Page 6 of Wedded Witch
I need to stop thinking of her as a girl now that she’s my wife. Especially given the things that I want to do to her.
“It’s late,” I remark, stating the damn obvious as I struggle to come up with anything better.
“It is.”
I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I’m about to say. “Shall we retire?” My heart races as I wait for her response. I’m not suggesting we go to bed together – it’s too soon for that – but when Swyn turns to face me, her expression full of outrage, I realise how it might have sounded.
“Retire?” Swyn’s voice is sharp, her stunning eyes flashing with fiery indignation. “Do you really think that’s all this is to me? A duty to be performed and then forgotten?”
I flinch at her words, the unintended implication hanging heavy between us. “No, Swyn, that’s not what I meant at all,” I rush to explain, a surge of guilt twisting in my gut. “I just thought...”
“You just thought what?” she interrupts, her tone challenging. My dick hardens at the fierce expression on her face. “That I would meekly follow you to bed like a lamb to the slaughter? That I have no say in any of this?”
Her words cut through me like a knife, a stark reminder of the assumptions I had made about her.
“I apologise, Swyn,” I say earnestly, taking a step closer to her and willing my dick to deflate. “I didn’t mean to belittle you or our situation. This is as new and daunting to me as it is to you. I simply meant for us to go to bed – our own separate beds – and then we can begin getting to know one another tomorrow.”
Swyn studies me for a long moment, her expression softening slightly as she sees the sincerity in my eyes. “I...I’msorry too,” she murmurs, a hint of vulnerability and regret creeping into her voice. “This is all so overwhelming. It’s like I’m being pulled in a hundred different directions.”
“I know,” I reply gently, reaching out to place a hesitant hand on her shoulder. Again, bolts of electricity shoot through me where our skin meets. Does she feel it too? “But we’re in this together, lucky charm. We’ll figure it out as we go along.”
She startles, then looks up at me, her eyes searching mine…is she looking for reassurance?
“What did you call me?”
“Lucky charm? Sorry, don’t you like it? It just felt right, given your name…”
She stares at me a beat too long and I’m wondering if I should apologise again when she suddenly shakes her head and asks, “Promise?”
What am I promising again? With her staring at me like that, I can barely remember my own name…
“Promise,” I affirm, offering her a small but genuine smile and meaning my vow. Oh yes, that was it, we’re in this together. I meant every word. This woman will have all of my vows and promises from now on. “And, I did something which I thought might help, but now I’m having second thoughts.”
“What did you do?” She sounds wary and I can’t say I blame her after my previous blunder.
I give her a sheepish smile. “I booked a honeymoon for us. With separate beds,” I quickly add. “I just thought getting acquainted with one another might be a little easier away from the eager eyes of our families. But I realise now this is something I should have waited and discussed with you.”
“No, no, it’s fine…that’s actually a really thoughtful thing to do. Thank you.” The smile she offers me is tentative, and…hopeful?
“Call it a wedding gift.”
She bites her lip and I have to keep from groaning. “I, umm, didn’t get you a gift.”
“That’s quite alright,” I reply with a chuckle. “I’d say agreeing to marry me is a gift enough, wouldn’t you?”
Swyn’s lips twitch into a smile, the tension between us easing slightly. “Fair point,” she concedes with a light, musical laugh. “I am pretty awesome.”
We share a look and time seems to hang in limbo, waiting for one of us to make a move.
Seconds, maybe minutes, pass as I gaze at her, getting lost in her violet eyes and imagining a future filled with love and laughter. Eventually I shake myself out of it and step forward, pulling her into my arms, where she justfitsas if she was made for me.
Holding her in my arms feels so right. So perfect. Like it was meant to be. And after a moment she relaxes into me, as if also sensing how perfect a fit we are.
Maybe she does feel it. Maybe she knows she’s mine. Or maybe she doesn’t yet…but she will.
“Umm,” she sighs. “You smell so good.”