Page 66 of Grotesque Love
Ari flinches when I caress her arse and I carefully grip her hip to hold her in place. Her breathing hitches.
I squeeze more aloe onto my fingers and gently massage it into her skin, trying to soothe her discomfort. Ari winces as I apply the cool gel, her fingers tangling in the fabric of her dress.
We stand there for a moment, the tension between us palpable as I sense a tendril of unease coming from her. I want nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and hold her close. But, I know that I must maintain control because if I push her too far too quickly, we risk losing all the progress we’ve already made.
Lowering her dress back into place, my hand lingers for amoment on her waist. She looks up at me as she nibbles on her lower lip and shifts slightly.
There’s no denying the scent of her arousal is even stronger now, and I’m not sure what to make of that. Was it Mal’s punishment or my tender care that made her rub her thighs together?
The corner of my mouth pulls up into a smile as she leans into me, placing one of her small dainty hands on my chest. I don’t have the words to convey how much I care for her in this fleeting moment, so instead I savour her touch.
Mal stands by silently, his smug expression slowly fading as it becomes clear that his actions have consequences.
“You will pay for this,” I say, my tone leaving no room for debate. “If you ever lay a hand on Ari again, or any other member of this family, without my consent, I will make sure you regret it. Do I make myself clear?”
Mal’s smirk fades, replaced by a more serious expression. He nods once, his eyes never leaving mine. “Understood.”
“Daddy Sax,” Ari whispers softly, drawing my attention back to her. “I wanted it. I really did. And I…I enjoyed my punishment.”
I take her hand in mine and kiss her fingertips. “Did he at least make you feel good?”
She hesitates before answering. “Yes, he did. It hurt, but it felt good, too.”
I know she’s referring to the mix of pain and pleasure. The biting humiliation and sharpness of the impact combined with something else entirely that takes your body to another level. Mal was a master at delivering both, and yet he still needed to learn his place.
Turning to him, I narrow my eyes. “Did you make her come?”
My tone is hostile and there’s an edge there that lets my bratty little gargoyle know he’s crossed a line. I’m the leader here.
“No.” Mal meets my gaze with a cold calmness, defiant to his last. His submission would be delicious later, when he was screaming on my knot. “It was a punishment, not a reward.”
I glance down at Ari, who is twirling her hair between herfingers as she offers Mal a wry little smirk of her own. If she’s hoping he’ll punish her again later for her cheek, she’s very much mistaken. There will be no spanking until her redness has faded.
“You’re not the disciplinarian in this family,” I say, my voice firm.”If you want to play, you need to explain the rules and not mete out punishments on a whim.”
Mal nods, begrudgingly accepting my words.
“Jas? Move things and clear the table, please.” Jas does as he’s told, quickly clearing the kitchen table. “We’re going to rectify this, right now, Ari.”
Lifting Ari onto the tabletop, I’m careful not to let her sore arse hit the wood as I lay her back.
“Lie down, little dove. Jas and I are going to make you feel good.”
Jas startles at my words, looking at me in surprise. I nod at him. I won’t excludehimfrom making our girl come.
He helps Ari into position, placing her heels on the edge of the table, legs spread wide for my pleasure as the skirt of her dress gathers around her waist, then sits by her head so that he can lean in and kiss her. Running his hands through her hair, he gazes at her adoringly, purring with contentment and happiness.
Mal watches us with curiosity and lust that he’s trying to hide behind a bored petulant expression as his bottom lip sticks out. I swallow back a chuckle. My pouty little gargoyle.
“Don’t touch yourself.” I warn him with a snarl. “This is your punishment for being too rough with our dove.”
Jas’s gentle kisses turn hungry as his hands weave into my hair and I swallow down his soft moans. His touches are reverent, tender and safe but they still manage to ignite the simmering arousal coursing through my body into a full blown inferno.
Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate on the feeling of Jas’s lipsagainst mine, but the anticipation of what’s going to happen next keeps me from losing myself to the sensations fully.
Knowing that Sax and Mal are watching me, listening to our noises and knowing that Mal can’t touch me no matter how much he wants to, fuels the fire coursing through my veins.