the dog balancing its paws on the top of her head.
Finally came Cruella’s turn. One of the tent boys tossed Luna a bright red fitball, which she rolled towards the dalmatian, who hopped up and showed how clever she was by walking on top of it.
And this was only the beginning of Luna’s act—the dogs, as usual, kept the audience cackling for ten fun-filled minutes.
Next, in keeping with the animal theme, which always dominated the second half of the show, the Saad sisters trotted out on their camels. Gabi couldn’t help wondering if Mark found them attractive. They were young, gorgeous, and so impressive as they danced and did acrobatics atop their animals. Since they’d joined the circus eighteen months ago, they’d broken several of the tent boys’ and technicians’ hearts.
After the finale with all the performers singing and dancing, the crowd rushed back into the pre-tent to queue for selfies with their favourite acts, so she couldn’t immediately seek Mark out. Everyone had their position—Eve and Lorenzo in front of the circus banner, the Saad sisters outside with the camels, the Dangerous Duo back in the main tent letting kids venture inside the Globe of Death, Luna on one side of her grandparents with one dog in tow, and Gabi off to the other with Loud Mouth on her shoulder.
As she smiled for endless photos and Loud Mouth squawked insults at the kids, making them laugh and occasionally cry, Mark waited patiently off to the side. When her line finally ended, he stepped forward until there was barely a foot between them.
‘Hello, Gabriela. Heard you were asking about me.’
If anyone else had come this close to her, she’d tell them to get out of her personal space, but his proximity made her too breathless to object. ‘How’d you know that?’
‘I saw my friend, Adam, this arvo. He mentioned you’d asked for my number.’
‘Oh, that’s right.’ She was so bamboozled to see him again, she’d almost forgotten that exchange. ‘I just wanted to apologise for not turning up last night.’
‘Did something happen, or did you just change your mind?’
His question jolted her from her admiration of his gorgeous face. ‘Ah...’ She swallowed. ‘Something came up. I’m sorry. I hope you didn’t wait long for me?’
His gaze softened and he shook his head. ‘Not really.’
‘Big nose. Big nose. Big nose,’ Loud Mouth squawked. If a bird could have a disapproving expression, he did.
‘Don’t be rude,’ Gabi told him, stifling a giggle.
Mark chuckled and touched a finger to his nose. ‘Yeah, I got teased about that at school too, mate. You must be Blabbermouth.’
Gabi coughed out a laugh. ‘Loud Mouth, but close. You have a good memory.’
‘I remember everything about that night,’ he said, his gaze hot and intense.