Page 57 of Outback Reunion
‘Shh.’ She pressed a finger against his lips. ‘It’s fine.’
‘I promise my sheets are clean.Ish.’ He’d fallen asleep on the couch most nights of late, so they’d barely been slept in since the last wash.
‘I don’t care about your sheets, Mark,’ she said, bunching the bottom of his old t-shirt and tugging it upwards.
Those words were music to his ears. He grinned down at her beautiful face, ripped his shirt off his head, and then covered the length of her body with his. If they were only going to have one night, it was going to be the best damn night of her life.
Chapter Fourteen
Mark was gazing down at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. He even kept his eyes open when they kissed. Sometimes in the eight years since they’d met, when she and Dante had sex, she’d closed her eyes and imagined it wasthisman touching her, getting his fill inside of her, but she’d never thought her fantasies would come true.
‘Am I hurting you?’ he asked, stroking her hair.
‘No. Not at all.’ The feel of his bare chest and hard, heavy body on top of hers was better than the adrenaline she got flying high above the ring, seeing all those awe-filled faces looking up at her.
His hand moved lower, down her neck, his thumb caressing her skin, driving her wild. ‘You’re the most perfect little package I’ve ever seen. I feel like I might break you.’
‘You didn’t last time,’ she said, grabbing his hand and moving it to her breast. ‘And I promise you won’t this time either. Touch me, Mark. I need you.’
He groaned and squeezed her nipple, then put his mouth there instead. His tongue twirled around her bud, teasing sensations through her body. She wriggled beneath him. ‘Take off my dress.’
‘Yes,ma’am.’ He rolled off her, only long enough so they could awkwardly tug the dress over her head. Then she was lying there in nothing but her knickers, wishing they were sexier, not just the plain seamless G-string she wore beneath her costume.
The heat in Mark’s eyes told her he didn’t mind at all.
‘I love that you’re not wearing a bra,’ he said, cupping both her breasts before burying his head between them. ‘You’re so fucking beautiful. So fucking perfect.’
Then he moved his head to her breast and this time when his tongue twirled around her nipple, she moaned with the pleasure that darted right to her core. As he continued taunting and pleasuring her breasts, she dug her fingers into his hair, unable to believe the sensations building within her already. He took his time, giving each breast, each nipple such dedicated attention that by the time he started moving down her body, she shook her head and reached for his shorts.
‘I need to touch you.’
He put his hand on hers, stilling her. ‘Not yet, sweetheart. If we’ve only got one night, I don’t want to rush. I don’t want to leave one inch of your body untouched by my tongue, and once you release the beast, I won’t be able to resist being inside of you.’
God!Just his words had the power to drive her to the edge. Dante had never spoken to her like that. They’d barely ever uttered a word during sex, and he’d certainly never looked at her the way Mark did, like he couldn’t believe she was letting him touch her.
He’d treated her more like a possession he had the right to do whatever he wanted with.
Once Mark had thoroughly ravished her breasts, he moved lower, sliding his lovely hands down her naked sides as his tongue drew circles around her belly button. When he dipped it inside, she almost bucked off the bed.
Since when were belly buttons erogenous?
‘You okay?’ he asked.
‘I’ve never been more okay in my life.’
He tickled his tongue over her hip bone as he hooked his fingers into her knickers and rolled them down her legs. Her body thrummed in anticipation of having him inside her, but instead of giving her what she was desperate for, he moved his mouth to her feet, sucking her toes one by one as he ran his hands up and down her calves.
‘I think I need to pinch myself,’ he said, looking up to meet her gaze. ‘Is this real? Are you really in my bed?’
She tried to laugh but it came out more like a pant. ‘I’m not sure. I think I might be dreaming.’
His chuckle sounded like gravel as he worked his way back up her legs, driving each and every one of her nerve endings crazy. She was lying completely naked on his bed, and he still had his shorts on. She was just about to object to this, say it was time to even the playing field when he pushed her thighs apart and slipped a finger inside of her.
She wasn’t entirely sure which one of them swore as she gripped at the sheets to ground herself.
He’d been good in bed all those years ago, but this was on a different level. Only a few strokes of his fingers and she was writhing beneath his touch. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, he smiled at her wickedly and then lowered his mouth to join his hand.