Page 64 of Grotesque Love
“Don’t start, Sax,” Mal growls in response.
There’s no denying what they’ve been up to. The scent of Ari’s arousal permeates the air, drowning out the smells of Jas’ cooking. Her dress is ruffled, and her hair is a mess.
“You were meant to find her and bring her for dinner,” I reply, my voice tight with my annoyance. He’s been gone a long time and it’s clear he lost sight of his mission. “Nothaveher for dinner.”
Not that I can entirely blame him.
Ari smells more alluring than any meal.
“Sorry,” Ari whispers, stepping out from behind Mal and walking straight over to Jas.
I half expected her to cower at my growl, but she surprises me once again as she ignores me, making her way right over to Jas and wrapping her arms around the tender – hearted grotesque,snuggling in against this chest. “I’m sorry we were late for dinner. That was rude when you went to so much trouble. I hope I haven’t ruined it.”
Jas purrs at her easy, open affection, beaming at me over her head. I return his smile and nod, pleased with Ari. She’s good for Jas. Good for all of us. But Mal always has to take liberties.
“It’s okay, Ari. I kept it warm for you. Shall we?”
She nods and takes her seat at the small kitchen table, pulling Jas into the seat beside her like she’s desperate to keep him close to make up for being tardy. Doesn’t she know we’d never blame her?
It’s all Mal’s fault.
I glower at him as he takes the seat opposite Ari. Placing her meal on the table before her, I take my seat and the three of us stare at her expectantly.
A soft blush coats her cheeks as she stares at the empty spaces before each of us. “Aren’t you guys joining me?”
“We don’t need to eat, little dove,” I tell her softly with a smile. “We can, but over the years it's become a habit not to.”
“But you went to so much trouble!” she gasps.
“We want to look after you,” Jas explains. He’s practically preening as she inhales the aroma of the dish and sighs contentedly, pleased with himself.
“It feels strange to eat while you all watch,” she says, rolling her bottom lip between her teeth. “But it is nice to have company. This smells amazing, Jas. Thank you.”
Doesn’t she realise that the only thing the three of us can smell right now is her?
She picks up her cutlery and cuts into the simple pork chop Jas pan fried. Placing a small piece into her mouth, she groans, her eyes falling closed in bliss. My dick hardens. Judging by the expression on Jas’ face, I’m not the only one she’s affecting.
“My god, that’s good,” she murmurs after swallowing as she lines up the next bite on her fork.
Mal leans forward, swipes it out of her hand and shoves themeat between his lips before I can stop him. My annoyance with the mischievous gargoyle grows. I grab his horn and yank him towards me, slapping him on the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for?” Mal complains around his mouthful of food. Ari’s food. My annoyance bubbles into full blown anger.
I growl at him. “Don’t steal her food. She needs it. You don’t.”
“I only wanted to see what she was making such a fuss about. Moaning and groaning like it was a damn dick or something. I don’t get it. Jas’ meat isn’tthatgood.”
Ari’s blush deepens at Mal’s innuendo, and even though it’s a sight to behold, I slap the gargoyle again for embarrassing her.
“Pack that in!” I snap. “Leave her and her food alone.”
She’s squirming uncomfortably in her seat, and as she does, she winces in pain.
My eyes narrow as my protective instincts immediately kick in.
“What’s wrong, Ari?” I demand.
“Nothing,” she replies, not meeting my gaze.