Page 62 of Outback Reunion
Gabi laughed because he made it sound like it was as simple as all that. ‘For one, what would I do? I’m not trained in anything useful. Two, I haven’t got the money—all I own is my caravan, a crazy parrot and my costumes.’
‘Don’t you get paid?’
She nodded. ‘Yeah, but it’s not a lot. Most of the earnings go back into the circus.’
‘That’s hardly fair. What if you do want out one day? I hope they pay super!’
He sounded worked up on her behalf. ‘I’ll be okay,’ she reassured him. ‘The circus will be mine one day, Lorenzo and Eve have promised that, now that Dante isn’t here to take it over.’
‘And do you want it?’
Gabi swallowed. She didn’t really have a choice because it was Luna’s legacy. She couldn’t take that away from her. ‘Can we not talk about the circus anymore? I just want to enjoy this night with you.’
‘Of course.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘We can talk about whatever you want... or we can do something else.’
It was clear from his tone and the twinkle in his eyes what he was suggesting. ‘That sounds very tempting but...’ She patted her deliciously full stomach. ‘I think I need to let the chocolate cake settle first.’
‘Sensible,’ he agreed. ‘Mum always says you shouldn’t swim straight after eating, so I’m guessing the same goes for sex.’
She laughed, her insides tingling just at the word. ‘So, aside from footy and farming, what else do you do with yourself?’
‘There’s never been much time for hobbies—both footy and farming can be all-consuming—but I’m thinking about joining the volunteer ambos or firies soon. I don’t really do anything to relax aside from watch TV, but I built a chicken coop this week and that was fun. Perhaps I should join the Men’s Shed.’
‘What’s that?’
He chuckled. ‘Bunch of middle-aged and old blokes who do woodwork and welding and stuff like that together and apparently talk out their feelings. What about you? What do you do in your spare time?’
‘Well, like you, there isn’t a lot—we’re either performing somewhere or we’re on the road and lots of hobbies require storage space and stuff, so I read quite a bit.’
‘What kind of books?’ he asked, stretching his arm behind them and drawing her closer to him.
‘Mostly romance,’ she admitted, inhaling as she snuggled in.
He nudged her knee with his. ‘Hey, nothing wrong with that.’
‘I didn’t say there was,’ she retorted. Her books were like a lifeline for her—the characters became her friends and their relationships gave her what she’d never received from her own.
‘Theseromancenovels you read... are they saucy?’
‘Some of them.’ She laughed. ‘Do you read?’
‘Yeah... But mostly sport bios or farming mags; I’m sure your novels are much more educational.’
Out of the corner of her eye, Gabi saw something move in the garden. She snapped her head in the direction. ‘Oh my goodness, is that a kangaroo?’
‘Yep. That’s Roo, one of Mum’s rescues. She’s friendly. You can go pat her.’
He stood and reached for her hand. ‘Come on... I’ll introduce you.’
Roo didn’t look up from where she was munching on a plant as they approached, but when Gabi tentatively reached out to stroke the animal, she lifted her head and nuzzled into her hand.Luna would love her.‘She’s so tame. I can’t believe I can pat her.’
‘Mum treats them all better than human babies.’
Eventually Roo decided enough was enough and bounded off to the other side of the garden. ‘She’s so gorgeous.’
He pulled her against him—‘You’reso gorgeous’—and then he dipped his head and kissed her again.