Page 26 of The Art of Us
“Yeah. Just a little sick. I think I’m coming down with something.”
“Oh. Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Absolutely. You would be the first to know.” He hurried out then like he was embarrassed.
The first to know?
She grinned all over again. If he thought of her enough that she would be the first to know if something was wrong, then surely he liked her as much as she liked him. She rubbed her cheek. Who knew smile muscles could hurt?
And the next few days continued like that. Whatever funk Kal had been in must have righted itself because by Friday, he’d seemed to shake it off.
Mr. Wasden reiterated the invitation for the class to share their talents and to spread positivity in the student body. In the morning announcements that day, the principal had repeated the rules of the mural, explaining that she didn’t want to hearthat any one of her students had done anything hateful or crude. There had already been a couple of instances of having to paint over someone’s crude depictions. Ireland had no idea how those images had shown up without anyone seeing who’d made them and realized it was impossible to underestimate idiots. Mr. Wasden had been the one to clean up the deviant art. “Be the people I know you are,” the principal had said.
People were talking about the mural in her art class, pointing out things they had added to it, when Wasden approached her.
“Any chance you can stay a few minutes after school to talk when you’re done putting things away?” he asked.
“Sure.” She shrugged. She was already staying. What difference did a few more minutes make? And where did she have to go, anyway?
Throughout the day, Ireland couldn’t stop herself from walking past the art room and peeking in to look. She wanted to witness all the ways that the mural was changing. It felt like it was something living. Every time she walked past it, it had taken a new breath. She felt a fulfillment she’d never known before in having been a part of the mural project.
At the end of the school day, she sought out Kal before going to Mr. Wasden’s classroom. She wanted to make sure that they were still on for Geppetto’s later that night. It was more than just the food for her now. It was him. His music. His voice lulling her into a place of joy and peace. The food was vital too, obviously, but more important was her being with him. That was a hunger that no number of calories could fill. He had asked her to meet him on an official date and had even offered to pick her up, but she had declined, saying she’d meet him there.
Ireland found Kal in the art room, which was a good thing since she was pretty sure she could count on him to help her clean up.
“It’s pretty great, isn’t it?” she asked. He jumped at her voice as if he’d been caught doing something terrible. She wouldn’t havethought too much about that, except for the fact that when he looked at her, he appeared guilty. She narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”
He blinked several times before answering. Ireland knew from dealing with people who lied consistently that everybody had atellthat they revealed right before the moment they were about to say something untrue. Her dad’s tell had been licking his lips. Was Kal’s tell rapid blinking?
“What makes you think I’m up to something?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the way you look like somebody about to steal the candy jar the principal keeps in her desk.”
“Well, obviously. Shedoeskeep some pretty good candy in there, so, you know ...” His gaze finally met hers fully.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been given the opportunity to partake from the illustrious principal candy jar. I’ve only heard rumors.”
Kal leaned on the table of art supplies, which Ireland thought was pretty brave since it had spilled color splotching the butcher paper in more than a few places. “I think she’s in the cafeteria right now. We could sneak in and just ...”
“So you reallywerethinking about pulling a candy jar heist. I’m in. I’ll be the lookout.”
Kal had visibly relaxed as they talked. Ireland all but melted with gushy happiness at the thought that she could help alleviate some of the stress of whatever it was that bothered him. She loved it when his dimples carved twin canyons in his cheeks. She loved it best when it happened because of something she did or said.
More, there was a very real possibility that she just loved Kal.
Where had that thought come from?
Now she was the one blinking rapidly. But instead of her blinking as a tell for some lie she was about to blurt out, Irelandfelt certain her blinking stemmed from a truth that had been revealed to her.
Sure, she knew she didn’t feel the type of love that required declarations of commitment or anything like that. Her feelings were a step off the path of just liking somebody and onto the path of truly caring for them. Was she staring at him as she battled these thoughts in her head? Yes. Could he feel the heat in her gaze? Her face certainly felt hot to her, but could he see the shift in her? Maybe. But then, Kal was looking at her in the same way that she looked at him. She was sure of it.
His eyes held an intensity that had never been there before as he leaned closer. As if pulled by his gravity, she leaned as well. She tilted her head up. His eyes dropped down to her mouth. Was that her heart beating so fast that it sounded like drumming in her ears? Or was that his? Ireland didn’t know. She didn’t know anything except that she was about to have her first kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed in anticipation of the moment of contact. But the feel of his lips on hers never came.
She snapped her eyes open and found that Kal no longer leaned toward her. He cleared his throat, a blush darkening his cheeks. “Tonight? Geppetto’s? You’ll be there?”
Ireland swallowed hard against the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. She tried to speak, but no sound came out, so she merely nodded.
Kal’s smile was softer than it had been earlier. It was filled with ... what? Love, maybe? Anticipation? Definitely promise. He was promising that they’d continue this little conversation later. Ireland felt a smile crawl across her lips. “Definitely. I wouldn’t miss it.”