Page 90 of Outback Reunion
When she’d woken up that morning, she’d been stupidly disappointed to find him gone. She’d thought she might feel awkward after their conversation last night, but instead, it felt like a weight had been lifted. She’d had the best night’s sleep in as long as she could remember.
He gestured to the makeshift washing line they’d strung up between two caravans where she was hanging up hers and Luna’s unmentionables. ‘Want any help with that?’
She snorted, then lowered her voice. ‘Are you sure you don’t just want to get your hands on my underwear?’
He smiledthatsmile. ‘It’s not your underwear I’m interested in, sweetheart.’
A warm glow spread through her at his provocative words. ‘Seriously, what are you doing here?’
Mark glanced around as Rookie tugged harder on the leash. ‘Where’s Luna? I brought her something.’
He held up a worn, obviously well-loved, red football that Gabi hadn’t even noticed until now. She’d been too busy trying not to drool at the sight of him in khaki shorts and an open-necked short-sleeved black shirt.
‘She’s in the shower, we just got back from the beach.’
At that moment, the door of their caravan flung open. ‘Rookie,’ Luna exclaimed as she burst through it, her hair sopping wet and definitely not combed through.
‘Did you wash your hair properly?’ Gabi asked, guessing she must have heard Mark and hurried.
Luna didn’t answer, instead dropping to the ground to snuggle the dog. You’d think four canines of her own would be enough, but the girl was dog-mad. Sensing they had competition, the others appeared from wherever they’d been lingering around the lot and sniffed at the new arrival.
‘How are you feeling today?’ Mark asked Luna, as he stooped to stroke Basset’s droopy ears. ‘All recovered from yesterday?’
‘Yep.’ She grinned. ‘Riding in the ambulance was awesome.’
Mark looked to Gabi, and she could tell he was trying not to laugh. ‘And you? Areyouokay?’
She nodded and gave him a warm smile.
He smiled back. ‘While I’ve got you both, I wanted to invite you to a barbecue tomorrow.’
‘At your place?’ Gabi asked.
‘No. It’s at my friends’ farm—Ryan and Grant. Grant’s a school teacher and I... I think he’s going a bit stir-crazy not working, so he’s having a few friends around and I thought Luna might like it. Heidi will be there.’
‘Can we go? Can we go? Can we go?’ asked Luna, jumping up and down, startling the other dogs before they joined in as well.
Gabi wished he hadn’t asked in front of Luna. She hated to disappoint her. ‘We have a show tomorrow night, unfortunately.’
‘It’s a lunchtime barbecue,’ Mark said, winking at Luna.
‘You sure your friend won’t mind strangers coming along?’
‘Trust me, where Grant’s concerned... it’s the more the merrier. He heard I had friends in the circus and insisted I bring you both.’
She wasn’t entirely comfortable with the thought of socialising with strangers, but any time with Mark was a bonus, and at least she’d know Stella and Adam. Besides, Lunahadbeen begging to see Heidi again. This would kill two birds with one stone. ‘Okay, then. Should I bring anything?’
‘I don’t think so,’ Mark said, ‘but speaking of bringing things...’ He held the football out to Luna. ‘I brought you this. You were so good with Jai’s yesterday that I thought you should have one of your own.’
‘Wow. Thank you!’ Luna threw her arms around Mark, her hands barely meeting at his back, before taking the ball.
He grinned. ‘You’re welcome, kiddo.’
‘Can you kick it with me?’
He glanced at the watch on his tanned wrist. Gabi liked that it was a good old-fashioned black sports watch—not a fancy ‘smart’ watch, or whatever they called them.Manly. ‘I think I can manage a few kicks.’
The basket of wet underwear abandoned, Gabi watched as Mark and Luna kicked the ball back and forth, the dogs running in and out of the action, except for Cruella who clearly thought such games beneath her.