Page 83 of Grotesque Love
My head is fuzzy as Carter helps me sit and tries to push two pills into my mouth but I let them fall off my tongue and into my lap.
Something is wrong.
These aren’t my normal pills, these are an olive green colour and oval. There’s a frantic glint in his eyes I don’t like as he picks them up.
“Come on, darling, swallow these for me,” he coaxes as he holds me upright, his fingers digging into the skin on my arm as he tries to put them back between my lips.
My eyes dart around as I try to process what’s going on. The sun hasn’t set yet, the long summer day drawing out the last vestiges of the light.
Where are my monsters? I want Sax. And Jas. And Mal.
“Later,” I try to say, my words coming out slurred.
He grunts, grabbing my face and pulling my chin down, “No, princess. Now.”
“Don’t want.” I try to shrug him off as he pushes the pills into my mouth and back into my throat but he’s too strong. “Mhft. No.”
With my jaw still in his vise-like grip, he lifts a glass of water and pours it to my mouth, forcing me to swallow.
Sputtering and coughing, I slap out at him. “Waz wrong wi…you?”
“Just be good for me,” he says, stroking my hair and placing kisses on my forehead. “You almost ruined everything, so please my love, just do this one thing for me.”
I ruined what?
My head spins, the green hues of the solarium becoming a whirlpool of colour before my eyes.
I can’t stay…
I need to…
When I finally come around again, it’s with a sudden jerk as something sharp and overpowering attacks my senses. I donotlike whatever is being held under my nose. I try to pull away but I can’t move my body.
Then it’s gone and I can breathe a little more easily.
Barely lifting my head, I keep my eyes closed as I try to work out what’s going on.
Someone is moving around near me, something wet and slushy and there’s this awful smell in the air, like earthy damp with metallic hints.
Something is rotting here.
My arms are pinned to my sides and as I shift, I realise that I’ve been bound with rope to a chair. My hands and feet are tied, too, and tugging on my bonds sends pain shooting through my shoulder.
My heart hammers, my skin is raw and I choke back a sob. I don’t want to open my eyes.
I know whatever I see is going to ruin me.
“Are you awake, love?” Carver calls, his voice echoing slightly.
Are we underground? It’s cool and dank, and somewhere in the room something is dripping. Is it water?