Page 34 of Rattlin' Bones
This was too easy. Luis was far too relaxed.
“Skel!” Lacey shouted as I heard someone behind me.
I should have checked more thoroughly before I allowed my back to be vulnerable. Of course, I didn’t have much choice when I walked in. I had to ensure Lacey was safe. She was my first priority. The judge came second. If I had to choose one life, it would be hers every time.
The person behind me made the mistake of hesitating. That was their downfall. I spun and shot out the palm of my hand, chopping at the guy’s throat. I knew I hit hard enough to break his windpipe when he gasped and fell to the ground, clutching at his throat. I didn’t stick around to find out if he was suffocating. I didn’t care.
The room exploded into action. Lacey raced to her father. Luis rushed me. I heard someone else enter the penthouse.
Luis and I collided. His body hit mine, and we rolled on the ground. His plan backfired because he never counted on me. He thought he could intimidate the judge and use Lacey to force his hand. But I showed up and interrupted him.
I’d made an enemy of Luis Diego before I ever met him simply because I helped Lacey that night in the cemetery.
Luis slashed with a knife and nearly sliced off my ear. We struggled as more shouting followed—orders from the police. Luis wouldn’t relent. A bullet shot through his hand as he screamed, dropping the knife.
I kicked it away as I stood, concerned for Lacey.
“Skel!” Tears tracked down her face as she struggled to get her father’s bound limbs untied.
The judge cursed Luis Diego as one of the officers approached him, asking what happened. “He invaded my home and threatened me and my daughter. I want him arrested! Now!”
Lacey left her father as he began making a statement. She bit her lip as I approached. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Lacey.”
Luis was taken into custody. Officers led him to the elevator as he struggled, trying to fight the handcuffs slapped onto his wrists. He threatened everyone as the doors closed.
I didn’t have a doubt that he’d see the inside of a jail cell after this. Lacey and the judge were safe. The nightmare was over.
“It’s over,” she breathed with a sigh of relief. “I’m so grateful for your help. Who knows what would have happened if you didn’t come back?”
I didn’t want to think about it.
She cleared her throat. “Why did you? Come back, I mean.”
Lacey looked nervous, fidgeting with the old fraying hem of the sweatshirt I’d given her after we showered together at my place. She looked fucking good in my clothes. Too good.
It didn’t change anything from the conversation we’d had before I dropped her off. I still couldn’t have children. She would want a family. Loving each other wouldn’t be enough someday. I was a pragmatist. Ending it now would hurt a hell of a lot less than five or ten years down the line.
“I had to be sure you were okay.”
“Well,” she shrugged, “I don’t think I am.” Her teeth nibbled at her bottom lip. She was anxious.
“But you will be. I’m certain of that.” I pulled her into my arms for a hug, needing that bit of contact with her before I said the words that would cut off any chance of us being together. “You take care of yourself and the judge.”
She tensed as I released her. “That’s it?”
Fuck. The gutted expression on her face tore me apart inside.
“I’m leaving Vegas, Lacey. I won’t be coming back.”
She smacked me, and I didn’t flinch. Just let her hit me several times as a sob broke loose from her chest. Tears pooled in her pretty eyes before she turned away, refusing to let them fall in my presence.
I was a dick. I owned it.
But she didn’t know I felt every bit of her heartache, and it added to my own.