Page 48 of Grotesque Love
She leans in, as if whispering some big secret. “I think he’s the one who braided my hair and fixed my nightdress. I just wish there was a way to know for sure.”
I watch, entranced, as she weaves the flowers into some sort of chain. She’s completely absorbed in her task, talking with ease now, almost as though she’s forgotten I’m here, that I’m watching.
“I’d like to go to the beach. I love the ocean. That’s where I was heading that day on the moor. I’m starting to wonder if one of you brought me back. It was boggy and I can’t imaginehimtraipsing through the mud to carry my body back to the manor. He hates the beach.”
Her voice drops, coming out much quieter. “But my mother loved the sea. When I was younger we’d go all the time, the first hint of a sunny day at the weekend, we’d go. We’d spend all day in the water, and when I got cold and wrinkly, we’d build sandcastles and decorate them with shells… That all stopped when they got married. I think I’d feel closer to her now if I could dip my toes in the sea.”
I vow to myself to make that happen. There might not be any sun-filled days frolicking on the beach within our future, but I can show Ari the beauty of the moonlight rippling on midnight waves. Wewilltake her to the beach.
“I don’t understand it. I won’t pretend to. But I refuse to accept that last night was a dream. Maybe I’m crazy…but I don’t think I am. I feel more myself than I have in months, and I think the three of you might have something to do with that.”
Internally at least, I twitch with happiness.
“I wonder if you’ll come back. Tonight I mean. I’m thinking that you’re maybe stuck like this during the day for some reason, but at night you change…you can move more freely. So will you be back tonight? I’m not scared. I want to see you again.”
Warmth spreads through my chest at her words.
“I have questions.”
Of course she does. Last night she seemed to accept our existence with some strange scepticism, believing she’d gone crazy. Today, she knows it isn’t the case, and even though she doesn’t understand it, she’s willing to accept us as real.
She gets to her feet, holding her small circular chain of daisies in one hand, brushing grass from her dress with the other. She steps towards me and rises up onto her tiptoes to place the delicate flower crown carefully over my horns so that it rests on my head, her breasts pushing right up into my face as she does so.
Standing back to admire her handiwork, she smiles to herself, satisfied and brushes her palms together. “I guess if you can only come…out at night, I better go take a nap so that I’m ready for you.”
Then she takes me completely by surprise, leaning in once more, to place a soft, warm kiss on my stony cheek. She strokes one of my horns gently and I shiver all the way down to my toes, not that she knows it.
“I hope to see you later…Daddy Sax.”
I preen so hard that something inside snaps, and I think I feelsome of the bonds begin to break, even though it’s not midday yet. The others like to call me Daddy Sax to tease me about the way I care for them, but coming from Ari…there was no teasing in her softly murmured words…and I love it.
The shrill sound of a phone ringing wakes me from my nap and as I stretch with a yawn, Mr Danvers knocks on my door hesitantly. A moment later he pushes the door open and peeks round the corner. There’s a smudge of mud on his cheek, and his grey eyebrows look more bushy than usual.
“It’s the lord, Miss.” He frowns, thick furrows forming on his forehead.
“Oh. Thank you.” Clearing my throat, I take the phone from him.
“Is everything alright, Arianwen? Danvers says that you’ve been more…energetic lately, and that isn’t like you.” Carver’s voice sounds tense, panicked almost.
Before I can respond, he exhales with a soft chuckle. He continues, not expecting me to reply, so familiar with my silence by now. “But then again, it appears I’ve woken you and it’s only five in the evening.”
I make a small sound of agreement, unwilling to give him my words. I don’t know why I resist giving him this part of me, I can’t remember.Remember Ari.Why?All I know is that it feels like arock has lodged itself in my throat, the jagged edges grating against my raw insides when I think about speaking to this man.Man or monster?
He chuckles again. “Clearly, you’re still unwell. Stupid man, making me worry over nothing.”
I offer the groundskeeper a small forced smile as he places my pills on my bedside table and slowly retreats.
Carver’s smooth voice carries on in my ear. “Don’t worry, my dear, I’m almost finished with this pesky business in London. In only a few more days we’ll be together again.”
I swallow, trying to force myself to speak. To do something. Instead I sit in my bed, surrounded by my sheets, wearing a flimsy nightgown with sweat beading on my forehead. It doesn’t feel real. As if I’m not real.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you.” The longing sigh that comes down the line makes my stomach clench.