Page 6 of Facet
“Oh!” All heads in our group swiveled when we heard Willow’s little squeak.
I groaned.Just fucking great.
“Um, I, uh, can come back,” she stammered, and her cheeks went rosy.
“No. Let’s go,” I told her as I got to my feet and tossed some cash on the bar for a tip. Then I shot a glare at my brothers and headed for the door. Willow was on my heels and Ghost was behind her. Chains and Sabre laughed so loud it carried over the heart-thumping bass of the current song playing as one of the dancers started her set.
Bursting into the cool night air, I blew out a frustrated breath.
Ghost handed Willow her helmet from his bike, and she quickly strapped it on and waited.
Taking in her clothes, I gave her a once over. “Don’t you have a jacket?”
She winced. “It was nice when we left this afternoon. I didn’t think to grab one.”
“You should always wear one,” I muttered. The thought of her going down and not being adequately protected made me physically ill. At least she’d changed back into a pair of jeans.
She chewed on her lip and her face went red. Then she surprised me. Her spine went rigid. “I can get an Uber. You don’t have to take me if you don’t want to.”
“It would take forever for one to get here at this time of night, and it would cost a fortune to have one take you all the way to the clubhouse.” I took my cut off and laid it across my seat long enough to slip out of my jacket, then put my cut back on. “Put this on.”
She snatched my jacket from my hand with a glare that I hated to admit I liked better than when she was timid. I knew there was a spitfire inside her, and though it was torture, I loved bringing that side of her to the surface. As she slipped her arms into my jacket, I shook those thoughts off.
It wasn’t fair that I was being a dick to her, but if I didn’t, I would give her the wrong idea.
And I would give myself hope—something I couldn’t do.
I jerked my helmet on and threw my leg over my bike to stand it up and start it. Ghost did the same thing, but I could see him trying not to smile.
The second her hand rested on my shoulder so she could climb on, I tensed. The heat of her touch scorched me through my shirt. I prayed to the gods above that I had the strength to endure the proximity of her tight little body curled around mine all the way home.
As we pulled out of the lot, I knew one thing for certain.
It was going to be a long ride.
The second I pushed my arms into the warmth of Facet’s jacket, I wanted to die. It smelled like smoke, oil, leather, and that crisp sexy hint of his cologne I loved so much.
It didn’t happen very often—I could count on one hand—but when I rode on the back of Facet’s bike, it was like… heaven. Other than the fact that he was gorgeous, I couldn’t say why I was drawn to the club’s broody computer nerd. Whatever pheromonal mojo he had going on, but I was like a moth to his flame. It had been like that since the first time I met him.
When I rested my hand on his shoulder to get on his bike, a shock jolted me, and I did my best to appear completely unaffected.
What a crock.
The man set my entire world on end, and that was saying something since my life had become one big lie six years ago.
“Ready?” he called back to me.
I nodded.
My arms wrapped around his waist, and my heart raced. As we drove down the road, the wind rushed past, and exhilaration raced through my veins. Not just from the two wheels eating up the asphalt but from the firm planes of the man I clung to.
“I know I’m stupid, but I’m so in love with you, I’m practically certifiable,” I said, knowing he couldn’t hear a word I was saying. “I wish I could tell you this when you could hear me, but I don’t dare. I have no clue what I’ve done to make you hate me, but it kills me a little every day.”
Ghost broke off from us with a wave as we passed the neighborhood where he and several of the other members had houses. Facet and I continued a few miles up the highway before turning off on the driveway that led to the clubhouse. From what I’d gathered, it was originally a huge metal building that had once housed massive farm equipment before Hawk had inherited the property and they converted it.