Page 38 of Facet
Someone whispered, “Meow!”
I grinned. “Yep.”
Voodoo gave Kira a kiss, and Zaka got a scratch behind the ears. Sasha then butted her head in for her share of lovings. Of course, Willow had to spoil them too. Then Voodoo and Squirrel followed us to the door.
Willow waved goodbye to everyone still chilling at the bar and we went outside.
We all got our gear on, and our bikes rumbled to life.
Once she was settled in the seat behind me, I reached back and cupped her pussy over her jeans. Even over the sound of my motor, I could hear her laughter before she started to rub onto my palm. Fuck, I could feel the heat from her through her clothes. I squeezed, then returned my hands to my grips.
“Two can play at that game,” she shouted over my shoulder right before she smashed her tits against my back, reached around, and held my junk with both hands.
Instant boner.
Voodoo and Squirrel were pulling duty at Royal Heaven, so we ran slop behind them as we pulled out of the clubhouse driveway and onto the highway. The three of us hit the throttle and we were roaring down the asphalt.
Falling In Reversescreamed through my sound system and I tapped out the beat against her shapely calf. When she hugged me around my waist, I pressed my hand over her arms, holding her close to me for a moment. At seventy-five miles an hour, it was the best I could do to hug her back.
Voodoo tapped the top of his helmet a few times, signaling law enforcement was ahead, and we all slowed down a bit. The Deputy Sheriff gave a long assessing look as we passed, but thankfully didn’t follow.
Before I was ready for the ride to end, we were pulling into the lot and backing into our reserved spots to the side of the doors.
Bo was busy ensuring everything was stocked at the bar and he waved at us as we came in. Willow went to go change and I watched her denim-clad ass sway as she walked away. I bit my knuckles as I groaned.
“You are so fucking pussy-whipped,” Squirrel chortled. I whacked him in the chest with the back of my hand. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out to see who it was. Seeing the number for our tattoo shop, I answered.
“Hey, bro, I’ve got a problem,” Chains immediately said as I heard a bunch of rustling.
“What’s up?”
“When I got back from lunch there was an issue with the security system. It seems to be glitching. It was shut off when I know I set it. But nothing seemed to be tampered with and nothing was missing. Then I noticed half the cameras aren’t working. Not sure if it’s a bad circuit or what,” he explained.
“I’m on my way,” I told him. It sounded like an easy fix.
We ended the call, and I went in search of my girl. She was in the back room where the dancers usually changed. None of them were there that early, so I closed and locked the door. Then I enjoyed the show of Willow stripping out of her jeans. As she was bent over getting the tight legs over her feet, I grinned at the way her red thong exposed her perfect ass cheeks to me.
“Now that’s one helluva sight,” I murmured with a whistle.
Still bent over, struggling with the pant leg, she turned her head to smirk at me. “Well, thank you, but do you think you can help me with this?”
“Help get you out of your pants? Hell yes, I can help.” As I approached, I grinned ear to ear.
“Har har. Very funny,” she shot back as if she thought I was joking.
“Sit in the chair.”
She started to wobble with her legs stuck, so I held her arm to assist her. I’m a gentleman like that. I dropped to a crouch at her feet that were still trapped in the tight ankles of the stretchy denim and spread her knees.
“Damien,” she said in warning, but with her tone breathless, it wasn’t super convincing.
“What?” I innocently cocked a brow, all the while, my palms slid up her inner thighs until they spanned her hips. Using my thumbs, I softly stroked the sensitive crease at the tops of her legs. With each stroke, I got closer to the goods.
Her chest rose and fell faster as her eyes darkened to evergreen. When I dipped them under the lace edges of her panties to tease her pussy, a gaspy little moan fell from her parted lips. She was stunning. Head slightly thrown back, eyes heavy-lidded with lust, she stared down at me. More than stunning, she was a goddess—sent from heaven to tempt me and bend me to her whims. All I wanted to do was make her feel good. Every minute of every day.
“I have to run over to the tattoo shop. They’re having issues with the cameras and shit,” I explained, all while slipping a finger into her tight, wet heat.
“Uh huh.”